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Dave yes correct so thats me out of the game then!



Yes explained fully thankyou


I know I started this thread about security and it is very interesting can anyone help with the following.


M is 7 years old and Autistic his brain is ticking away a very clever astute little boy.

We went to France for the first time with him in the half term.

All was well and we did not know if he would take to it or not

half way around the M25 on the way to the tunnel he undid his seatbelt and bolted to the door 3 times I put him back with a stern NO!

So we carry on with me frightened to take my eye's off him we have never had this from the girls so we were not expecting it really.

We only have the central locking system in place which does leave when locked a little stickey up black button for him to pull by now we are having kittens as to wether or not he would make it from his seat and over to the door and open the door and fall out in transit.

Suddenly I looked in the wing mirror and silly me I realised hey we have a D ring outside we pulled over and locked without a key the D ring across the door ! solved for now but not brilliant Our worry is that although it would take his weight as he is only tiny suposing it failed whilst travelling he could fly out OH GOD !. Any idea's


Ok next problem get on site get ready for bed and he wakes around 5 am

I was beside myself that he may get out ! We set the alarm for the outside only alowing anyone inside to move then I suddenly though oh my god supposen he wakes (he's cute enough) looks at us see we are snoring and makes a dash for the front doors ok the alarm would go but he's quick and god forbid he could go under a car or something moving so now I can't sleep on tender hooks. We tried the seatbelts in the past through the doors but I had to prove to myself again that they are not long enough so tried again in vain did not have a single peice of equiptment to tie to make up the shortage so .........swivled the chairs around and blocked them against the doors but he is so little he could still get out ....Ok any suggestions ...very hard one I know because the fear is making it two secure that we can't get out fast enough with disabled kids in a panic . And believe you me you don't have to be in a panic to set them off the noise can be umhh over the top at the best of times...


Any bright ideas of help gratefully received ..Thankyou all

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Hello Michele,


Why not get Deadbolts fitted to the cab doors and use the D Handle to keep the Habitation door secure.


The deadbolts can be set using Key, Hidden Internal Switch or a Remote.


Dave Newell fitted these to my Ducato and they work extremely well and have the added bonus in your case of providing another level of security when the van is parked up. I am sure Dave would advise the best system.





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If I were in your situation and the habitation doorlock I have fitted isn't suitable for your bessacarr then I would have the heosafe locks fitted to the cab doors and make up a wooden bar something like this......


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Thanks guys' one and all.

Peejay how many doors have you in that van I'm lost now also is that your door if so which one .


Also is that a standard fit to your van (not the wood) ....When you say Dave fits them what are you talking all locks sorry lost now


Heosafe what is one of them please !?

Oh god so much to learn its a game init ..


Whats a Dead bolt anyone got a piccy plain english for dumb Blondes please Mike?

Dave you work Saturdays please????


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michele - 2007-06-28 8:12 PM


Thanks guys' one and all.

Peejay how many doors have you in that van I'm lost now also is that your door if so which one .


Also is that a standard fit to your van (not the wood) ....When you say Dave fits them what are you talking all locks sorry lost now


Heosafe what is one of them please !?

Oh god so much to learn its a game init ..



Lol Michele


No, its not my van, its a photo from another van, hopefully with a similar lock to the one on your Bessacarr as Dave mentioned that the habitation door lock I have fitted might not be suitable for yours. The bit of wood for that type of lock might help to prevent your child 'escaping' whilst on the move if thats the type you have ??


I never mentioned that Dave fits them but I'm sure he could do - so not sure what you're on about there ?


The heosafe lock is the one that I have fitted to my cab doors as per my first photo's, i'll show the photo again to avoid confusion ......




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Peejay ,

please keep up with it :D the thread above you Mike Chapman did

honestly talk about women :D

hey I know I said I,m blonde but don't take the mickey ;-)


Dave do you work at weekends???? How close are you to Newark ?

and yes you have guessed it I can't read a map and even if I could I wouldn't know where abouts you were? ;-) Oh dyslexic Lil I'm all in a jumbel

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"Dave do you work at weekends???? How close are you to Newark ?

and yes you have guessed it I can't read a map and even if I could I wouldn't know where abouts you were?"


Michele, in order: Yes I do work on Saturdays. Newark? Nowhere near! I'm in East Shropshire which is in the West Midlands, halfway between Shrewsbury and Wolverhampton. Details of how to find my workshop are on my website. ;-)


The deadbolts Mike is referring to are a device of my own design incorporating a 14mm brass bolt that is electrically motored from each of the cab doors into the "B" posts to prevent them from being opened. The system is available with either a manual switch in the cab or operated by remote control. Photo on my website.



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Ok well off to look at the website then ;-)


Dave probably silly but how easy is it to have a switch to operate the Deabolts from somewhere up near the double bed back end...Is that hard to wire up?. I was looking at the £200 jobbies



Ok I want both Dave in that I want the unusaual request of keeping people in and at the same time keeping people out ? hope that makes sense. which is the best for us and have you them in stock all the time?



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Guest JudgeMental


Michele, how long do you think it will take your boy to discover the switch for the dead bolt?


best a key fob or key locked dead bolt then keep either around your neck on a chain whilst sleeping no fumbling around in the dark in a panic...

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MOTORHOMER - 2007-06-29 10:08 AM


Hello Dave


Talking about windows what extra alarms / security can you offer for the windows & sliding ones in particular. Also the heki type vents.





Sorry Homer, I haven't found anything as yet that would make much difference. You could install some small battery operated individual alarm units to each window, they're pretty cheap and certainly make a lot of noise if a window is forced open.



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davenewell@home - 2007-06-28 9:22 PM




The deadbolts Mike is referring to are a device of my own design incorporating a 14mm brass bolt that is electrically motored from each of the cab doors into the "B" posts to prevent them from being opened. The system is available with either a manual switch in the cab or operated by remote control. Photo on my website.



maybe the Deadbolts are best as I,m not sure what the difference is with this Hoelock thingy

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If I remember rightly don't Fiamma make such a little kind of swivel thing that might fit my Hab door ???n oh anyone any suggestions still at a loss as to what I could put onthe inside door hab?


really worried about not being able to get out with the D ring setup on the outside.

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