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The Rhine in July - places to stay


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Hello chaps,

Over the last few months we have collected lots of information on staying in Germany and in particular the use of Stellplatz.

We will be taking our motorhome abroad for the first time in July and have got cold feet a bit about where to stay.  I think for our first trip we will investigate some Stellplatz but would like to chill out a bit on a proper site.

We are therefore after some advice about sites in the areas below:-

Leg 1: Gutersloh south to Frankfurt (probably via Bad Berleburg in the nature park)

Leg 2: Frankfurt to Koblenz (via Mainz, Bingen, St Goar and Boppard - in other words following the Rhine).

The two main areas we'd like to explore would be Frankfurt/Mainz and Koblenz with the odd night along the route above.

I know there are some people here who know this area so I'm hoping to tap into other people's experiences.  Many thanks in anticipation.


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Hi W2G

We regularly use this route on our way further south. There are many sites along both sides of the Rhine that you could use. We generally use the Camping Platz Rudesheim. It can get a bit busy during the "High Season", but still a very good site. From here it's just a 10 min walk into the famous town of Rudesheim alongside the Rhine.Don't be put off by the fact that trains run through the town during the day. Nothing during the night. The site is next to a swimming pool - Asbach Bad -. Then you have the famous "Drosslegasser" street, and also you can tour the Brandy making company - ASBACH. Enjoy the views of the Rhine and watch the cruise ships whilst drinking the famous Rudesheimer Coffee.

We -being in the North - cross over from Hull to Rotterdam, then journey into Germany. We cross the Rhine around Bonn, then take the A 42 all the way into Rudesheim. We find this route more scenic than using the A 9 as there are small villages to stop en-route. We have stayed on the A9 as far as St Goar, then crossed over by ferry onto the A42 to go to Rudesheim. You can alternatively stay on th A9 until BINGEN then cross on the ferry into Rudesheim.

Hope this helps, we will be doing this journey soon ourselves, as we head into Bavaria and the Almuhltal natur park region in our new van.

I've also done a little guide that the missus reads out to me - about the castles - on this route, which you can have a copy of if you so wish.  

Hope this gives you an idea, and if I can be of further help, then please contact me.


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Hi W2G again!!

Just had a thought!!, this year there are numerous festivals on the Rhien river, mainly fireworks displays - "Rhine on Fire" - where you can take a cruise on a day boat and watch all the fireworks being set off by each vilaage/town on the Rhien. This festival is normally held at a different tim of year, but this year - to encourage tourism, the're putting in a " All year Round Show".

May be worth while going on the wibbly wobbly web to see what's happening. We've booked a mini cruise on a boat to see some of the "Fireworks" in late August!!

Have fun!!


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Thai Bry - 2007-06-10 5:03 PM

Hi W2G again!!

Just had a thought!!, this year there are numerous festivals on the Rhien river, mainly fireworks displays - "Rhine on Fire" - where you can take a cruise on a day boat and watch all the fireworks being set off by each vilaage/town on the Rhien. This festival is normally held at a different tim of year, but this year - to encourage tourism, the're putting in a " All year Round Show".

May be worth while going on the wibbly wobbly web to see what's happening. We've booked a mini cruise on a boat to see some of the "Fireworks" in late August!!

Have fun!!


Hmmm, we've been promising ourselves a trip to see this but always seem to miss it.  I must say we're looking forward to camping in Germany again but this time in a motorhome . . . . hmmm can't wait.

Many thanks for the feedback and the ideas ;-)

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