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France Passion

David Dwight

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Hi folks,


Recently talking to a chap who has just come back to the UK for the Summer!! He told me that people who have been using France Passion sites have been under pressure to buy produce etc from the owners etc. I said I thought it only polite to purchase what ever they produce, no it seems this high pressure selling type. Any comments.



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In our experience with France Passion, it seems that the ability to sell produce to those who stay is increasingly important to the landowner. But we have never felt directly pressured, in fact some sites have just waved with a smile and not even spoken to us. Some others, though, have asked in a no-pressure tone "would you like to taste our wine".


It depends on the region you are visiting, and the season. If you don't want to try or buy, then say non, merci! You've already paid Euro30 so that lets you off the hook, in my opinion. In the end, if they make you feel uncomfortable, simply leave. Or, if you feel obliged, buy one of the cheapest items you can find. A 4 Euro bottle of white will always be a good medium for poaching your prawns and scallops!!



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David Dwight - 2007-06-25 9:14 PM


Hi folks,


Recently talking to a chap who has just come back to the UK for the Summer!! He told me that people who have been using France Passion sites have been under pressure to buy produce etc from the owners etc. I said I thought it only polite to purchase what ever they produce, no it seems this high pressure selling type. Any comments.




We have used a few French Passion sites and I think that some people have got the wrong idea about these sites.


First of all the owners of these sites actually pay the French Passion Organisation to become registered.


Second: the 30 euros you pay is to become a member, not for the sites, within that membership you are supplied with a sites book. This then entitles you to the FREE (most times) services that are provided by the site owners. You are not paying a site fee.


Third: There is no obligation to buy any produce but I think out of courtesy there must be some consideration for the services provided.


Once again we have motorhomers who think that because they have spent so much on their beloved motorhomes that everything else should be free. They ought to think again, for example when you join one of the main clubs in the UK you pay your membership fee each year and again are provided with a sites book AND THEN you are required to pay for any site that you may go on, these motorhomers don't complain about those.


We have been welcomed with open arms by the French Passion site owners as they are very proud of their vineyards and farms and have never been pressurised into buying anything.


If I have offended anyone by this post then I apologise but it just makes my blood boil that people always want something for nothing.

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Well ,

I have to say It wouldn't bother us actually anything French don't be it wine food cheeses . I would be the first in the cue but then its only polite!


Swop shop kind of really whats wrong with abit of high powered selling if thats what it is . ;-)

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Hear, hear Randonneur. Never felt any pressure. Though in the early days the 'British guilt' always got the better of me. I would feel very guilty at staying there for 'nothing'. Now we choose our FP by what they have on offer. Even caught my own trout for tea in one super place. They had a resteraunt too - but definately NO pressure.


If you feel that you may be intimidated by the freedom - don't use them. stick to aires!



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(?) Often thought about joining France Passion but believe you may stay only one night at each venue. Is this true? If so it wouldn't really suit us as we like to spend a bit of time in each place we visit. The other question is whether they are all well off the beaten track? Cheers!
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Stayed at Ostrich farms and bought a feather, vineyards and bought wine and farm and bought quality virgin olive oil and he gave us free grapes which looked nothing special and would be turned down by Tesco......I can assure you they were the best we have ever tasted.


What you save on campsite fees you can indulge in a bottle of wine and still have change so we think they are great and really welcoming.



Give it a try as you won't break the bank joining up. Use them as stopovers between travels.


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ike - 2007-06-26 6:06 PM(?) Often thought about joining France Passion but believe you may stay only one night at each venue. Is this true? If so it wouldn't really suit us as we like to spend a bit of time in each place we visit. The other question is whether they are all well off the beaten track? Cheers!


The rules state only one night, and I have always been suspicious that this is partly to do with keeping a fresh set of clientelle visiting the shop or winery.  But we stayed at one near Lille that was happy to have us for two nights.  I doubt they'd be happy for much more than that, though.


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In the early days we fell into the "feeling guilty" trap, and this along with our usual trick of getting carried away when tasting, let to us spending £20+ per site!!!  Clearly more expensive than most regular sites, but without the amenities.  Once we realised what we were doing, we changed our approach. 


We actually "want" to taste their produce, usually, so unless we see a bargain bulk purchase of something special, we will buy at most one bottle for dinner, or 2 eggs for brekkie.  And often nothing at all... if we intend to spend nothing, we say right up front, rather than tasting then declining.


We love using France Passion, as it "forces" us into very remote rural parts of France, and gets us into wineries not normally visible or open to the public; and our experiences have been varied and wonderful.  In any 7 day period, we typically use FP 6 nights and powered site 1 night.


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I don't mind paying a fair price, but I don't like being ripped off.

All those people that have used the scheme, do you mind telling us what you bought, if anything, and how many Euros, and what the responses from the owners were like.

We can then decide if we want to pay a campsite, or pay for a produce, and if it is a friendly scheme, or otherwise.

So come on, good and bad, funny and most bizarre purchases and experiences.




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mikey72 - 2007-06-28 11:34 AM



I don't mind paying a fair price, but I don't like being ripped off.

All those people that have used the scheme, do you mind telling us what you bought, if anything, and how many Euros, and what the responses from the owners were like.

We can then decide if we want to pay a campsite, or pay for a produce, and if it is a friendly scheme, or otherwise.

So come on, good and bad, funny and most bizarre purchases and experiences.





We recently stayed on an aire on the Isle d'Oleron and you were allowed to stay for 3 nights, we bought a bottle of Pineau de Charente to replenish our stocks. We didn't have to it was a free choice. Then we stayed at another aire north of cognac which has a Bamboo Garden with hundreds of different kinds of Bamboo and you are allowed to walk anywhere you want, the place also produces wine and Pineau and as we were the only people there that night we had the place to ourselves and the gates were closed so nobody knew we were there except the owners. There wasn't even a mention of buying anything at all and the place provided a small chalet that had 2 toilets and and washbasin. Very nice people. The owner even came away from his lunch to open the gates as it was a Bank Holiday here and said help yourself. That is what France Passion is all about.

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Randonneur - 2007-06-29 12:12 PM



We recently stayed on an aire on the Isle d'Oleron and you were allowed to stay for 3 nights, we bought a bottle of Pineau de Charente to replenish our stocks. We didn't have to it was a free choice. Then we stayed at another aire north of cognac which has a Bamboo Garden with hundreds of different kinds of Bamboo and you are allowed to walk anywhere you want, the place also produces wine and Pineau and as we were the only people there that night we had the place to ourselves and the gates were closed so nobody knew we were there except the owners. .


Sorry about the above post, it should have read France Passion site not Aire. the brain isn't working fully this morning, been plagued with cramp for last few weeks and its playing havoc with my sleep.

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The odd bottle of wine we buy 'for the night' never costs the equivalent of a site fee, couple of euros. And is something we would have purchased - for more - from the shops. We don't tend to buy the really expensive stuff on offer. If we really like the wine etc. we may well buy more for storage and remember our lovely time away while back at home and sitting in the rain! And many's the time we have been given an extra bottle to have with our meal.

How British to feel it is a 'rip off'! I just wish our farmers could offer such a variety of places to stay and sell their produce.

I think we have purchased from about 50% of places. Many places don't even have anything on offer. I notice there are many camping-caristes now offering a place at their own homes as somewhere to stay. How are they going to 'rip us off'?

Enjoy the hospitality and raise a glass with your host.

Our first FP host used a rubber tube which he sucked through to provide a syphon to fill a bottle that was lying around. Then we went and parked amongst his vines for the night and enjoyed the weather, view etc and no neighbours. We've never looked back...

One place we didn't like was an Italian resturant car park - no we didn't at there but the spot did us for a sleep. And occasionaly we can't find the FP on offer, or the parking place is far too small for a 6 metre van. However, I have got us stuck well up a gravel track, the wheels started to slip, we were stuck on a bend and tempers became very frayed - we were on the wrong road and in amongst the vines, not on a road to the FP

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Sorry about your cramp, have you tried eating bananas,Randonneur? I have found they help me.


To return to the France Passion theme we have never felt pushed into buying wine etc. - though we do buy a bottle or two usually. And more than once we have been offered a free bottle to have with our supper.



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Qunine bisulphate Ok knuckles wrapped for threading in the wrong direction just trying to help Martin & Sylvia....


Anyway brilliant tabs might be able to get them OTC over the counter.


Although second thoughts ask your Doctor as I do not know if you take any other medications???? probably safer they have two properties .


Firstly they are used for Malaria bitten by bugs also keep the mosquitos away double up with Tonic water .Secondly they are used for nocturnal cramps. Muscle Spasm. I have used them myself they put the salt back in your blood ...probably all that hot weather you two get ...


Hope you're feeling better soon nothing makes you worse than losing sleep !.Take Care sorry cannot add to the thread have never done it But I know one day we will makes very very interesting reading and when its just him & me one day we will make it ..makes me feel like we are there when I read about it just close my eye's and imagine the Grape vines ;-)

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nothing to do with france passion which we have found to be wonderful, the french are passionate about france, but cramp, try sticking your foot onto some cold metal, off to sleep again in a trice!!!!!!!!!!


mavis :D

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