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12v problem


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I have a 12 volt wire in my wardrobe of my van along with coax cable presumably for a tv aerial installation...as I dont want to drill through the roof of my van as I am happy using exisiting set up of internal and sat system.

I was wondering if I could use this wire to install a second 12v sockett as the only one we have up back is in the tv cabinet. I have tried wiring in a hella type sockett to try this but does not seem to be working...any ideas?

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Hello Graeme,

I would love to advise you in detail but my telepathic powers are limited today.


How did you wire in the Hella connector?


Did you check for the presence of 12 volts on the 2 wires you found? (Like connecting them across a small 12 volt bulb to see if it illuminates)






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Hi, I think this is a pre wire for the optional status ariel and booster.

I would think that if this option was not taken up,it won,t be live.

prob a missing fuse.or not connected.


If this was used for another purpose the rating of the cable and fuse would have to be checked.



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Hi Clive


I didnt think to try the light bulb trick just assumed that it would work. I dont have a volt meter or anything. The hella sockett was a wire in one and I wired up the wires to mirroe the connections on a 12v plug. Just thinking if the wiring is there but not live than what would I do as it is very difficult to get to the electrics in my Lunar as these are behind and underneath the drivers seat.

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Hi, if your Lunar is wired same as mine,(Champ H591) I'll think you'll find this is the pre-wire for 12v tv gear. In mine the red/black wire runs alongside a co-axial cable from the wardrobe on the nearside, through the roof and emerges on the offside behind a trim panel betwen the tv cupboard and the high level locker. The trim panel is held by two spring clips and can be pulled off quite easily. Doing this gives access to various wiring including the 12v, 240v electric sockets in the TV cupboardand in my case the over bed light switch. The wire was not connected to any power source but coiled up and hanging free. It's a fairly simple matter to link into the 12v system from there.


Hope this helps, Peter

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