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Calais Aire on the Plage

Guest Paul

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Many of you will have used over the years,the fantastic parking area on the Calais Plage which was so convenient for overnights, particularly when arriving for early or late ferry crossings. Alas now there is a big problem. The municipal authorities in their wisdom have erected a barrier and imposed a ridiculous 7 euro charge for overnighting, plus the charge for using the new Borne! What is even worse is that you have to leave a deposit at the Municipal Campsite next door of 50 euros for a key for the barrier -yes I did mean 50! Even more bad news is the barrier does not open until 8.00am - so if you are leaving early you have no chance unless you also leave your 50 euros! When I drove past last week the area had 6 vans on when previously there would have been at least 60! The local restaurants will suffer as will all of the local shops. I love France and spend well over 100 nights per year there [the UK being too expensive and regulated] but they have got this one seriously wrong. I will be writing to P&O and Sea France as well as the Calais authorities, and even East Enders!! to try to get a re-think. If anyone else out there also thinks they have got this crazily wrong then please do the same - who knows if enough of us do the same they might see sense.
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Guest Clive
We too have just returned from Calais. Your report is correct but you give up too easilly! Two height barriers don,t stop the ice cream vans that simply drive over the adjacent kerbs - so We did, to get to the "facilities" to empty the loo. However this was locked. The new costly facility just up the road also has a FREE motorhome service point outside the barriered area where we emptied and washed out our loo box. Then we drive just a couple of miles through Sangatte to Cap Blank Nez and join the other campers watching the ferries come and go. Its nice up the hill. Fantastic view point. In the morning you can call into the Sangatte Boulangerie for your bread on route to the ferry port just 10 minutes away. (He speaks English as well) Don,t forget, the French make rules for foreigners, not for themselves! and its a fantastic country after all.
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  • 2 months later...
I have just found the mmm readers forum after spending an annoying evening on Saturday trying to park in Calais. We usually park near the plage as we catch the very early shuttle, but the Calais authorities have made life very difficult, as well as height barriers on most of the car parks, they have 'no camping car' signs on the road side. Any information re parking would be appreciated. We do not mind paying, but arrive very late after most sites are closed. I hace contacted the tourist information at Calais which was a waste of time, they did not seem to see a problem. Sue
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Susan I don,t condone it [?] but the last time i was in Calais [11th August] and stayed on the Aire at Calais Plage someone had "removed" one arm of the barrier!! I bet it was a Frenchman. Needless to say the Aire was full again with most people escaping the excessive charge by arriving after the attendant clocked off for the day.
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