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The latest news is the information (with map and pics of area) of what is euphemistically called Madelaines RESTING PLACE. If this turns out to be correct the European community MUST hunt down all the people involved in this and they must be put away for life. The REWARD must be now for information leading to the arrest and conviction of her abductors and killers. Sadly this may prove to be too late for madelaine but it may/will save other children. Sadly and cynically I think next time they will just choose children in a poor country or from poor families unable to make the fuss and attract the media attention the McCanns (quite rightly) have been able to do.Of course, like most people, I pray that this information is wrong and Madelaine is found safe and well BUT like most people, I doubt it now.
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Hi Poppy- All though this subject does not really belong on this forum, it is understandable that feelings are running high over this terrible event, and as much publicity can do no harm and I feel every one would agree with that at this sad time. I do feel though that this latest event is a cruel cruel hoax by a sick person only to cause more distress to the parents, as it was intended to do. I think the whole world feels for the parents. chas
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