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Pioneer Avic Sat Nav


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Does anyone have this system . we seem to be having another problem with this as well . If you are driving along and want to change your mind and cancel the route it will not give you all the options on screen .


So you cancel the route say from Brittany to the Vendee and change your mind you may want to set it say from Britanny to Hornfluer . As soon as you hit the cancel button the only thing that comes up on screen is the HOME option all the other keys are blank it wnt allow you to cancel the route . We have resoted to pulling over taking the face off to try to get it to reset !Killing the engine all to no avail except when it feels like it.


it is getting to be a pain all this money and you cant just change the route without all this killing it off and resetting it . has anyone the same problem or would anyone know what it is we need to do.



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I have looked at the innstructions till I,m blue in the face I cannot see a thing on how to correct it .. And the only thing it does say is it's a pioneer Avic system it cost a small fortune with the dish & the pace box but as you know for us its a must with the kids . Hence why we paid so much money £2500 we wanted all singing and dancing for the days when we can't get O&A..will keep reading see if I can find out what system it is or model number..Thanks for the offer it is so bloody silly and it is so infuriating having to pull over to reset the thing and thats if IT feels like it.

Sometimes it doesn't matter what you do it will reset itself when it feels like it.


Its an Avic X1R just found it

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I've got a Tomtom and I know all systems are different, but do you need to 'cancel' the route?


On Tomtom, say you've set it to go to 'A' and you change your mind, you just tap the screen and tap 'navigate to' and enter your new destination say 'B' and it will automatically re-route you. You don't need 'cancel' the original route.

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'Chelle, Have same piece of kit, and it works just fine for me, apart from not getting radio 5 when in Spain ?

The settings are so many and varied that you have to play around with the touch screen to find out what it can do, and sometimes it takes a few trys to lock onto your wants. The back button is very useful, but don't forget the OK one as well.

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We have the same sat nav fitted and it works a treat. I do recall being told that you have to be stationary when keying in a route so perhaps this is the cause of your problem. A tip for owners of this system, we wanted to upgrade the system DVD to the latest issue, it now comes on 2 discs. UK price was about £250, we looked on E-Bay and bought a set from a guy in Germany which cost us £46 inc postage, they work perfectly.
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