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Drugs & Medications


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can anyone tell me if there is a law re what Drugs you are allowed to take out of the country .


Also just to see what Drugs make it out of the country anyone be willing to admit to what it is they take including cold remedies and pain killers .


We have been know to take some serious class A stuff out I did not know that there was a law would it be alright as long as I could show them the patient ..Also were can I find this in print as I notice lots of things are left to the indiviual to find out I dont mind doing the leg work just wished I knew where to look... Thank you everyone


Sorry anyone know where to get a serious good First Aid Kit ?

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michele - 2007-06-15 1:27 PM


can anyone tell me if there is a law re what Drugs you are allowed to take out of the country .


Also just to see what Drugs make it out of the country anyone be willing to admit to what it is they take including cold remedies and pain killers .


We have been know to take some serious class A stuff out I did not know that there was a law would it be alright as long as I could show them the patient ..Also were can I find this in print as I notice lots of things are left to the indiviual to find out I dont mind doing the leg work just wished I knew where to look... Thank you everyone


Sorry anyone know where to get a serious good First Aid Kit ?




We are both on permanent medication and take three months supply with us.


We always have our prescriptions with us in case we get stopped and searched.


The prescription also comes in handy when we need to buy extra medication on the longer trips.



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Have to ask where can you BUY extra of a prescription drug ???

I did not know this was allowed ? help please .

I know its not allowed in England what is called a POM Prec=scription only Medication. can you buy in another country and if so do you just go to the pharmacy and present your repeat part and they will serve you and charge the amounts



thank you

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michele - 2007-06-15 1:42 PM



Have to ask where can you BUY extra of a prescription drug ???

I did not know this was allowed ? help please .

I know its not allowed in England what is called a POM Prec=scription only Medication. can you buy in another country and if so do you just go to the pharmacy and present your repeat part and they will serve you and charge the amounts



thank you




We have bought our medication over the counter in many countries of the EU, Turkey and Morocco..


We always have the prescriptions with us but have never been asked for it.


We just produce the details of the drugs which are usually enclosed in the packet.


We have found in most pharmacy's abroad at least one of the staff speaks English.



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Guest JudgeMental


“Drugs & Medications" Yes please! :-D


Seriously though, I would think within the EU as long as you carry a copy of prescription ( along with the patient) you should be OK?


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Well ,

Once again thank you for that info I seriously wonder though if they would sell me hard drugs class A for the children as an Eg Diazepam and Ritalin

controlled Drugs . Not that i ever run out of them but it would be nice to know that i could if needs arrise i have been know to break a bottle that was a worry..


which leaves me to say can you get stopped by customs at this end and if you did would it be exceptable if you could prove that they were prescribed med's


Anyone ever been stopped for carrying medication and asked to explain what its for kindest regards

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Guest JudgeMental
michele - 2007-06-15 2:03 PM


Not that i ever run out of them but it would be nice to know that i could if needs a rise i have been know to break a bottle that was a worry..



worst case would be a visit to a local doctor of hospital with your prescription and patient.... they would then supply you with a local prescription.


have had to do this in France a few times and cost was reasonable - in the west Indies cost was frightening!



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I think you may be worried about the wrong thing.  So far as I know, there is no restriction on taking prescribed medicines, for personal use, out of this country.  However, there are restrictions on taking some drugs into other countries.  I believe America has some surprising ones, possibly asprin (or is it paracetamol?) if memory serves right.

Since when you leave UK you are under someone else's jurisdiction, you can't expect everything to play the same.  Many drugs that are banned for over the counter sale in UK, are available over the counter in other countries, even EC states.  They are still all independent countries with their own laws.

If you are concerned, I believe there is advice on the Foreign and Commonwealth Office website.  Failing that, contact the London Embassy for any countries you intend visiting and seek specific advice. 

That apart, taking your prescription is very wise for any essential medication.  Keep it on you so that it is secure, just in case your van, with the drugs in, gets nicked and you need to get further supplies in a hurry.  You may still need to get a new prescription, but the foreign doctor will at leask know what was originally prescribed, and at what dose.

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Guest peter
Don't think Customs would believe you, with a couple of Kilo's of smack. Whoever you showed them. Anyway I thought the idea was to smuggle drugs into the country, not out. :D


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Ok guys thanks ..


if you are going by plane even I have been stopped

When travelling as we all do for us there is a tendency to pack the kitchen sink so to speak. I have in the past had to drag children to a Doctor in France Spain which not only cost a fortune but is a pain in a strange place.


The reason that I take so much is because one you never know when someone will be hurt and I have before now saved the day witha little boy who had a tick a massive one in his head .His father was a gardener and he kept going on about Ticks causing a disease . Tick borne encephalitis


So I take everything in the first aid box but a new one is needed as have used quite alot of the products but I also take things like all the childrens Meds and stuff for us . The childrens meds are some hefty powerful gear

Class A and our stuff might be as simple as Amoxil just incase as a Broad Spectrum antibiotic pain killers paracetamol cholormaphenical for your eye's as you never know when something might happen and various other bits and bobs . Thankfully we are not on any meds as yet! hopefully it stay 's this way . So i was a little worried as I thought are we breaking the law taking these products out of the country without a written letter from the GP. In our case it wouldn't be easy to get a written letter as we have different GP's to the children and so many Drugs to cover..

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Hello Michele,


It is probably best to do as Brian suggests and check with the Embassy of any country you are travelling to.


My understanding is that you can get an increased prescription from your GP if you are travelling on holiday etc. My GP recently gave us double quantity prescription in this circumstance but not sure what level of repeat they can allow. Take your point about several GP's.


Regarding the First Aid Kit and maybe also the prescription drugs policies of other countries, have you spoken to The Red Cross (Head Office not the local office)?





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Just replace the bits you've used, it'll be cheaper and at least you'll only have to buy what you need rather than buy what you already have left. We have one of those nice looking little plastic kits with the carrying handle the only trouble is when we opened it up when we needed it it didn't even have a bandage or dressing in (basic items I would've thought) but it did have an arm sling ... work that out!!! So you can hold up your bleeding arm but not actually stem the bleeding!!!


Oh, and gentlemen on here look away now if you are of a sensitive silly schoolboy nature. If you do find that you are stranded in foreign parts and can't get any dressings etc from a chemist due to their weird opening hours there are items you can use instead which are available from supermarkets which are cheap, sterile and disposable (just make sure you don't get ones with aloe vera on!):


- for a large cut, graze etc, a baby's disposable nappy makes and excellent dressing

- for smaller wounds, ladies disposable sanitary towels or panty pads are good as well (yes, my husband had to have them round his ankles in France when he blistered very badly with all the sunburn (they stuck to the inside of the bandage so didn't move around like a normal dressing sometimes can, so didn't make his legs any sorer ... stop giggling at the back!

- for mild sunburn, if you haven't got any aftersun, use some yoghurt ... plain is best but any of the smooth sort is best without the lumps!


Ok lads, you can look again ... I said YOU CAN LOOK AGAIN (shouting for all those who aren't already looking!) (lol)

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LOL The old ways are the best I


remeber my mum putting a sanitary towel around my sisters finger when she snapped it off on a gate once when kids . The ambulance man got a shock but did manage to say good idea!


Home or plant remidies alternative therapy is good.

like garlic for high BP works a treat as a beta Blocker

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Guest JudgeMental


drugs and exiting women what a wonderful combination:-D


when you two intoxicating young minx's get going theres no stopping you!


By the way Mel B just back from teddy bear hospital and they managed to stitch me up real good :-D

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Hi Judge


Glad teddy is better, you had me worried there, thought it might've been terminal. :-( Make sure you give him a lot of TLC and cuddles. (lol)


Michele - got any remedies for hot flushes ... and the rest!!!! Judge, sorry to disappoint, probably not the type of hot flushes you're imagining.


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Guest JudgeMental
Mel B - 2007-06-16 6:10 PM


Judge, sorry to disappoint, probably not the type of hot flushes you're imagining.



Just keep on keeping it on sister.... :-D

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I remember once, not sure if it is still true, that some "simple" painkiller cocktails like panadeine (paracetamol and codeine) would be confiscated in Greece because of the codeine (codeine, morphine, heroine and opium are homologues).
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  • 6 months later...

My wife carried a letter from her doctor which listed her medical problems, allergies and the many types of drug she was on.

She did have to pay for the letter,but it was long and detailed.

This was useful in NZ when she ran out of one type.

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