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Height Barriers in Irish Republic


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Have just returned from wet if enjoyable trip but..


There are height barriers absolutely everywhere.


We got sick of seeing empty car parks with 2m high barriers. Very few places have non- height restricted parking and there appear to be no HGV parks or even lay-bys.


i assume the Irish Gov wants to encourage tourism. As it was, there were many places we would have liked to visit but moved on, the place unvisted and our funds unspent due to this obsession with barriers.


Unless things change, we won't be back, which is a shame since it's a beautiful place.

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Ireland has an even bigger problem with pikeys/travellers (call'em what you will) than we do here in Britain. Until someone comes up with a method of keeping pikeys out but letting motorhomes in that doesn't cost a fortune in wages then I fear the height barriers are here to stay, both in Ireland and here.



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We've also just got back from a soggy Republic, and guessed the height barriers were about Travellers. But agree with Rodders it gave a negative feel to the trip. The Irish don't seem to have discovered the lay-by yet either (and any edge-of-road space seemed to be full of chippings ready for the next roadworks!).

I have always enjoyed visiting Ireland, but will be unlikely to return with my van.


On the plus side, diesel is cheap (but not Stout,alas).

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We go to Ireland a lot and went this year for  for the first time with our MH instead of a caravan. Yes there are barriers but we planned our trip and stayed only on campsites. We parked at supermarkets for shopping and found coach parks for visiting attractions. We really did not have a problem and will be going again next year. Yes, like us, they have problems with our travelling friends, bit there are some beautiful places to visit, even if it rains which it didn't when we went in April. Should have bought a house 5 years ago and moved! Would be much better off now.
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We went to Ireland (north & south) two years ago. We got fed up with not being able to park at the beach, pick nick sites and tourist attractions. When we complained to the tourist board they reply was that height barriers were there to deter "Travelers". Well they certainly deterred us! We will not pay over £100 on a ferry to somewhere where we are not welcome, for half this price we can go to France where we can park and are welcome.
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Don't know where you went but when we had three weeks in Southern Ireland we found very few barriers far more in GB. The only plces we found difficult to park was in Cork & Waterford in our 7m motorhome. people so helpful & friendly can't wait to go back.
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Guest aido


We travel all over the island of Ireland and dont have any problems with height barriers. we stay in what we call caravan parks we find some of them good and some of them bad .


Same goes for when we are travelling around the UK. we stay in caravan parks.


aido :-D

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We also stayed on regular sites, or parks. It was going anywhere else that was the problem. As to where we went, the following is an abbreviated list of places where we had considerable problems-






Most places around the Ring of Kerry


Dingle Peninsula ( not Dingle Town which has one of the very few barrier free car parks.)


As I think I said ,no problems with the country or the people or the welcome. Just that it is not, IMHO an easy place for a holiday with a MH.


Compared to Scotland, say, in those terms it's a complete nightmare.


Sorry Irish residents and enthusiasts, but as some of the other responses show- there's a problem.




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I agree entirely with your report - we found exactly the same last summer, though we did always manage to find somewhere to park (we have a 6m Renault Master van conversion).


I would also add that, except in the south-west, there is a dearth of camp sites in Ireland, and more than a few of these are disappearing as they fill the sites with mobile homes. One owner told us it was much more profitable for a lot less effort: just send out the annual bill to the home owner and that's largely 'it'. To operate a touring site requires staff there to receive for a large part of the day. She said that a lot of Irish sites are going that way.


Mel E


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Mel E


I agree a lot of sites closed to tourers and now only have statics, one of our favourites was in Rosslare it closed last year.


But I travell all the country and dont find height barriers a problem ,you will always find somewhere to pull in if you look around.







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Did the complete coast of Ireland in March, had no trouble whatsoever. Stayed a month and wild camped most nights.The people could not have been more friendly, one kind lady even let me fill up with water from her domestic tap. Just play it by ear and you will be fine. As for height barriers we found that on some occasions the barrier was open during the day and then closed at night, The person closing them stating that they will not be open until morning, fine says I, was not thinking of going anywhere.

I will definatley go back.

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Gosh, isn't that horrific? Poor folks. At least they seem to have got the gits concerned.


I'm sure this is very rare. The only thing I would say is that with our dog in the van with us, there would be blood on the carpets other than ours if anyone tried this sort of thing.



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Went in 2006, Agree with most of the negative points above regarding parking 'just for a rest' what do the Irish lorrydrivers do ? when they they just need a break ? a beautiful and friendly place otherwise, BUT they need something like CL's or CS's as there are nowhere near enough sites

to enjoy the Country properly. A business opurtunity surely ?? As 'We'

Motorhomers are the fastest growing form of Tourism, they ignore us at their (financial) peril. WAKE UP IRELAND !! *-)

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