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Mel E

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Hi all,


I put a new thread up here last night giving an informed forecast for the next few days until Sunday for Lincoln (using my pilot's weather knowledge).




Has the moderator taken it down?


In summary, it said it was going to be:


Tuesday/Wednesday: partly cloudy/partly sunny and dry but with very light winds so little drying effect


Thursday: a Warm Front followed by a Cold front with a 'warm sector' in between crossing from west to east will bring a few hours of precipitation, though probably not torrential


Friday through Sunday: should be almost wholly dry, but with almost no wind, so again no drying effect.


I'll update this when today's new synoptic charts are available.


Mel E


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Unfortunately, the weather outlook has changed considerably - and for the worse.


The problem is that they now expect a Low over Norway to split up and move south. The warm and cold fronts with a (rainy) warm sector in between predicted for Thursday is still there, but the back end of the second front is now predicted to flick up and give more rain on Friday and, probably on Saturday. A trough follows it north on Sunday, so low cloud and, probably, even more precipitation.


In summary, it looks like this:


TUES/WED: probably remaining dry, low cloud, very light winds (so poor ground drying effect)


THURS: Overnight Wed/Thurs, rain though not heavy and it moves through quite quickly, winds fairly light, dry Thursday pm


FRI: More rain, persistent rather then heavy, as the back end of the front flicks up north. Very light winds. But it may remain dry depending on how far north the front flicks - my best estimate is for rain, however.


SAT: Latest chart shows front predicted overhead Lincoln, so probably more light rain. SATURDAY EVENING SHOULD BE DRY.


SUN: Should be dry, light winds, low cloud, at least until late afternoon when there is a possibility of scattered thunderstorms.


I've looked at BBC, USAF and European charts to distill the above. They are in broad agreement, but the current BBC forecast differs significantly!


Mel E


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We visited the Showground this morning.


Last years exhibition area is waterlogged and some of the camping areas are unusable.


The exhibition area is now in the first field on the right past the roundabout on the A15 going south. The area is all grass but is very firm at present. This morning there was a forty foot artic and the park homes in position.


For those familiar with the site, the entertainment marquee and the fire service are in their usual places.


The plan at the moment is to erect the stage on hard standing in front of the entertainment building.




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We tend to cruise around 60ish on Motorways and Duel Carriageways, have occaisional sperts upto and over the 70mph limit to clear gaggles of lorries etc.


Can't see the point in trying to go any quicker these days as there is so much traffic on the roads, that trying to cruise at 70 is a waste of time as you realistically only gain around 5 miles in an hour if you are lucky so whats the point in getting your self stressed in trying to get there 10 minutes early on a 3 hour journey.


Example: going from Market Harborough to Hollands Wood, Brockenhurst, New Forest following my father with his dragging van, he cruises around 50-56mph, I was leaving ten minutes later than him as had to stop to fuel up and even though I was pushing to travel at 60-70 all the way, didn't actually catch him up until the camp site entrance 3 hours and twenty minutes later.

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innit this web forum great! we have an volunteer in the form of donald madge who is ready and willin to inspect sites for us before us travels.


well, as us explained earlier big fllod damage on the farm means we cant go to linclon show but us was thinking. as malvern show is onlt about five weeks away, donald could do a weekly inspection for all us forum members. if us gets on to warners organisers - enough of us that is - we could gang up and get em to cough up a free ticket for all is troubles and tribulations.


so how about it donald. is he up for it me andsome. us'll contect warners shows next week - when theys dried out - and make suggestions.


id you uo for it me booty?


sodden fred

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Clive - 2007-07-10 9:50 PM


Whats the rest of the site like Don,

Where will we park perchance??



We should be able to park in our usual spot. They were putting up the entertainments marquee so we should be able to park there. Ground looked a bit wet though.


If there's not too much rain it should be OK



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Well, I can see why the Met Office has problems: the current general situation, with the Jet Stream much further south than it should be, is causing LOWs to pop up all over the place.


From one run of their computer model to the next - and they are using one of the world's 5 most powerful computers for this - the forecast position of LOWs and Fronts changes significantly.


The current forecast charts from the Met suggest:


THURS: a complex Frontal system now passes over England & Wales later than planned and will clear Lincoln by late afternoon. Fairly light rain is forecast, but the USAF charts are forecasting more intensive rain, and they have a pretty good computer too!


FRI: it may rain heavily or not! It all depends on whether the next Frontal system swings north to drench Scotland and leave the South-East largely dry or not. The USAF again have iot further south, further wetting Lincoln


SAT and SUN: both models predict showers, but Sat nite should still be OK. But frankly, even 48 hours ahead is anyone's guess!


Hope this helps (or at least amuses)!


Mel E


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Latest, as far as anyone can tell - and the various charts disagree to some extent - is:


FRI: rain - though not heavy - moving slowly away by late pm


SAT & SUN: showers, some possibly even thundery by Sunday pm. But, as ever with showers, where you happen to be standing might be totally dry or drenchingly wet.


SAT Nite: Still looks good for the music. That's because shower clouds (Cumulus) normally evaporate when cooling starts by 6 or 7 in the evening.


The LONG RANGE OUTLOOK is not good for July or August.


Until the JETSTREAM moves further north, it will contine to be as it is now, with a continuing succession of LOWs and Fronts.


Once the Hurricane season starts in the Carribean and Florida, which could be as early as early August, we will start to get the dying remnants straight over us while the Jet Stream stays as it is. As they are expecting at least one severe hurricane (Cat 4 or worse on a scale of 1 to 5) to hit landfall this year, we might even get a Michael Fish anytime after mid-August.


See you in the south of France.


Mel E




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Well here in Grantham it poured - not all day but enough.


And today is windy and not too warm and lots of big very black clouds around, and depending on the weather we might go for the day tomorrow, but it is only a might!



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We are north of the show ground just over the Humber.


It rained here in East Yorks all day yesterday, no flooding but the ground is water logged.


There's a thread running on MHF from the show and according to them it was wet & muddy yesterday and dry this morning.


One traders advice, if your going as a day visitor take your wellies.


It should stay dry for the show tonight.






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On the one hand if it turns wet at Lincoln it would reassure me that we made the right decision but I'd hate to think of all those people sitting out in the rain watching the music tonight. Or even worse, if the rain was bad enough it might mean cancelling the show. I really do hope it stays dry for tonight at least.



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Just come home from the show its been fine allday but windy the area's along the walkways between the traders is a sea of mud so you have to keep well to the outsides the day visitors car park is boggy in some places not a lot to see a bit like Peterboro we were going to stop for the evening music but it was a long hike to the stage so decided to come home also because we did not fancy getting bogged down in the car park in the dark..
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Just got back from three days at the show. Thursday not too bad, Friday very wet all day and heavy rain and wind during last night. The campsites and showground were very wet and becoming increasingly muddy. At lunch time today I very carefully plotted an escape route from our not very convenient pitch and managed to get out ,but only just, with a very muddy motorhome. No doubt many others espcially tuggers will not be so lucky.

Because of the bad weather we opted to miss the river cruise, for which we had tickets and decided that sitting in a puddle to see Gerry and the Pacemakers was also something that came second to coming home and drying everything out. Just to really finish the weekend off we managed to get stuck for two hours in a traffic jam on the A1.

On reflection I think that a brave effort was made to hold the show at all and an enormous amount of work and effort had been put into it but perhaps despite all the disappointment created it would have been better to cancel it.

Although most campers recognised the difficulties and accepted the shortfalls with a degree good humour I did hear many grumbles and complaints which did not reflect too well on the organisers -- such is life




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