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Swift Motorhomes


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It is a sorry state to have to go to these lengths to get your motorhome sorted, but lets be fair...


The first fault mentioned was with the gaslow not installed as part of the original spec and mentioned again later in the site, the door problem caused by fitting fiamma security locks........


Have a look at MHF and see all the other people the site owner has had court battles with.. no disrespect and I do agree spending 42k you should get better quality but it sadly does not exsist..


trade it in for another advantgarde, use that for an extended trip and see how it fairs!


I am more than happy with my swift, it has had faults, every thing has faults, chelston and west country have always been more than resonable but then I do accept the way of the world.


Life is to short trust me

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I couldnt reply to you on that other forum as i am not a subscriber there at the moment but you have a very good case and have up to six years to reject your vehicle. We had a problematic van which was off the road more than on it with various problems including persistent speedo failure & gear box problems it it had had three in its short life on the Peugeot side & two major problems on the converters side along with a list a mile long of other faults. Although three years later everything had been fixed we never trusted the vehicle & it had to go. We then learn we could have rejected the vehicle but we had already moved on.


Hope you can bring this sad episode to a speedy conclusion soon.


Go for a full refund with compensation. Dont forget allt hose extras that you had installed as well.



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stitch - 2007-06-23 11:06 PM


It is a sorry state to have to go to these lengths to get your motorhome sorted, but lets be fair...


The first fault mentioned was with the gaslow not installed as part of the original spec and mentioned again later in the site, the door problem caused by fitting fiamma security locks........


Have a look at MHF and see all the other people the site owner has had court battles with.. no disrespect and I do agree spending 42k you should get better quality but it sadly does not exsist..


trade it in for another advantgarde, use that for an extended trip and see how it fairs!


I am more than happy with my swift, it has had faults, every thing has faults, chelston and west country have always been more than resonable but then I do accept the way of the world.


Life is to short trust me


Hi Stitch


Please can you tell me "all the people" I have had court battles with?" I respectfully request that you edit your post after verifying the facts. As you read MHF, you will note why I purchased a Kontiki - as a result of it's grade three insulation values meaning it should be suitable for temperatures to minus 15, and with the external temperature as this level, the heating system should keep the interior at plus 20. My Avantgarde did encounter problems in the severe winter climate with freezing grey water drainage pipes - but that is not a manufacturing issue. In this particular example, the Saying all that, it was suggested to me that the Fiamma expansion tank had frozen and hence the leak. I pointed out the heating was on and referred to the overnight temperatures in Italy as per the Italian military airforce website. Naturally, a weather forecast is a forecast, and is not a hard fact.


As for court battles, does this count? My pal is in a spot of financial bother. I looked at his bank statements and suggested he wrote to them and reclaimed his unfair bank charges. I wrote the letter, he signed it, and hey presto, £1316.00 is to be refunded. My letter stated that court action was a possibilty. If you look at various money realted website you will see standard template letters in the respect of reclaiming bank charges, and I apologise at this stage for rolling off topic.


The way your post is worded, and I quote, actually suggests that the MHF site owner has had court battles. Reading it as (QUOTE) "HAVE A LOOK AT MHF AND SEE ALL THE OTHER PEOPLE THE SITE OWNER HAD COURT BATLES WITH" (UNQUOTE). Is that what you mean? Furthermore, I have not said the Fiamma locks have damaged the door - I have suggested it may be possible. There is a big difference. I also asked others for their thoughts.


I am not having a go at you at all, but your post appears to be factually incorrect.


Motorhomer - yes - rejection - I had been led to believe it was only possible for upto 6 months, not six years. I am hoping for a conclusion this week one way or the other.



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Guest JudgeMental
peter - 2007-06-22 9:16 PM

Good on you. You did the right thing. The fact is that British manufacturers know the British have a high tolerance to mediocrity so get away with it. Whereas the Germans are the opposite, if it aint right they don't want it.


Spot on!, just back from Belgian EuraMobil dealer having my bed lowered, as when I picked it up in April it was 250mm higher then bed I ordered - Belgian chap was there picking up the same van with identical problem which was fixed immediately - As unlike me he refused to pay for it or except it.


comparisons with manufacturing as I see it are, Germans invest in technology and training and we are woefully behind and always have been. Some responsibility for this rests with the shortsighted Banks - unwilling to invest in the long term.

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stitch - 2007-06-23 11:06 PM


... no disrespect and I do agree spending 42k you should get better quality but it sadly does not exsist...


...I am more than happy with my swift, it has had faults, every thing has faults...but then I do accept the way of the world.


Life is to short trust me


Better quality does exist at this price point, and so it should.


While ever we accept that paying a fortune for shoddy products is the 'way of the world' then mediocre companies will continue to produce mediocre products.


It will only change when people a) buy a better product from another manufacturer, or b) force the peddlers of mediocrity to up their game by taking them on.


You do us no service with the implied attitude that sub-standard products are just something that we can't / shouldn't do anything about. Even if this fellow had seen fit to fight for his rights on other issues, so what? Brits are far too happy to whine and moan, but when it comes to making a stand too many fall silent and just look at the ground; and then continue to moan that 'someone should do something'.


If I converted 'vans I would be mortified if people were let down by them due to poor quality control. The list of problems with this particular vehicle is astonishing and if I were the converter I'd be falling over myself to help. Wouldn't anyone who was fair-minded?


I hope this is resolved quickly and satisfactorily.


Life is too short – trust me.


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stitch - 2007-06-23 11:06 PM It is a sorry state to have to go to these lengths to get your motorhome sorted, but lets be fair... The first fault mentioned was with the gaslow not installed as part of the original spec and mentioned again later in the site, the door problem caused by fitting fiamma security locks........ Have a look at MHF and see all the other people the site owner has had court battles with.. no disrespect and I do agree spending 42k you should get better quality but it sadly does not exsist.. trade it in for another advantgarde, use that for an extended trip and see how it fairs! I am more than happy with my swift, it has had faults, every thing has faults, chelston and west country have always been more than resonable but then I do accept the way of the world. Life is to short trust me

If the first post above is too sweeping a condemnation of the UK industry in general, this is far too accepting of lax standards when they do arise. 

What do we want, UK manufacturing that equals or betters the best in the world, on a total demise of UK manufacturing?  Motorbikes?  We ignored, to our cost,  the inventiveness and quality control of the Japanese.  Cars?  Ditto, plus the French and the Germans.  Result?  One superbike I think is UK manufactured, and all we do with cars (leaving aside a very successful specialist sector and design) is assemble.

If UK motorhome manufacturers don't improve their game, they will just go the same way.  Surely it isn't that hard?  They only have to reliably assemble components, almost invariably themselves reliable and bought in from external sources.  In the main, it is just the control of quality in assembly that causes their problems.  This points to poor training, poor quality management and lax supervision.  That, in my opinion, speaks strongly of weak overall management.

Their designs are very UK oriented, so their export potential is not great.  They sell into a relatively closed (right hand drive) market where they set the (high) price levels, which leaves them vulnerable to competition from importers, who seem to make more from their UK sales than from their home sales (and more than the UK manufacturers themselves seem to be making!).  If our home market is small, then to gain "critical mass" our manufacturers need to develop products that will sell into the far larger European market.  To do this, they urgently need to reduce their costs and get prices down to European levels.  Unless they are to sell at a loss in Europe, they need to get their build quality up to at least German levels, so that their warranty claims are minimal.  Autosleepers is no longer a British manufacturer: the rot has started.

Unless the Swifts etc really get their acts together, they will all go the same way as British Leyland et al.  Question is, why do we go on doing this, and why is criticising a poor British product so often seen as knocking, instead of beneficially constructive, criticism?

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I've read all these posts, and they are of course all, very interesting - and naturally biased one way or the other!

To perhaps try playing devils advocate -

I don't know how many forum 'members' there are, but many of the posts seem to come from a hardcore group of perhaps no more than 20 o0f 30 members, so in a sense probably a very small percentage.

Human nature being what it is, we all tend to complain more than give praise (even where the latter is due!).

Statistically, we must be a very small percentage of ALL motorhome owners, even assuming we have maybe owned 3 or 4 motorhomes each over the years.....


Having said all that, it does seem there are rather more complaints and problems with one particular group/manufacturer, or even model, and that does indicate a lack of quality control, or maybe in some respects design faults, but isn't this a bit like the number of complaints and problems posted about a particular dealership (beginning with B.....!), where they have a big percentage of the overall number of sales.


It would be interesting to know how many new sales emanate from say vehicles manufactured by Swift group, Autosleeper Group etc , compared with those from Hymer, Rapido, Pilote etc. and then find the proportion of problems arising from each of those as a percenatge of new sales.


I'm not in any way condoning the problems that do seem to occur too frequently, but this would help to get some sense of proportion. I always thought - and guess this used to be more true than it is now - that Autosleeper were one of the Uk biggest manufacturers in overall Motorhome terms in the UK, but don't think they had the biggest number of complaints......this would indicate one of two things - either they were well built, or perhaps their owners were either more tolerant, or better after-sales service was provided! (possibly the first and last!!)


However, just to look at our own experience - in over 15 years , we've had 4 and our now getting our 5th motorhome. of these 2 were Autosleepers, one a Compass (in the days when Compass were owner by Compass), the last one was a Rapido, and the new one a Burstner.

Our 1st Autosleeper (Harmony 1991) had no problems with the AS part,although there was a problem on the Talbot (the common one of loss of Gearbox Oil, which I think was more a service/dealer problem). We then had a Compass (Drifter 1993), and the only problem in 7 years was a water pump failure, and nothing on the Peugeot side. We then returned to AS (Symbol 1999) which had 2 problems. One was a leak on the sliding top/side window, rectified immediately by AS, and which turned out to be an oversize screw hole on the trim, and the other which was more major, being the gas combination oven/grill. In part there always was a design fault I think, though not of AS making, in that it neither grilled nor oven -cooked properly. However there was always a 'smell' of gas(?) right from the start, and in the end it was rectified through AS by the oven manufacturers by replacing the complete cooker unit.

Finally the Rapido - yes we had a few problems, but these were immediately sorted out, and we were very pleased we had purchased from those good people at Rapdio Uk, Wokingham......! Not free of problems, then but resolved without creating a problems.

Next one (in 10 days and counting down!) will be the Burstner......so lets hope all those of you contributors who swear by a German manufacturer are correct!




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One key correction: you state that you have up to 6 YEARS to reject a new motorhome as unfit for purpose.


I am afraid that this is a misunderstanding of EU legislation. Under certain, very specific circumstances, you are able to claim a refund for electrical and some other products which fail for up to 6 years. They are very specific circumstances, and they do not apply to vehicles. In fact I am not aware of any EU directives that apply to the rejection of vehicles, and it is UK law that applies here.


However, if you think I am wrong, please enlighten me with specific chapter and verse.


Mel E


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Well said, Crinklystarfish. I for one, was astonished by the earlier response by a poster telling the poor chap with the Swift nightmare to "go and live ealsewhere" if he didn't like the rubbish generally dished up in the UK as "customer care". Customer "couldn't-care-less-now-we-have-your-money " is more like it.


We have a similar tale of woe, and I am contemplating a similar move, but am still trying to resolve issues before setting up any website. It's not all UK vans either - ours is a range-topping Adria A class. The cost? Over £60 000 with all the extras. The problems have arisen with the dealer, and with Adria Concessionaires, over at Fleetwood caravans, Long Melford, who are the importers and are not blameless in our situation either.


Why on earth should ANYONE have to "accept" the kind of treatment to which so many motorhome purchasers are subjected by dealers and manufacturers / importers?? And then "fellow" motorhomers have the cheek to try to intimidate those who stand up for their rights!! What on earth is going on here?? Some vested interests with the firm starting with an S and ending with a T perhaps?


Interesting also that the major motorhome magazines, which have become little more than a mass of adverts interspersed by articles trumpeting how fantastic such-and -such dealers are (well, yes, when the magazine feature writers get vans from dealers / manufacturers to "assess", one wonders about the bias), will not publish any factual stories about the motorhome owners being so badly let down by the dealers who were quick to snatch cash and run, with no aftersales service.


I for one will not be renewing certain subscriptions again as it is quite clear that editors of the main mh magazines are very much in bed with the manufacturers and dealers and have NO interest at all in publishing anything which may be negative concerning dealers or manufacturers.

What a crooked world it continues to be........


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Clearly you are very unhappy, but at present we know not why.  However, albeit understandably, your feelings may be getting somewhat the better of judgement.

You appear to be saying the manufactures are no good.  The dealers are no good.  The magazines are in cahoots with both, and most contributors to this forum are against you.

I think that is not justified by what has been written anywhere above.  If you will read again, when the "red mist" subsides, I think you will find that there is considerable sympathy for the owner of the Swift, and a general acceptance that he has recieved a raw deal. 

What some of us have specifically objected to is some intemperate and unbalanced lashing out against everything and everyone on the back of this.  You now seem to have somewhat added to this yourself.  Now you have decided the whole industry and half the population is against you, what now?  What are you going to do next?  You can't fight them all, and you may need some allies against the author of your misfortune.  If you call everyone rogues, you may find they aren't all quite as co-operative as you'd maybe wish.

The simple truth is there are many, many, motorhome owners who are happy with their vans, and happy with the dealerships from which they purchased.  That doesn't detract from your dilemma, but it does put it into perspective a bit, in terms of how widespread poor quality and service really are.  Neither does it seek to deny that you have an as yet unspecified problem with your dealer, and the importer of your van.

Remember, it is the dealer who, under UK law, is responsible for what he sells.  Whatever responsibility you may think the manufacturer/importer should have, he actually has none.  So, it is the dealer, and the dealer alone, who must take responsibility for all of the defects on your van.  If the van is a "pup", and you can't use it, speak to your local trading standards department about how to proceed with rejection as your objective.  If it is defects that need to be rectified and you can use the van in the meantime, press the dealer for remedy and for dates for repair.  If the response is unreasonable (which legally doesn't mean they are obliged to make repairs at your dictate, but just in a reasonable manner and within a reasonable timescale), again, involve your trading standards department. 

However, much more is usually gained by persuasion and negotiation, than by legal threats.  By far the best results are generally gained by direct negotiation than by exchanging any kind of written communication, or over the phone.  Save the letters for simply stating the problem.  Then talk.

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I'm afraid that this particular dealer has refused to take phonecalls since we took delivery of the van. Adria themselves, who you would have thought would be keen to engender some goodwill by trying to ensure buyers were happy both with the products they make and with their authorised dealerships, have no interest at all and have done next to nothing, despite a lot of the problems actually emanating from them and the dealer.

Point is, certain people on THIS forum seem to think that various dealers and manufacturers (and various magazines who are widely thought now to be "in the pockets" of various manufacturers / dealers) seem to think that by posting intimidatory and/or less than pleasant remarks about the Swift owner (and no doubt about myself should I continue to discuss the huge issues about the Adria), they will "prove" how extremely happy "most" people (like you) are with their motorhomes and that those with extensive pronblems dare not say so for fear of retribution from others on this forum!


For instance, look at the attack launched on the Swift owner by some character on this forum citing his "legal / court battles" on MHF, which are just completely untrue. And this forums esteemed individual who felt the Swift owner should be moving elsewhere if he dared to make complaints here. I suppose I'm next in his axing program? Not exactly supportive I would say.


My feelings and my judgement are mine to express, as are the Swift owners - normal individuals accept that, controlling ones don't. No-one has to agree with anyone else, but it can be kept polite and reasonable. I have FACTUAL problems, as does the Swift owner with his van, with the Adria, and no, I don't need a lesson on trading standards / solicitors etc., I am trying to resolve the issue without going to the lengths the Swift owner has had to, as I said. Just to illustrate that we don't ALL live in the same motorhome Utopia that you apparently do.


And we don't have to emigrate , just because a major disagreement arises between a couldn't care less dealer, and a client who is treated like rubbish - to suggest that someone should, seems to be a rather bigoted opinion by that particular poster.




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Just to update.....the Swift assessor has been and it seems that the door needs a slight adjustment, he said I need a new kitchen window and we also spoke about why I had only one key for all locks on the motorhome at the time of purchase, and I now have three different numbers locks/keys.


As he left, I tried to get the heating on - I was cold and wet outside the van etc - and the boiler refused its duty. I have phoned TRUMA - very helpful chaps who talked me through a process to disconnect the thermostat......hooray - I have heat - albeit more manually controlled.


So, still not out of the woods, but moving forward.



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Hi, Russell


I am a Swift motorhome owner, just thought i would make that clear from the start and i would buy another


I do get concerned that all of your reports are directed towards Swift e.g. the title of this thread, your purchase of the website, etc etc. and while I am not trying to support them i do think that its perhaps worth looking and trying to separate what is directly there problems and what are possible dealer related.


You appear to be defending your dealer at the expense of Swift, when while I do agree that the way Swift manage their claim/warranty work through their dealership and thereby don't appear to really want to entertain any direct contact, does appear Strange, none the less that is the way they operate and it appears from one of the posts above that other non UK manufacturers perhaps do the same.


Getting back to my point please correct me if I am wrong but didn't you mention in one of your posts that the dealer fitted another non standard thermostat if this is true then surly the problem you have, shouldn't be reported under a Swift problem e.g. under this same thread as its nothing to do with Swift its surly a dealer problem. This also goes for the Gaslow, the Fammia door lock the Charging unit, the refitting or alignment of the door etc. all nothing really to do with Swift directly more to do with bad luck on the parts that have failed and poor workmanship on the adjustments etc.


You could say that its Swifts problem specifying these part manufactures e.g. the Charging Unit , the rear view camera, the door etc. but then this complaint would need to be levied at a number of other motorhome manufacturers including non UK companies who use the same parts.


I may be wrong but didn't you say in one of your earlier reports that the door was made by another motorhome manufacturer if it was it would be interesting to know who ?


I really do wish you well and hope that you reach a satisfactory conclusion and that you get back to enjoying your motor-homing,





Rapide561 - 2007-06-25 11:40 AM




Just to update.....the Swift assessor has been and it seems that the door needs a slight adjustment, he said I need a new kitchen window and we also spoke about why I had only one key for all locks on the motorhome at the time of purchase, and I now have three different numbers locks/keys.


As he left, I tried to get the heating on - I was cold and wet outside the van etc - and the boiler refused its duty. I have phoned TRUMA - very helpful chaps who talked me through a process to disconnect the thermostat......hooray - I have heat - albeit more manually controlled.


So, still not out of the woods, but moving forward.


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Guest JudgeMental

Rapide561, now that they have failed to repair your van and you have further evidence ( accessors visit) I would be issuing a formal rejection via a solicitor.


They have had there chance and blown it - get your money back and move on....

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That's the way forward. I am still going to obtain an "independant" report first.


The assessor chap was very pleasant and his manner is a credit to The Swift Group - assuming he is an employee. Even if he is a freelance contractor, he represented Swift in a professional manner. That said, I was a "professional" customer as I have been throughout this saga, no shouting and balling.


The reason I am going for the indepenant report is based on the simple ascertion of the "second opinion". The Swift chap seemed to think that the amount of "pull" one needs to apply to the door to close it fully is normal. I tend to disagree, when comparing to Kontiki's on dealers forecourts. I have, however, asked for a copy of his written report. The door is "catching" on something at the bottom and this is how the first door performed on the initial day of ownership.


In reponse to the earlier post, the thermostat was disconnected last year and a replacement - what looks to be a genuine Swift part - was added elsewhere in the van.


I am still, however hoping for an amicable settlement between myself and the dealer. It would be far easier for all concerned. I cannot however return the vehicle for further repairs at this stage.


The heating is on, albeit with the thermostat disconnected, so it is manually operated - simple as on and off.

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Guest JudgeMental
Rapide561 - 2007-06-25 5:08 PM


That's the way forward. I am still going to obtain an "independant" report first.



of course you can do that whilst waiting for things to gather momentum - but theres nothing like a solicitors letter to concentrate the mind. court appearances are a matter of record and can be very bad publicity :-D

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Well, Laurie, I'm a bit saddened by the quip about living in a motorhome utopia, but I guess you’re still angry!  I can't understand a dealer who won't take 'phone calls, he'd get no trade at all; so I must assume he won't take calls from you.

As I have already said, Adria have no part in your dispute with the Dealer.

I have read nothing in this string that I think intimidatory, though one or two views are quite robust!  However, I guess it depends what intimidates.  We are all different.

I can't really comment on which magazines are "in the pockets of manufacturers/dealers", because none seem to me to be so.  However, neither can I think of any newspaper, journal, magazine or other published periodical that doesn't have to keep an eye on its advertising revenues.  You just have to read them understanding what they can, and can't say, and read between the lines for the criticisms.

The Swift owner says he has had no other court battles, his accuser hasn't enlarged.  I'm happy to leave it there.

If you read the relevant posts, you will find it wasn't the Swift owner who was invited to move elsewhere, it was another poster, who was taken to task for his unbalanced and completely negative swipe at the whole UK motorhome industry.  The Swift owner has not done that, though I do think he is shooting at the wrong target with his website.

I'm sorry if you feel I was attempting to give you lessons on trading standards / solicitors.  I was, in fact, suggesting how you might be able to get satisfaction in solving your problem.  However, as you clearly have that under control, do let us know how you get on.

I still think you may find it helpful to re-read this string with an open mind, rather than one that imputes bias and prejudice in anyone who rejects extreme views.  The central point surely is that disputes can only be solved with rational thinking, reason, and quiet insistence.  Were it otherwise, our courts would resemble mediaeval bear pits.  For what it’s worth, (and no, I’m not attempting a lesson) I think you should just go and talk personally to these guys, calmly and politely, but firmly.

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As the Adria issue we are trying to deal with is not connected to the Swift issue it would be best not to hijack this thread. I will post details in a completely new thread once it is appropriate to do so (a few further efforts to be concluded to exhaust all reasonable possibilities).


It doesn't really matter who was the subject of the venomous attack from a previous poster "yelling" at someone to leave the country because they dared to express an opinion not coinciding with his own, it was quite shocking and absolutely out of order, and I don't believe it was biased or angry to express my outrage at this behavour.


I find the major magazines mostly expound the "fabulous virtues" of various dealers and motorhomes without dealing with any major problems at all - an occasional small issue is mentioned, but nothing suggestive of any major issues with construction standards or dealer service. Naturally, dealers fall over backwards to ensure that the magazine reviewers / staff obtain the very best standards of everything as this is entirely to their advantage, so readers will never get an accurate reflection of dealer service based on magazine reviews of this nature.


By the way, if you "can't understand a dealer who won't take phone calls", then do please have a word with Adria's Commercial Director, Mike Lake, who can verify everything I have said - he, too, had the utmost difficulty getting the dealer to respond to HIS phone calls about the issue. In Psychiatry, we call the condition "AVOIDANCE" - this can be part of a wider personality disorder, or simply an adjustment issue relevant to the situation - some people have "avoidant" type personalities, where they would prefer to duck and dive rather than face facts and try to resolve an issue.


The dealer involved is a small Kent based dealer, in Herne Bay, BCS Motorhomes. They were one of the few Adria accredited dealers at the time we placed our order for the van at Peterborough 2006, hence the considerable distance from our home in the Midlands. More about this issue later as I said.


I don't believe my view is unbalanced. Professionally, I provide expert opinion to courts and the criminal justice service, and all I have said to now is entirely my own experience. This naturally differs from yours. You spoke about a majority of motorhome owners being delighted - I do not believe this to be an accurate assessment. Motorhome manufacturers are also very much to blame for shoddy workmanship, it is not just dealer ineptitude / disinterest. I did not say this applies to every motorhome from every manufacturer, or even just to UK built motorhomes - ours is a Euro, not UK built, in any case. Generally, whatever the build problems, it is how the dealer deals with the problems that really matters and how the manufacturer responds in a "goodwill" manner to clients who have spent huge sums of money on "their" products, whatever the "legal" situation may be.


In Adria's case, the response from the head office has been pretty poor, with Mike Lake only bothering to respond to one message in every 20-30 , and promises to phone back from various members of his staff simply being broken all the time. Many of the issues with this Adria were in fact the fault of the manufacturer, not the dealer, and they remain outstanding despite Mike Lake having sent an assessor out to report on the van. IWe have ended up as "piggy in the middle" with dealer blaming manufacturer and vice versa. The only losers in the equation are ourselves.


Anyhow, my commisserations to the Swift owner, and my very best wishes to him and others similarly afflicted by the poor service standards so rife in this country at present. Keep up the pressure and don't be intimidated by some strange or hostile comments on this or any other forum - we all deserve to get the goods and service we have paid for, and that is a simple fact.





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