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Vehicle washing

John S

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Guest John S
I have recently purchased a container of Fenwicks vehicle shampoo which carries an instruction that it should be applied from the bottom up. My natural inclination is to wash a vehicle from the top down. Starting at the relatively clean window area and finishing at the dirty skirt. What do others think? Am I missing the obvious? John S
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Guest David
Hi John, I was taught by my Father many years ago to wash a vehicle from the top down the idea being that the water runs down onto the dirtier parts softens mud and washes off grit, therefore lessening the chance of scratching. I have always done it this way. Unless Fenwicks mean apply the shanpoo from bottom up and then wash from top down. That way it would soften the dirtier parts first, and the shampoo would soak in. Well it will be interesting to see what others say. David
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Guest David Powell
Yes I have heared that before some time in the far distant past. I think it was something to do with streaks of shampoo running down the 'van and cleaning those streaks before you get down there with the brush/sponge and evening it out, thus producing the opposite effect of the dreaded black streaks that we get from our yucky atmosphere when it rains. Might be a load of old rubbish, but it sounds good don't it???
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Guest Rowan Lee
Have a look at Fenwicks website - it gives full instructions for all their products and I think you will find that all will be revealed!
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Guest Derek Uzzell
(That's www.fenwicks.info by the way.) I recall the bottom-upwards vehicle-cleaning approach being mentioned in a magazine article years ago. It's effectiveness may well depend on the cleaning tools you use, but I've always felt that the top-downwards technique made more sense. Personally, I'm a TD man and I've no intention of changing to a BU.
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Guest PeteC
In the days when cars got covered in mud and salt in winter; there was an article in a magazine (Practical Motoring ,or the likes)to:- 1) wash the car from the tpo down to slacken and swill off the muck The water from the top loosened the thick stuff at the lower parts 2) Wash with shampoo from the BOTTOM UP This was supposed to leave a thicker layer of the 'protective?' stuff at the bottom of the car 3) you then should swill the car over with clean water top down The shampoo could cause rust if not swilled off. Father in law (who was trained by Rolls Royce, in the days when the chauffer had to be trained by them to clean the vehicle, because they were the only people who knew how to look after cars) also washed his cars in this way I still use this methd if the van has been out in the snow or on gritted roads
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