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La Strada - bed disaster......


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    Sorry about multiple postings PC is playing up.


What a scary experience! In the wee hours my daughter and her husband in their new Trento suddenly came crashing down!  Its a drop down A Class style bed and very comfortable but apparently as he is quite a big chap and she is small the uneven distribution managed to defeat the side anchorage points and the whole thing collapsed. Their two small children were asleep below but thank God ( and I mean that!) they were not hurt and fact the littlest didn't even wake up!  Anyway they were coming home the next day and travelled via their dealer Elite Motorhomes who have been really supportive and understanding!  The bed has been removed and they are now in touch with La Strada to obtain a new bed - it was wrecked - and to suggest slightly wider anchorage oints at each side. Measurements taken show that there was insufficient purchase on the sides and this engineering shortcoming needs to be addressed - in fact it could lead to a recall.  No problem with the dealer they have been exemplary but we wait to see how La Strada react. German engineering is usually so thorough it is really surprising so we wait with interest their reaction.


Not a nice thing to happen though eh??     David


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German engineering has a reputation for thoroughness (though whether this is deserved is debateable in my view), but the designers of German-built motorhomes can be as bloody-minded as the rest of the breed. I seem to recall that Hymer's Exsis - the original dumpy one - had a roof-mounted bed with questionable integrity to catch out the unwary.
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Hi Derek, I have had an Exsis for coming up 3 years and have never noticed that my bed is anything other than over-engineered! I am 6ft 3 and 16st plus the wife at what ever she is! (ladies perogative) Just spent a fortnight away in the SE of France with no problems apart from a 120km/h side gust from the mistral lifting the small bathroom vent off its fittings on the coast rd to Narbonne last week - now I do admit that the Exsis is a bit of a handful in such conditions - we had to pull over to effect temp repairs and sit face on into the wind for nearly 3 hrs - and we weren't alone! Saw some brave German chaps on their BMW bikes who just seemed to shrug it off as a minor inconvenience to their progress; we've looked at a La Strada - a Nova with the fixed bed, but even the Nova M with the fold down bed seemed fairly robust. Perhaps things aren't the same since the Baumgartners sold out to the multi national that now owns them...
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  • 2 weeks later...

Good outcome.....

The bed has been completely replaced by La Strada; once they were in touch with the Company itself things really happened.  First offer was for a short holiday in Germany near the factory whilst they fixed it!  That was not possible ( Passports not current etc.) so instead La Strada sent an engineer over to the dealer's (complete with bed and re-engineered fittings) and installed it complete.  Job done! Other than a bit of messing about waiting for communication chains to connect they have in fact received good service. The La Strada Club was also extremely supportive - I am convinced that Manufacturers do listen to us when we speak with a combined voice.  Thats one of the values of Forums like these...  David

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