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eurotunnel/sat nav


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It can get you to the entrance for the Tunnel complex from the M20 but then you have to follow their signs, so sat/nav is of no use.


All the booking in is automated with touch screen so remember to take your booking ref number and the credit card you used to pay for the crossing.


Have a good trip. Watch the speed- 1km over and an automatic 90 Euro fine if caught. You may be able to set your sat/nav to Km instead of statute miles. I found this very useful when over in France recently.

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What is it with everyone and 'Sat Nav'? We tour europe to the tune of circa 6,000 miles per annum over three different holiday periods and have done so since 1997. I have never felt the need for a 'Sat Nav' device and use just a good map and a console mounted compass. We have never been lost, driven up a railway line or into a canal or the 'wrong' way down a 'sans unique'!. However, I always had a reputation as a 'dinosaur' but do not forget dinosaurs ruled the earth for millions of years!!

Happy touring, Mike & Cherry.


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What's your point Mike? I've driven all round the Uk in a variety of vehicles from a moped up to 7.5 Tonne trucks, mostly without sat nav but now I've used one I know what I was missing out on. It just makes life easier and as Mel B said on another thread when you're driving on roads you don't know it helps to be able to glance at the nav screen and see what kind of bends and junctions are coming up. If you don't want one then that's fine but don't condemn those that do use them, please.



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Mike Parke - 2007-06-14 3:43 PM


However, I always had a reputation as a 'dinosaur' but do not forget dinosaurs ruled the earth for millions of years!!

Happy touring, Mike & Cherry.


I thought they ROAMED the earth for millions of years ... because they couldn't work a Sat Nav with their little brains and short stubby arms!!! :D

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Mel B - 2007-06-14 9:30 PM


Mike Parke - 2007-06-14 3:43 PM


However, I always had a reputation as a 'dinosaur' but do not forget dinosaurs ruled the earth for millions of years!!

Happy touring, Mike & Cherry.


I thought they ROAMED the earth for millions of years ... because they couldn't work a Sat Nav with their little brains and short stubby arms!!! :D

dont forget because dinosaurs wouldnt change & evolve they are no longer here today. i to have driven thousands of miles around europe & half the fun of the journey is planning a route on a map (we use 1 big fold out map rather than atlas).but since gettin sat nav it it a lot easier (lol)

ps either system you use we have found over the years (and many wars :$) it is betterto take alternative routes than to get lost ;-)

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Well i was certainly converted to Sat Nav when i couldnt find my camper in Belguim now i use Home and it takes my bike back to the door every time.

Havent seen many maps with petrol stations on them Sat nav has with a press of a button. I also navigate straight to the camp site gates.

Yes I do use map but for the correct spelling of the next destination if you type rubbish in you get lost same with a map.




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I take everyones comments fairly but it seems to me the world is so hooked on technology these day that , making life easier or not, every one must have the latest 'gizmo'. I do not have a mobile telephone as there is no requirement for me to have. I agree that they are 'very useful' but have you seen how many people still have one hand up to their ear when driving!

Regards, Mike

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JohnP - 2007-06-15 8:42 PM


I use a map to plan a route but the Sat/nav is invaluable when you are one your own and my cat cann't map read!


I have a satnav for a similar reason - all I get from me two pooches is 'are we nearly there yet?'!


Seriously though when travelling alone there is also a certain amount of vulnerability if you have to stop and ask directions.


Couple of years ago, trying to find an address in London, I couldn't find anyone who spoke English!

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Mike Parke - 2007-06-16 2:16 AM


I take everyones comments fairly but it seems to me the world is so hooked on technology these day that , making life easier or not, every one must have the latest 'gizmo'. I do not have a mobile telephone as there is no requirement for me to have. I agree that they are 'very useful' but have you seen how many people still have one hand up to their ear when driving!

Regards, Mike


But if "the latest gizmo" makes life easier why not utilize it. You might not have the need for a mobile phone but I do. I too am irritated by the number of drivers I see using hand held phones but that doesn't make the phone wrong, its the drivers who are wrong. What is your point please?



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Guest JudgeMental


a bit late for poppy this time. but just noticed with my Garmin, although not that easy to identify Eurotunnel - if I put in a European address it takes me there via the tunnel...


problem solved :-D

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Guest caraprof
Mike Parke - 2007-06-16 2:16 AM I take everyones comments fairly but it seems to me the world is so hooked on technology these day that , making life easier or not, every one must have the latest 'gizmo'. I do not have a mobile telephone as there is no requirement for me to have. I agree that they are 'very useful' but have you seen how many people still have one hand up to their ear when driving! Regards, Mike

I agree, people who need all this latest technology are sad. By the way, in the evening when you park up, what do you do with the horse that pulls your caravan? Do you tether it by the verge or find a nearby field?

I presume off course that you are not using this latest awful contraption, the internal combustion engine. No one should need one of those. Dobbin and I have been touring Europe, circa 6000 miles a year without any problems whatsoever.

As for those awful mobile phones, one of my chums was like you and refused to have one. Unfortunately he's dead now as he had a heart attack whilst driving. He managed to pull into a layby but was to ill to get out and summon help and after about an hour of other cars whizzing past him he eventually succumbed and passed away.

I take great comfort from the fact that he died true to his principles and didn't make a phone call to the ambulance service on one of those dreadful cell phones.

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People, the point I am trying to make is that we do not have to become reliant on technology. Technology should not be the be all and end all. Of course I use a motor vehicle as that is proven established technology. I have nothing against mobile phones, 'Sat Navs' or Sat. T.V. I just find that I do not need them and get a bit fed up with those in favour singing the praise of whatever at every opportunity. I will leave you with this tale to put it into perspective. Some years ago we were parked up on the aire @ Calais having a cup of tea and watching the sun go down on England, (something to do with the current ruling party I think but that is another story!). We had been to Rome via Pisa, Florence and Sienna. A chap wandered up as motorcaravaners do , and passed the time of day. On asking were we had been he was told. On looking into the cab he asked if I had 'Sat Nav' and on being told'No' then enquired as to how we found our way from Norfolk to Rome . I told him both my wife & I could read a map. He then enquired as to the whereabouts of our satellite T.V. and was told we do not have one. The gentleman seemed shocked at this news and then asked how we managed to watch all the 'soaps' whilst we were on holiday. I told him that we did not watch such programmes when we were at home let alone on holiday! Bottom line, I feel, is that if you cannot survive without 'gizmo', fine but I certainly can and will not be dragged screaming into the 20th Century just yet.(Yes I know that it is now the 21st century!!!).

Best wishes to all and happy touring however you find your way there! Regards Mike.

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Guest caraprof

I'm sorry to break it to you old chap, but mobile phones and satellite navigation are now 'proven technology'!

The bloke with whom you spoke is a moron and there are lots of them around but, with respect, your attitude is the opposite of his in that you take pride in adopting a Luddite-like attitude to anything that you deem is not absolutely necessary technology.

Your injection into a thread about satnav is no different from his comments to you, you're just coming from the opposite direction.

I can guarantee that, if there's a question about a particular satnav, someone like you will pipe in with "why do you need sat nav?" If there's a question about satellite TV, someone will chime in with "Why do you need TV, I read a good book?"

I say again, I'm not really interested in whether some people like books or don't like satnav, what I don't like is people who pollute threads with their own opinionated views, which are nothing to do with the original post. This post was about the use of satnav, not a discussion about whether satnav is worth having!

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I couldn't have put it better frank. Sorry Mike but this is why I asked you what your exact point was, why join a thread about the use of sat nav (and in this instance it was a very specific question about them) just because you don't want to use one. I don't have satellite TV in my 'van either and neither of us watch the soaps at home let alone when we're away in the 'van but we do have a laptop computer, two mobile phones, portable sat nav, three digital cameras and a gas stove.



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Guest JudgeMental

for the next round may I humbly suggest the following to soften the blows :-D


although Mike will possibly find them too modern *-)




I wish someone had suggested this solution for my recent altercation - and Mel B & Michele could of helped to choose :-D

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People, I am going to lay this to rest (Horray you say!). I am sorry that as a newcomer to this forum I inadvertently broke a protocol I was unaware of and redirected a thread! Slap wrist & 14 days jankers. I have no intention of trying to get you people to change your views any more than you would wish me to change mine, (I hope!). I have enjoyed the exchanges and I trust that you have as well! Doublessly some topic will come up in the future which will attract some comment from myself as I have never been one to keep my (big) mouth shut if there is something I have to say.

Regards & happy touring, Mike.

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Guest JudgeMental

And what will Poppy think on her return - boys being boys I suspect :-D


Mike, you are always welcome to start your own thread on anything.


thats the thing with a democracy you have no choice ;-)

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Not sure about the metal handbags Judge, probably get charged with carrying an offensive weapon (and I don't mean offensive 'design'!).


Mike ... computers are 'technology' ... do you really need one, do ya ... do ya really????? (lol)

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No problem Mike, feel free to chip in on anything you feel worthy of your comment mate ;-) . No protocol broken as such just that the thread was quite specifically about a particular use for sat nav and your comments seemed to be condemning those who use it, hardly the best way to endear yourself but we bear no grudges on here.


Keep smiling, D.

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