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People who wear glasses


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What is it that you all do when the sun is shining so brightly?


We don't find that the sun screen comes down low enough to block the sun . Do people use sun glasses and what do you do if you are to old for these contact lenses or can't obide them and have to wear glasses .

If you wear glasses how do you put on sun glasses have just ordered a pair of these reacterlight rapide sunglasses /eyeglases that block the sun and tone down in colour .


How do others cope!


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michele - 2007-06-15 1:21 PM


What is it that you all do when the sun is shining so brightly?


We don't find that the sun screen comes down low enough to block the sun . Do people use sun glasses and what do you do if you are to old for these contact lenses or can't obide them and have to wear glasses .

If you wear glasses how do you put on sun glasses have just ordered a pair of these reacterlight rapide sunglasses /eyeglases that block the sun and tone down in colour .


How do others cope!




I wear prescription varifocal sun glasses. I've never tried contact lenses.


I've been wearing varifocals for many years now and after the first couple of days I soon got use to them.


Before getting varifocals I would be driving with my reading glasses around my neck.


I get my eyes tested once a year and so far I've had to have a change of lenses every other year.


I usually get lightweight varifocals, sun glasses and a pair of normal reading glasses for about £450.


I keep an old pair handy when visiting countries where a second pair of specs are compulsory.



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I keep an old pair of sunglasse's handy in countries where it is compulsary!!!



Well you learn something new everyday .


Don your eye's are better than my husbands ! what I should of said was he has to have his glasses at all times to drive he only has the one prescription he does not need two as in one for reading one for driving .


He can not take them off can't see hoot without them so sunglasses are not and option Contact lenses he has never tried but he thinks they will agrovate him ...

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I keep a pair of prescription sunglasses in the van, too. They're actually my previous glasses, which I had tinted for about £20 when I got my new ones. The prescription was only very slightly different, and I've checked that I'm well up to "driving-test eyesight standard" when I'm wearing them.


The only thing I have to be careful about is continental tunnels, which aren't very well lit ("Allumez vos feux!"). But the warning signs are usually well in advance, giving me time to change glasses. (Co-pilot gets them out of the case and passes them over already opened!)



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michele - 2007-06-15 1:21 PM What is it that you all do when the sun is shining so brightly? We don't find that the sun screen comes down low enough to block the sun . Do people use sun glasses and what do you do if you are to old for these contact lenses or can't obide them and have to wear glasses . If you wear glasses how do you put on sun glasses have just ordered a pair of these reacterlight rapide sunglasses /eyeglases that block the sun and tone down in colour . How do others cope!


I have weak eyes and cannot look at anything bright therefore I have Reactions added to my Varifocals, one pair then covers driving, reading and bright sunlight -


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Brian Kirby - 2007-06-15 3:09 PM Don is right.  In Spain, if you need glasses to drive, you must have a second pair as back up.  So far as I know, the second pair must be to the same prescription as your main pair.  Don't know about other countries.


It's probably a good idea to carry a spare pair wherever you're driving. If I lost or broke my specs I certainly wouldn't be capable of driving therefore I always carry a spare (not strictly true - the wife carries them in her handbag). 

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You might find that reactolights do not work too well in a car, because the glasses uses UV to activate the shading. Generally glass (windscreen and side windows) stop UV, so the glasses do not go dark.


I use good'ol clipons, easy to put on and off single handed, and can be removed quickly if dark areas come up. (Tunnels, long underpasses etc).

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tonyishuk - 2007-06-15 3:30 PM

You might find that reactolights do not work too well in a car, because the glasses uses UV to activate the shading. Generally glass (windscreen and side windows) stop UV, so the glasses do not go dark.

I use good'ol clipons, easy to put on and off single handed, and can be removed quickly if dark areas come up. (Tunnels, long underpasses etc).


Yes, I have also found that my reactalight lenses do not darken when I'm behind the windscreen. Like tonyishuk I use clip-on sun glasses. They flip up for tunnels and similar situations.

Regards Cattwg

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Michele Get hubby to give contact lenses a try. I thought that I would never be able to use them but as I need sight correction for driving and I wanted to go off road motorbike riding i gave them a try and would not be without them now. If you go to any of the big chains they usually do a deal where they will give you a weeks free trial to see if you can get on with them. Contact lenses are not that expensive and if you get the daily disposables, not too much to take in the motorhome. The big advantage is you can wear sunglasses which are dead easy to take off if driving in varying light conditions, ie sunny day in southern France and going through tunnels or under trees. the later being very dificult if you use reactolights
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I found the sunlight a problem when driving my Ducaot based vehicle, from the side widows or from front when driving into setting sun.

I found the answer is to buy that self adhesive ( by static) tinted film.

You just have to wet the glass and smooth it across the area affected and it can be removed and replaced as often as needed.

Sort of stuff used by boy racers or car customisers.

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Crinkly star fish simple but good idea why is it I never thought of that.


Actually good ideas all round .

I would like him to try Contact lenses and its probably sillyness but as were getting on a little ignorance came to the forefront .

Years ago we did ask about them but the problem then was in he got into a fight rolling on the floor. He may be punched and obviously we were worried about the fact that people would not know he had Contacts in what would then happen to his eye's We never investigated it anymore because of the fact that fear cut in.

Also at home all day he never uses's them don't need to to get about or read BUT once driving he need's them to make sure everything is clear .


He can see fine but can not see distance I find it hard to understand what it is he can see as I don't suffer and do not need specticals .

So we ended up going for the reacterlights and I wonder have we done the right thing ?? maybe a trip back fo some of these clip on sun glasse's which will probably cost another small fortune .. Also a chat about contact lenses..

As I wonder if he is a suitable candidate given the fact that he doesn't need them to read ?.


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We use baseball caps as well both in the van and when out and about, it saves having to keep putting sun glasses on and taking them off when you want to look at stuff, such as at markets etc.


Hubby's not very happy, though, he had one of those baseball caps without the top (I think they are really golfing ones) ... he lost it when we got tipped out of the canoe in the Ardeche river last month!!! Haven't managed to get him another yet.


As for a second pair of glasses, just make sure that for those of you that have the second pair tinted as sunglasses that they are recognised as a proper second pair when in countries where this is compulsory. If you brake your normal pair and have to drive at night you could have a problem. :-(

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Good thought mel


Does anyone know where you can get them yellow glasse's for night time driving ! makes the road brighter as when you have myopia its hard we dont really do the night time bit anymore ..can't stand the glare from oncoming traffic.

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michele - 2007-06-15 6:17 PM Good thought mel Does anyone know where you can get them yellow glasse's for night time driving ! makes the road brighter as when you have myopia its hard we dont really do the night time bit anymore ..can't stand the glare from oncoming traffic.

If they are tinted at all, they are not legal for driving in some countries.  It's the same argument as the French had about their yellow headlights.  It makes the greens more visible at night, so they stand out better against the (generally) grey road.  However, since the tint absorbs some light, you are actually left at a disadvantage overall.  Wouldn't bother.  Best way with headlamp glare is to keep looking down the nearside kerb, and not at the oncoming lights at all.  It is a bit difficult, because your eyes are naturally drawn towards the light.

I have a pair of 10% grey tint Reactolite varifocals.  Therefore, very slight initial tint.  They darken sufficiently for comfort behind a tinted windscreen, darken substantially in strong light so are perfectly satisfactory as sun glasses, and change tint remarkably quickly most of the time so I can still read the menu for din dins! 

Because the initial tint is slight, and they don't fully darken when driving, entering tunnels/deep shade has not proved problemmatic.

Spare pair is untinted varifocals to the same prescription.  I did try driving at night in the Reactolites, just once, on familiar unlit roads, just to see (If you see what I mean)!  10% less light at night was not clever!  Do not do this at home!

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michele - 2007-06-15 7:02 PM


LOL no I won't...


Any takers for the Contact lenses . the varifocals sound good but what do you do if you only need for distance . eg he doesn't need for the computer CAD at work he can see fine at a short distance


Don't wear the glasses for close up work then, seems pretty obvious to me Michele *-)



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Brian Kirby - 2007-06-15 6:50 PM
Best way with headlamp glare is to keep looking down the nearside kerb, and not at the oncoming lights at all.  It is a bit difficult, because your eyes are naturally drawn towards the light.
As the moth said "... it's SOOOOOOOOO pretty" ....BUZZZZZZZZZZ, SPLAT. :D
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Have used reactalight lens for 20+years, they work fine behind glass, only problem I have had is in dark tunnels when they take some time to lighten.

I have wondered, as my close vision detiriates with age will there come a time when I will need bi-focals with plain bottom lens so I can see speedo etc.

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maybe it wont be your close vision may be nothing maybe long vision


How would anyone know what is going to happen.

i feel sorry for people who cant see much without them and I try to understand my husbands problem its hard as I dont suffer it's only when I say things like see that sign over there ?What bloody sign then if he hasn't his glasses on he squints to bring it into focus.


Recently had to have my eye's doen to hold on to my PSV 6.6 vision.

I thought that meant perfect ?

Why is it that if someone holds it under my nose I have problems and it becomes blurd ?..Funny that I cannot stand it to close.

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Hello Michele,


To the best of my knowledge it is not possible to get varifocal contact lenses and from a friends experience what is normally recommended is using a different lens for each eye. One for reading etc., and one for distance, but I understand that this can be problematical especially for driving and also takes quite a bit of getting used to.


Like your husband I have good short vision but less good long vision and wear glasses for distance. I tried the Daily Use Contact lenses for long vision but this just meant that I then needed glasses (The small half lens reading glasses) for close vision while wearing the lenses. With all the problems of keeping the lenses clean to avoid eye infections or the cost of daily replacement lenses (£180 per annum) I decided to ditch the vanity bit and go back to glasses for distance work. Because of Diabetes and a slight tendency to cowardice when it comes to eye operations I decided not to have Lens Correction Surgery.


Others may have resolved these problems and advise differently and if so I would be interested in hearing their advice.





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