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Any country that can produce polonium 210 and Svetlana Ishmouratova is OK with me.




I too am curious to discover the kind of publication that you write for. Please tell us more about your life and the interest in mobile homes in Russia. I have spent some time near the Russian Border in Finland but have never seen a Russian motorhome. I have seen Latvian and Estonian, but never Russian.


Dave, no e.

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peejay - 2007-06-28 4:09 PM


davenewell@home - 2007-06-28 1:20 PM


Do American and European motorhomes get imported into Russia?




Yes is the answer I think. I've heard the Hymervanski is quite nice *-) ....






Are you saying that Russia isn't full of grey little people qeueing up for beetroot and cabbage in the rain Peejay?


(apologies to Natali and all Rusisans, I am joking, really.)



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The previous post was one of those 'internet translates' and was mean't to be something along the lines of 'too busy watching Chelsea to queue' but pasted Russian words don't seem to work on here .


I'll get me coat :D *-)



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crinklystarfish - 2007-06-28 1:41 PM


Any country that can produce polonium 210 and Svetlana Ishmouratova is OK with me.




I too am curious to discover the kind of publication that you write for. Please tell us more about your life and the interest in mobile homes in Russia. I have spent some time near the Russian Border in Finland but have never seen a Russian motorhome. I have seen Latvian and Estonian, but never Russian.


Dave, no e.


There is not so much motorhomes in Russia. We don't have campings now. But this area is developing now. We publish the magazine and try to tell people about caravaning and motorhomes. So it is new area for russian people. Now I am writing an article about Adria motorhomes, try to find somethig....

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davenewell@home - 2007-06-28 1:20 PM


Natalie, I'm a part time journalist in the motorhome field but I do my research myself. If I need to write an article about a particular motorhome I go and see it for myself, I use it as a motorhome is intended to be used for myself. I don't ask the general public for the material that will then become a piece of work that hopefully I will be paid for.


What magazine are you writing the article for? Is there much of a motorhome industry in Russia? Do American and European motorhomes get imported into Russia? If so then why not contact the importers? If no then why is it of any interest to your readers what happens in Europe? Again if no then what is the interest level for motorhome related reading matter in Russia.




Yes, motorhome industry is developing now. Yes european motorhomes are imported in Russia. Of course I contact importers and ask questions. But you know every importer tell that usefull for them, so sometimes it s easy to ask on forum.

You write your articles yourself? Ok. What you do if you need an article about russian motorhomes and caravaning? I think you ask me so much questions? Maybe you want to write the article about russian motohomes? .......;)

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In the spirit of furthering interest in motorhomes, and the lifestyle, I for one am happy to help. I understand that the language barrier is a difficult one to overcome. I hope other forum members will help if they can, but that is a choice they must make themselves. Please be as specific as you can with any questions.
Good Luck
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Well up till now I've never been called on to write anything about the Russian motorhome industry. It could be quite interesting to do something though. I'm happy to help you if you return the favour ;-) . As crinkly starfish said, be a little more specific in your questions and lets see if we can help each other. :-)



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hi a write up on Russia now that would be interesting. Do they have aires? many campsites? whats the conditions of roads, petrol stations.


Imagine being able to travel from calais to the Bering sea. Fantastic.



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olley - 2007-07-06 1:41 PM


hi a write up on Russia now that would be interesting. Do they have aires? many campsites? whats the conditions of roads, petrol stations.


Imagine being able to travel from calais to the Bering sea. Fantastic.






I was in Russia (St Petersburg) a few years ago. I did not see any aires but the pot holes in the road were big enough to camp in 8-) 8-)



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Natali - 2007-07-05 7:26 PM  There is not so much motorhomes in Russia. We don't have campings now. But this area is developing now. We publish the magazine and try to tell people about caravaning and motorhomes. So it is new area for russian people. Now I am writing an article about Adria motorhomes, try to find somethig....


I think what you really need to do, is visit one of the large European leisure vehicle exhibitions.  The first, the nearset to Russia, and also largest, is at Dusseldorf.  25 August to 2 September, website http://www.caravan-salon.de/

This will be the major European showcase for 2008 models, although not so many UK makes will be there.  With press accreditation and a press pack, you should get enough information for a lifetimes articles!  You can see, and sit in, the motorhomes and caravans and talk to people from the manufacturers, but also to visitors and users - there is a large area for people who visit with their own motorhomes and caravans, some of whom are selling them second hand at the show. 

You can take photographs, there is a special press day before the public are admitted, and you can collect all the brochures.  Above all, you can do your own research at first hand, and draw your own conclusions based upon your own own experience of what you have seen.

You would need to be there for most of the week, there is an enormous amount to see.  Your magazine should pay your travel and accommodation costs, all the European Motorhome and Caravan magazines send specialist journalists to this event, so you could make valuable contacts with them as well.

Go and beat-up your editor for the tickets, it will give him/her the best series of articles on the European leisure vehicle market he/she's ever published!

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