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can anyone recommend any of the campsites in Budapest? Dont need luxury, but as we are not taking our bikes, and can't even pronounce hungarian much less speak any!, we would like to be as central as is feasible.

I see our favourite mag (mmm) is covering tunisia/libya next issue. interesting.

as i need another trip to morocco (missed a lot last trip), any thoughts on the feasibility of travelling morocco-tunisia-libya. or is algeria just too big a blot on the landscape?? (?)


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Can't help with Budapest, but Algeria is no longer a total 'no-go' area.


Visit the FCO website www.fco.gov.uk and you'll find it's not listed with either a red or yellow warning. For more detailed info, look at their specific adive on Algeria.


Mel E


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Yes in May 2005.


When we stayed there it was a bit chaotic. The owner was ill so the family had taken it on. In holiday season the grandchildren were running it but outside of this it was the son-in-law who had other demands on his time. It may well be back to normal now.


You might like to check this - http://www.talkingcities.co.uk/budapest_hotels/lodging_camping.htm






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