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Can people please explain why it is considered that Fiats are easier to get into than say Merc's ...


How do they get in the front cab. what is it that makes them so easy is it the doors that are no good ?


Please explain in layman terms .


kindest Regards

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Guest JudgeMental

front cab door lock's can be "popped" with a screwdriver in seconds.


THATCHAM rate: Fiat security 1 star. Ford 3 star


also quarter lights can be easily cut out of rubber seals. where Ford quarters I believe are bonded in. All these vans need upgraded security anyway regardless of manufacturer.


on MHF forum saw Fiat laughingly described as " all fur coat no knickers". this was in response to the cost of parts.


Saying that the thought of Mrs Mental in a fur coat and..... O never mind *-)


head down now, for incoming from Fiat nuts! :-D



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Well I got a Fiat not out of choice we just liked Bessie the layout worked for us. I would of much prefered a Merc but nothing suited the family.


I don't know what we will do then to make it safer without glueing in the quater lights .? Mind you I wouldn't want to meet my hubby if he caught you ....I would say gonner comes to mind!

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michele - 2007-06-27 8:53 PM Well I got a Fiat not out of choice we just liked Bessie the layout worked for us. I would of much prefered a Merc but nothing suited the family. I don't know what we will do then to make it safer without glueing in the quater lights .? Mind you I wouldn't want to meet my hubby if he caught you ....I would say gonner comes to mind!

You're worrying again, Michele!

If a thief wants in, he'll use the quickest way.  Simple approach well known to any car thief, break a cab window, and release the door locks through the broken window.  Not so popular if they want to nick the whole van, though.  So far as I know the Merc is no better in this respect, the 2007 model has improved locks, and I believe the rating for the Fiats Eddie is referring to is based upon the Mk1 Ducatos.

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Guest JudgeMental

Is that a challenge my Dear! :-D


if you want to be secure at night on an Aire you need extra locks with all brands of vans. deadlocks on cab doors and extra lock on camper door and lockers.


plus advisable to have an alarm system that can have internal sensors turned of - whilst leaving external doors armed. so if the blighter's do get in you know about it and can set your policeman on them - make sure he wears a stab vest...


Harrison locks have a website with lots of pictures of whats available - I am going up to them to finish of my security next week. Also Dave Newell does locks as well



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Michele, the one on the habitation door I think you're looking at is the Abus caravan door lock, it is easily openable from inside, two full turns of the knob and voila. Hymer even build a section into their hab door liner to take it! I have one on our rear door and I've fitted several now, they're very good.



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If anyone is interested we've not long returned from Harrisons Locks after having deadlocks fitted to our Hymervan.


We had a single deadlock fitted to each of the garage doors and another deadlock fitted to the habitation door which is also lockable from the interior. While we were there we also had a set of heo locks fitted to the cab doors.

We now have a van that is about as secure as you can get and fully deadlocked either when inside the van or out. This was important to us as we do a fair bit of wildcamping and overnighting on aires. We also carry a fair bit of kit in the garage so it made sense to improve on the 'chocolate' locks that are fitted as standard here.

While they were fitting the locks we had a walk down to the village for a pint and some fish and chips and then spent a pleasant night at the back of Pauls house. A bit like a CL really with beautiful views over Astwood Bank and hook up if required.....



Excellent service all round and I'd recommend them if you want extra security for your cherished motorhome.

They aren't cheap but they are substantial locks and you can negotiate a fair price dependant on the amount of work you're having done.

There isn't much that Paul doesn't know about locks and he's a thoroughly nice guy.


The advertised price....


Heosafes cablocks, fitted - £140


Habitation door deadlock (keyed both sides), fitted - £145


Single side keyed deadlocks for garage, fitted - £135 each


I promised I wouldn't say how much he charged me but you can be assured of a good discount on this price, esp for £ notes ;-)


DIY much cheaper if your skills are up to it (mine aren't!).


No connections except as a satisfied customer



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peejay - 2007-06-28 10:40 AM :-( :-( tried to add some piccies to the above post but I keep getting "internal server error" whats that all about >:-( pete

Peejay - Piccies might be too big to upload.Try importing them into something like photoshop or similar s/ware if you have one, then resize down to about 430 x 480. But ask it to keep "aspect ratio". Then try the upload.It's a matter of keep on trying until you get it right really.Don't forget to save changes under another name or you will loose the original pic.

Re locks - Very interesting indeed. We've got a new Hymer 700 and had the Van Bitz jobbie done on the van together with a reversing camera as we have a solid rear wall - end bed  over the garage scenario.So everything buttoned down with alarms if any door is opened whilst we are asleep, wails like a banshee.I feel that the current locks on drivers door and habitation door look very robust. Do you think that we should upgrade to your solution.

Any other suggestions from people would also be welcomed.


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Pete ,

please try again


Breakaleg Ours dont reach but we are in desperate need of thinking of something to make it reach but with quick release but tamper proof against an Autistic child who has the brains to get out of the cab doors whilst we are still snorning but obviously we need to get out in a fire!



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ok, resized and trying again...


1st photo - habitation door exterior

2nd photo - habitation door interior

3rd photo - garage door exterior

4th photo - garage door interior (showing the longer throw than standard lock)

5th photo - heosafe cab lock


Its a bit of a faff putting piccies on here ain't it (lol)






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whats the price of the cab internal ones please ie the two in the cab & also the habitation door .

Also for a thicky please explain the cab door ones are they KEY???i can see a button . Could a child get out ? without help

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Keep up Michele, prices are in my previous post a few above this one *-)


Yes, they are keyed from the inside, we have attached velcro to our keys and put them somewhere easily accesible but not visible - just incase we need a swift exit, although the habitation door can also be opened from inside as well.



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Guest JudgeMental
michele - 2007-06-28 3:47 PM

Really Sorry for that you want to start an argument :D




I had PM'd you the price as well... :-S


that will teach you to accuse me of being rotund :-D

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Guest JudgeMental
Don Madge - 2007-06-28 4:15 PM




I just hope to god you never have to bale out at night with the van full of smoke.

I'm now convinced more than ever that I will not turn my van into a fort Knox.



you don't have to key lock habitation door from the inside to be secure - so no problem exiting in a hurry?

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Don Madge - 2007-06-28 4:15 PM




I just hope to god you never have to bale out at night with the van full of smoke.


I'm now convinced more than ever that I will not turn my van into a fort Knox.




I see what you're getting at Don and you're quite right, you should never make you van so secure that it is difficult to get out of in an emergency.


Hence the set up we have, the habitation door can still be opened just as quickly from inside as the deadlock can be opened from inside as well.

The heosafe keys as I mentioned previously are in an easy to get at location for emergencies but as we have 2 swivel front seats exiting quickly via the cab was always going to be a bit awkward, even if heosafe locks weren't fitted.



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So does that mean the habitation door is not childproof ? If it can be opened quickly looking for something that offers security BUT offers the chance to keep in an Autistic child whilst on the move . He undone his seat belt and jumped towards the door of course we nearly had kittens ...He's quicker than lightening. We at the moment only have central locking but he could quite easily get his little fingers on that little button and pop it upwards.. Used the D ring in the end from the outside.

People may ask why did you not do something before but he is new to this and it's not until they do it you then realise you have a problem..

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Guest JudgeMental

you have the choice to key lock habitation door if you wish....


but like you said there are inherent problems with this if quick exit required.


key locking of habitation door is only for when van left empty -unattended, as far as I am concerned.


but in you case with specific needs its an assessment you can only make for yourselves. IMO if I was you I would do as you do and use fiamma lock on outside while driving but not while parked up

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michele - 2007-06-28 4:48 PM


So does that mean the habitation door is not childproof ? If it can be opened quickly looking for something that offers security BUT offers the chance to keep in an Autistic child whilst on the move . He undone his seat belt and jumped towards the door of course we nearly had kittens ...He's quicker than lightening. We at the moment only have central locking but he could quite easily get his little fingers on that little button and pop it upwards.. Used the D ring in the end from the outside.

People may ask why did you not do something before but he is new to this and it's not until they do it you then realise you have a problem..


Sorry Michele, probably didn't explain the set up properly....


The habitation door is keyed from both the outside and the inside, however if you remove the inside key then you cannot open it as the internal knob or handle is not turnable. We leave the key in the lock on the habitition door when sleeping inside for a quick exit in an emergency if needed but for your situation removing the key would be ideal and then a child couldn't fiddle about and get out on their own unless you put the key back in.


You must make sure that the key is in the lock when sleeping in the van though, or at the very least in an easily reachable position in an emergency so you can all get out quickly.


Similarly with the heosafe cablocks, you can lock it without the key but you must have the key inserted to unlock it.


Probably haven't explained myself very well (again) :-| does that make sense (?)



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