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grocer jack

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Here's what may seem a dumb question, but give it some thought before you ignore it. If you're a full timer how do you spend your day?

We plan to full time from January and have been gathering information for the last couple of months. We know what 'van we want, Hymer B644 circa 1993, we're slowly getting rid of the "STUFF" that one accumulates over the years, and we think we have answers to most of the other questions we have. But this one's a puzzler. Obviously, some time is spent travelling, but when we finally pitch up somewhere for a few days or weeks, what to do. Some time will be spent shopping, washing and on those other daily chores, but after that ,what? We will carry a small scooter/motorbike and maybe a couple of bicycles so we can get around without the 'van. We will be on a tight(ish) budget so won't be visiting every "attraction" that's available and, anyway, somedays it will p*ss with rain. So, any ideas/ strategies for passing the time would be welcome. 8-)

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Reading is always a good standby and rather than cart lots of books around you can always find a second hand bookshop or charity shop.

Get some waterproofs and walk in the rain. Can be a laugh!

Get an MP3 and load it with your favourite music.

Get a portable DVD player and a digital radio.

Or maybe just sit and have a chuckle at the rest of us wishing we were doing what you're doing while we run around like headless chickens trying to fit our camping in around work!

Whatever you end up doing, just enjoy it and think of us jealous wage slaves once in a while!





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It may seem a strange thing to mention, but you have probably worked hard all your life, and may relish the thought of just doing what you want to do, but there may well come a time when you may fancy doing a spare time job somewhere, were ever you decide to stop for a few weeks. Nothing challenging and more for interest than the money aspect, though that can always come in handy. I would not dream of mentioning the black economy, but you get my drift. Whatever you feel happy with. Good Luck. chas
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I was reading a thread on one of the other sites today regarding full timing and for some it appears that it may not be quiet what they had envisaged and while i can't comment on there exact reasons it did seem that for some people the idea is a lot better than the reality ? as i would think that I would get bored after perhaps 6 to 9 months especially during the winter, as i really wouldn't know what to do with myself as you can only read so many books, complete so many jigsaws, play so much music, and only so much that you can talk to your neighbors about ?and being cooped up in such a small area would drive me madder than I already am.


Sorry to be so negative but you asked us to think about it before we commented.


However, I really do wish you well and hope it all works out as you planned



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You said think before replying, or words to that effect, so I have!  What I have thought is this.  If you don't yet know what you are going to do bar the domestic chores, you don't really know why you're going to do this! 

I think you already know this, which is why you've asked the question!  I think the idea of spending all your time travelling and being free of day to day pressures and trivia has got the better of your judgement - for the time being. 

What I think you really need to do now, is to start asking yourselves just that question: what are we really interested in, and how can we best pursue that interest? 

If the answer is gardening, full timing is unlikely to satisfy! 

If the answer is sitting on beaches, there are thousands to choose from, but there is a high probability they'll all start to look the same after a while, so the novelty will pall after a few weeks. 

If the answer is history, art, architecture, culture, languages, you could be going for years!  Why not have a look at Magbaz travels?  Fascinating website run by a couple of MMM consultants who get all over Europe, and write about their travels. 

In short, I think what you have at present is a bit like the millennium dome.  An idea, but with no purpose!  Unlike with the dome, though, I'll bet you soon come up with some decent purposes!

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If you really mean what you say then I would suggest you have a problem!


Sounds like you're a Grocer, then start writing the history of either your own business or the one you worked for.


Then there's your own family history. Write about everyone who visited your shop and all the oddities they were all like.


Open all Hours is a wonderful starter. Tell all about the rounds you did and the people you met.


You realise there's a book here don't you !!!!!



You don't say what age you are...........


B****y Hell man you got the world at your feet, there's a million things to do.


Stop reading the newspaper is number one, that'll send you down the road to ruin.


You leave me almost speachless !!!!!!!!!! GONE !!!!!!!




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I could'nt resist coming back with a few titles for you


"A slice of ham with Rosie the sales assistant" by Grocer Jack


"The secret life of a vegetable roundsman" by Grocer Jack


"Confessions of a village delivery man" by Grocer Jack


"Global warming behind the bread counter” by Grocer Jack


“Mysterious deliveries to The Big House” by Grocer Jack


“Behind the bacon counter” by Grocer Jack


But we all wonder were you really a grocer? I worked in one for 2 years as a delivery boy riding an old bike to elderly biddies in equaly elderly houses.


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When we were forced to take early retirement due to health problems we thought that we would have a lot of time on our hands and would be bored stiff. - How wrong can one be.


We have travelled all over Europe in the last 11 years and still have lots to see. We have met many interesting and some not so interesting people and never run out of things to talk about and learn from our and their experiences.


We spend a good deal of the winter in warmer climes and take with us a good supply of books a t.v. and satellite equipment also DVDs (recently replaced with an Archos) and music. We also carry a keyboard so I can practice playing. A camera is also a must so you can look back on the memories of all the places you have visited and remember all the folk you have met. whilst your at it add a laptop so you can download the pics and keep in touch.


Come to think of it we have met lots of people who have had all sorts of uses for a computer in the 'van - depends on what your interests are as most of them can be catered for. We even know a guy who has been a life long jigsaw puzzle addict. As he can't carry enough jigsaws for the whole winter he has a programme on his laptop which turns his photos into jigsaws which he can re assemble on the computer.


Whatever you decide to do I hope you enjoy it.


Be lucky!

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Hello Robert,

If you have to ask this question I feel you are not ready for the experience. Some people in the past have made v.expensive mistakes. Try it out with your partner first in a hired 'wagon'. A surprising number of couples find that the major investment is a grave mistake and find being cooped up in close proximity unbearable. Hiring for a couple weeks is no cheap experience in this day and age but it must be done before you address further plans.

Whatever you do, good luck


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Thanks for the responses.

We're not so naive as the question may have made us seem and had already thought of most of the ideas mentioned. I've a guitar to learn to play, the "other half" has a passion to paint. We are both avid readers and love walking, wildlife, photography. We will bike ride when I teach her how. Taking a scooter will enable us to get around wherever we stay, and, yes, we do intend to do some work from time to time, but NOT in the first year as that's a holiday year which we need after a lifetime working for other people.

Our curiosity was as much to see whether we had missed anything as a plea for help.

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Take up a musical instrument. Guitar. Accordian. Flute and many more, they're all small and easy to fit into the M/H


Can it be arranged that I have some of your spare time. I have 5 years occupational interest ahead of me and its been like that for the past 20 years. I'm almost 80 now and loving every damned moment of it.


The facts are young man its as sure as the sky is blue that if you don't get organised you'll not see another year !!!!!!!!!


And your good lady would'nt like that.


Look seriously at why females live longer.




Apologies for the rant but living is serious stuff

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Dear John Keats

The tag "Grocer Jack" comes from the days (many years ago) when I had a CB radio. I needed a handle, worked for a grocer (Sainsburys) and the song "Excerpt from a teenage opera" was fairly current so Grocer Jack seemed a good choice. Read my other contribution to this thread to clarify what I was asking for.

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Hi Grocer Jack


Thought it would cast a little light hearted humour and add a bit of colour to a mainly serious and technical forum but no one joined in which I thought a pity for life itself is one big puzzle.


Its welcome of you not to be annoyed anyway.


Life is for living and its great if you ignore all media hype that's set up to annoy you and sell papers


Have fun whatever you do. I did read the thread of the message and the replies.


I'll let you into a secret, I aim to live to 120 !!



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Guest peter
I hope you make it John. Better than curling up with the carpet slippers and Horlicks brigade. You have to keep busy and have interests, It's what makes it worthwhile getting up in the morning.
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