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charges motorway france

Guest Mike

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Guest Mike
Could anyone please tell me if toll charges apply to all the motorways in Eastern France. We plan to travel from Dunkerque to St Dizier this week. Have got Sat/Nav on board. Help would be great. Ps thanks once again about the back axle grease needed on the ALKO. Many thanks again Mike Vandromme
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Guest Derek Uzzell
As far as I'm aware all autoroutes in eastern France are toll-roads (though I suppose that depends on where one defines "eastern" as!) However, that doesn't mean that the total length of each autoroute necessarily attracts charges as it's not uncommon for those parts of an autoroute that border (or approach) cities to be used as charge-free ring-roads or by-passes. If you know what route you intend to take you could use a website like www.viamichelin.com to get a set of driving directions. When these include autoroutes the toll charges will be shown. (Most motorhomes will fall into Class 2). You should also find www.autoroutes.fr helpful. This site has the option to download a map of France showing the full 'pay' autoroute network with the Class 1 tariff for each road. The data is actually for 2004, so about 4% needs to be added to each tariff to obtain the 2005 rate. And, for Class 2 vehicles, you'll then need to add a further 50%. There is another useful downloadable 'leaflet' (again relating to 2004) showing the charges class-by-class for a variety of wide autoroute journeys. The information you'll need to obtain the map and leaflet is: http://www.autoroutes.mgn.fr/upload/pratique/Tarifs04-Cartetarifs.pdf http://www.autoroutes.mgn.fr/upload/pratique/Tarifs04-toutvehicules.pdf It's possible to tell from Michelin maps whether (and/or which sections of) an autoroute has tolls, but not easily. IGN maps (in the UK that's AA maps of France) make this far more obvious. We use a 1" = 4.4miles AA map for route planning and a large scale Michelin map for close-up detail. If you want to get from Dunkerque to St Dizier quickly but reasonably economically, you could take the (free) A25 to Valenciennes via Lille, then (pay) A2/A26 to Reims, then N44/N4 to St Dizier.
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Guest Neal
Mike You can travel from Dunkerque to Nancy by toll-free autoroute. Then pick up the RN4 west for a short journey to St Dizier. This will take you through western Luxembourg where you can fill up with very reasonably priced diesel. It looks like a massive detour but, because it is all motorway the miles are soon covered if time is of the essence. Derek is right, paper maps (Collins, for instance) differentiate between toll and toll-free autoroutes. Regards Neal
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Guest Derek Uzzell
Neal: True enough, but don't forget Don Madge's A31 roadworks warning (search forum on "A31")
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Guest Neal
Derek Well done for remembering that; I'm useless at remembering anything. However, Don's post refers to north bound traffic only so, it just MAY be possible to make the journey south and choose another return route. I'm still undecided on my destination in early September. If it's Italy again then this is my usual route but, maybe it's time to revisit Spain? Regards Neal
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Guest Mike
Hi Derek & Neal Thanks Guys for your imput,we are leaving tonight so the info will be most helpful for us. Mike Vandromme
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