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People who wear glasses


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I'm short sighted, ie it's all fuzzy in the distance which used to make me very, very car sick as a kid because nobody realised I had, at that time, a very minor sight problem. It got a lot worse very quickly later which is when it got picked up.


I used to wear glasses but because strong light made me squint I always had reactalites which don't react when driving regardless of the amount of sunlight.

I didn't like the idea of contacts as the idea of poking things into my eyes made me cringe but using campsite loos and showers when I wasn't wearing my glasses wasn't great either as I couldn't see the creepy crawlies.


Finally I spoke to my optician about contacts. Had it all explained and a 2 week trial. The lens fitter put the contacts in the first time - had her work cut out as every time her finger got close I automatically closed my eyes but got there in the end. Had to allow plenty of time to do it myself every day but it does get easier.


Various types are available from daily to monthly with different materials and hardness. Also able to have one eye set for distance and the other for close up. Sounds weird but provided your eyes work together, not always the case for everyone, you can see the PC screen without additional help and you can read the road signs etc as well.


It's well worth a chat to the optician asking all the questions and discussing your particular concerns.


I use Dolland & Aitchison and find them very good but there are others which I'm sure are equally as good. I get my lens sent by post and part of the service is an annual lens check, in fact you get moaned at if you don't have it done and as it's free might as well.


I've recently changed to another lens brand - 14 days free trial + lens check to ensure all OK before the formal change over.


Hope that helps.



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Michele, if you want to see what your hubby has to cope with try wearing his glasses for an hour. Everything will go out of focus and you will soon discover how frustrating and tiring it is for him. I have perfect long vision but my close up vision is going off a bit now ( same age as yourself I believe) which is perfectly normal at our age so I wear ready readers from Poundland.



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Have you had your eyes checked professionally recently? It's okay to use these cheap specs but you really ought to make sure that your eyes are okay properly. They tell a lot of things about the state of your health generally and although diminishing sight is mainly caused by old age (sorry to say that word to you!) it isn't always the case .. not wanting to alarm you but best to be safe.




PS: How's Dex getting on? Eaten anyone I know recently? (lol)

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Yes Mel I've had eye tests, although I admit to not having had one for about 18 months or so. Last time I had one done they did prescription reading glasses for me but I find the ready readers better. The prescription ones are too accurate in that they only focus from about 20 inches through to about 30 inches away while the ready readers work over a much bigger range. Plus the ready readers cost 1/120th of the prescription glasses and I can get replacements easily.



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Mel B - 2007-06-16 6:32 PM




Have you had your eyes checked professionally recently? It's okay to use these cheap specs but you really ought to make sure that your eyes are okay properly. They tell a lot of things about the state of your health generally and although diminishing sight is mainly caused by old age (sorry to say that word to you!) it isn't always the case .. not wanting to alarm you but best to be safe.




PS: How's Dex getting on? Eaten anyone I know recently? (lol)


That is very sound advice from Mel, it was the optician who first pick up on my BP problems.



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Prices depend on the optician chain concerned.


For me having D & A contact lens by post for 1 pair + lens container + solution through the letterbox each month cost 14.95. Now I've changed to 2 pairs + container + solution it will cost 19.95. In other parts of the country prices may be different. The prices don't seem to change, the price you start with is the one you stay with.


As I said previously you also get a free annual check up, compulsory, and you can always pop into the shop if you have any problems. If a lens is damaged, regardless of how, it is usually replaced FOC. If a lens is lost you may have to pay for the replacement but I have had occasion where I lost one well away from my normal shop and they arranged for me to pick up another at the nearest shop to me FOC.


Best thing you can do is to pop into your local optician(s) for a chat.


Most free trial are just that, no obligation to go further.



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davenewell@home - 2007-06-17 8:40 AM


Dex hasn't met anyone you know yet (as far as I know anyway), your friend is in next Saturday. I try not to let him eat people anyway as I find the compensation claims to be a real nuisance >:-) .




But Dave, you would save a lot of money by not having to feed Dex! Could be worth it! :-D

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  • 2 weeks later...

So the law I ask you all ..............Is it ok if your second pair are Contacts

So you have your glasses and Contacts available. Off to the opticians tomorrow and hopefully fingers crossed there will be no problems having Contacts fitted . If all goes well hope to walk out with Hubby seeing without his frames so no more gasses for me to sit on and break.



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michele - 2007-06-27 8:50 PM Can anyone help me with a Contact Lense Question


According to my man at S**csavers, you are within Spanish law if you wear specs and your spare pair are contacts (or vice versa) as long as the prescription is the same, ie, the Sphere, Cylinder, Axis, Prism and Base (don't ask me what this lot means, he's a clever lad).

Suggest that you carry your prescription with your passports etc as proof. 

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that 's not my question......... :D Qusetion is how when you are ordering from say the intenet 3 months one day johnson & johnson or any make come to that ...How do they know what ones to send you ?

How do they know what your eye sight is like /

Are we all the same ? or do you have to tell them what your prescription say's ???

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michele - 2007-06-27 10:14 PM Bazza, that 's not my question......... :D Qusetion is how when you are ordering from say the intenet 3 months one day johnson & johnson or any make come to that ...How do they know what ones to send you ? How do they know what your eye sight is like / Are we all the same ? or do you have to tell them what your prescription say's ???

Apologies M,

I thought that you were concerned about carrying a spare pair while touring.

See the attached, it explains the info that they require from your prescription.


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  • 3 weeks later...
We had the lenses fitted two weeks ago should of went back on monday but he got an eye infection would you believe it must be all the playing with them!. Anyway cancelled and re book for this monday they gave him 7 sets to use he has got rid of the eye infection and is doing very well with them . He actually managed for the first time to drive back from the show today and was reading all the number plates well in front of us so So far so good. Back on monday and thats when we get the bill he say's that he feels great without glasses and is now contemplating his first ever pair of sun glasses ;-)
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All done and dusted he said he didn't know why he never done it earlier .

He can now see for miles and he likes not having his arms on his glasses at the side of his face restricting vision . £150 well spent and probably works out cheaper than lenses the amount we break ...



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Most chains of opticians these days will do 2 pairs of glasses for the price of one - so you get the second pair as sunglasses. Works for me.


As has been pointed out, DON'T get polaroid sunglasses as they darken under UV light which is much reduced by the glass of the windscreen.


Had Reactolite for several years, but they have one problem: they darken slightly under strip lights beloved in offices and shops. Not enough to spoil your vision, just enough to make you look like the latest recruit to the Mafia.


As ever, try before you buy.


Mel E


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Glad it's worked out well.


Once you have driven in contacts going back to glasses takes some getting used to.


Another advantage that you will find in this muggy weather we have at the moment is that unlike glasses lens cannot slide down your nose.


Anyother questions on lens just let me know.



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I'm assuming that you haven't taken the regular contract route so .......


As far as I know you can buy practically anything online and providing that it's not a prohibited product/service in your country it's OK.


As far as price goes, as with anything, it may be cheaper or not.


The only concern I would have with lens, medicines etc is how to verify that what it says on the box is really what is in the box. Pirating, whether DVDs or watches etc, is a big business and for the man in the street a minefield to negotiate.


Another point with lens is that although the strength is important so is the diameter and base curve. What? I hear you cry.

If you look on the label you will see something like '-1.25', that's the strength which is correction to your sight.

You should also see dia or diameter which is the size of the lens. BC = base curve. Whether such measurements are standard throughout the world I don't know.


For me when I had my recent lens change the diameter went from 14.2 to 14.0 and the BC changed as well but as I was being monitored I could be sure it was OK but I did check it with D&A.


So I would be careful buying such items on the internet particularly from unknown sites which may not be based here. However, I assume you could buy from one of the other Optician chains here using the prescription as reference but you may have to undergo another test by them.



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