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summer reading

Guest JudgeMental

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Just thought I'd ressurrect this topic as the Summer's now long gone (did it ever really appear though?). I thought it might be interesting to review some of the books we've been reading.


My list was:


Minette Walters, James Herbert, Alan Titchmarsh, Jack Kerley,Chuck Palahniuk, Christopher Brookmyre.


I won't cover all of them here just the few that stand out to me. Alan titchmarsh is quite a decent writer although he does tend to lean towards romantic fiction somewhat. Easy reading and has a bit if feel good factor about it.

The Christopher Brookmyre novel I read (sorry can't just remember the title as yet) was superb! Written in Glaswegian (didn't actually realise it till I picked it up) it was tricky to start with but I soon found I could understand it. It was brilliantly funny, moving and yet with some violence thrown in for good measure. Only problem I found was that I started to think in a glaswegian accent 8-) after a while.


james Herbert: I've been a fan of herbert since I was sixteen and first picked up one of his novels (Fluke). Sadly I felt his latest offering (the Secret of Cricklel hall) was a bit underwhelming. I found it was just another ghost stroy about a haunted house.


Chuck Palahniuk: What a load of rot this book was, very confusing to read and a badly disjointed storyline.


So come on guys and gals, how's about a brief review of what you've been reading?



P.S. Mods, if you feel this ought to be in Chatterbox please move it.



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Guest JudgeMental


And I am still reading James lee Burke who has written over 30 novels so half way through now.


picked up a couple of Stephen Coonts this week as well.


during the summer read latest offerings from, Lee child's,Michael Connelly, and jeffery Deaver as well.


Also listened to some CD audio books which where really useful on the trip to and from Italy. So while Mrs Mental was reading or sleeping and the children Ipod'ing or watching DVDs I actually had an alternative to the radio. Highly recommended.

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Christopher Brookmyre's latest: Attack of the Unsinkable Rubber Ducks, all his books have weird titles but are really good - laugh out loud stuff (if you've not read any there's 11 titles to catch up with). The Weegie (Glaswegian) accent is fine for me but non Scots might need an explanation of some words/terms, anything you don't understand please ask and I'll happily translate - there's some great words and phrases.

Also read, Ian Rankin (Exit Music - final Rebus), Christopher Hitchens (God is not Great), Terry Pratchett (Making Money), Quintine Jardine (Death's Door), Michael Cannon (Lachlan's War)

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And if you go to France try Stephen Clarke


"Talk to the Snail" ten commandments for understanding the French


He has also done 3 books about a business man working in France


"A Year in the Merde"


"Merde Actually"


"Merde Happens"


They are hilarious and highly recommended



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