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Welcome home Terry Traveller!

Guest JudgeMental

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Guest JudgeMental


I have been corresponding with Terry as I noticed he was back. It turns out that Terry had a major medical problem while in France on holiday - he was fixed and returned home and is thankfully well on his way to a good recovery. I know we all join in wishing him all the best!


A summery in Terry’s own words:


Hi Eddie,

By all means start the ball rolling, copy and paste what I have mentioned to you, I will endeavour to answer any specific points which arise.

Its really quite reassuring just how smooth everything went, it does reinforce the necessity of having the correct cover available before leaving the UK.

If the same problem had occurred in UK, I don't think I would have received the Angioplasty and stenting, although I may have received the Angiogram, they don't always fit a stent, if they think they can get away with drugs.

Regards Terry


Thanks Eddie

I feel fine - better than before, as the reconditioned pump is now working better with the new spring they fitted (stent) !!

The French are marvellous, even supplied a movie film of the entire procedure, before and after - its in standard 4:1 Xray format of course!! its even supplied with its own front end autorun software to run on any computer.


Hi Eddie,

I expect my experiences will be of interest to many Older Age travellers. Certainly - How the French accepted a foreigner in their hospital and the speed of treatment given. I was amazed at how efficient the process was, from having chest pains on the aires at Josselin, to diagnoses of MI rather than Angina and the remedial action taken at the two hospitals at Ploermel and Vannes, and all within 6 days.


The kindness of the staff at both Hospitals, looking after my wife, even having the Camper driven to the car park in Ploermel and allowing my wife to stay in it, whilst I was airlifted to Vannes Centre Hospital - for a new spring to be fitted (stent) to my heart!!


The Travel Insurance bought from MTC worked well, once they were alerted, they contacted all the hospitals and sorted the bills out not covered by the E111.


Safeguard Motor Insurance package includes breakdown cover and a driver to take the Camper back home if the only driver available cannot drive the camper for a medical reason.

I am waiting now for the 24th July, providing I have not had any events by then, I should be back behind the wheel. So repatriation was covered in all aspects. I will be pleased to answer any specific queries you have Eddie.


Thanks for your wishes - Regards Terry




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Hi Rob and Brian - Many thanks for your concerns and wishes.


With hindsight I should have had a list typed out which could be easily followed in an emergency, also you need at least £150 credit on a PAYG cell phone,to alert Medical Travel Insurance and Breakdown Insurance for repatriation of spouse and camper, and not least to allow your spouse to have good coms with the family in UK, and yourself whilst in Hospital.


The Hospitals are very keen to obtain the names of your Travel Insurance providers, if you are able to give them the details, they will contact your Travel Insurance and arrange for all the medical bills to be forwarded directly from the Hospital to them.


Regards Terry

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Hi Terry

Glad to hear that you are back and on the way to recovery, really makes you think about how important it is to get everything sorted before leaving our little island.


I am now in the process of re checking everything before we leave for France in a few weeks time, I think your fountain of knowledge and the help that you give to people on this forum is invaluable.


Glad to know what a good service we can hope to expect in the hospitals of our near neighbours.


Keep smiling





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Hi Kev,


Thanks for your thoughts, don't forget your E111 card, the card covers all but around 20% - 30% of medical expenses, your travel insurance will pick up any charges the E111 doesn't pay, but you must make sure your E111 is taken first, you should be asked for it at the reception of any in or out patients, Dr's surgery etc..


I was suprised to be asked to pay cash for the return journey in the ambulance car (SAMU Taxi) to transfer between the two hospitals, Vannes and back to Ploermel. At least I wasn't asked to pay for the Helicopter airlift from Ploermel to Vannes at the start of my treatment! I don't think I would have had enough loose change in my jimjams for that!!


When you buy medical insurance you need to be really honest about past illness, the agency employed by the Travel Insurance do a thorough checking job on your medical history with your GP (£24.50 charge ) before authorising payment to the Hospitals in France.


If you are staying on Aires d'Service, have a plan B ready at this time of year as they are starting to get really busy, often filling up by around 2pm.


Have a good trip Kev - Regards Terry

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