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Mel E

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We went yesterday (Saturday). It really wasn't that bad! Although I can say that because we only took the car. There was heavy overnight rain on Friday but it was quite breezy on Saturday and began to dry out nicely. We started in wellies but soon took them off and changed into Crocs - it was fine if you kept out of the muddy bits which wasn't hard.


We did stay for the concert, it was truly excellent. It was a lovely warm summer's evening (and stayed warm-ish after dark, not like last year). The stage was positioned so you were not looking directly into the sun, the sound was better and all four groups were first class.


So you all missed a treat.


Having said that, heavy rain is forecast for today so I am glad I haven't got a van there.


Going back this afternoon for the Ivy League tonight.


There has obviously been an enormous rearrangement of the whole showground so that this show can go ahead. I think Warners are to be congratulated on managing to pull it off against all the odds. We were even issued with revised maps. I cannot imagine the amount of work that has had to go into all this, and I have no doubt there will be many whingers. So all of you out there who enjoyed it and appreciate the effort everyone has made, make sure your voice is heard!


Oh, and despite the fact that we turned up in the car with a weekend ticket but no van, the marshals were great and we were shown to our "pitch" on the CC field with no problems and smiles. The wristbands were a much better design this year too, more like the hospital type, and you could take them off overnight.


Once again, well done Warners.


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We've just got back and had no problems. Obviously a lot of Plan B, C, Ds etc had to be put into operation by Warners and I felt they did a good job. Saturday was good weather-wise and the evening was lovely when the crowd filled up as the wind dropped. The sunset was superb and for once not blinding everybody looking at the stage!

Good show Saturday and great atmosphere as usual-sound a lot better than last year.

Country & Western band Friday were really good and if the bar hadn't run out of lager it would have been better!

Ground did cut up a bit but we've all got wellies and it was firm enough to get off this morning without skidding. There will probably be a few compalints about getting stuck but if you try to go uphill across muddy grass in a front wheel drive van after 3 months of rain, common sense says you'll struggle!

One negative though-It looked like quite a number of Exhibitors/Retailers did cry off with the weather as there were quite a number of empty plots about

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One thing I did forget to mention is we were due to go to Trans Leisure on Sat . We arrived Friday and they were pleased to do it on Friday .

After having the path installed we took off for the show may as well whilst we are there . When we got there we turned into the non booked section £58 for one nights camping and no show ? we asked can we just not stay the night and not attend the show no sorry £58 bit steep if you did'nt want the show . Its not that we didn't but we had the kids with us and it would not of been tollerated by them and not fair on others who has paid good money...

So we left and went to a nice little friendly CL down the road .

Husband and wife very friendly £8 for the night with hook up no hard standing but we were happy to get in at all . The chap towed us out inthe morning no problem very nice couple whom we met at the show later .

So guys remeber its there sorry didn't see a name as we turned in .


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We visited the show on saturday, day visitor parking was fine where we parked. Weather was kind to us, blustery but actually turned out quite nice later on, it was quite warm and we too caught the sun (it is only July after all). The site was muddy in parts especially in the trade stand areas but we didnt get very muddy. Enjoyed our day and want to say thanks to the organisers and the exhibitors who attended.



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We went on Sunday and had a great time, glad we didn't go for the weekend this year though.

Underfoot was a bit muddy in places and it rained but not heavily, must admit some of the traders looked proper 'fed up'!

But we saw our next mh - and bought it! Rapido 471f on an 02 plate - we got a good deal on the suntor and we pick up the new one on the 27th.

It's low profile and a fixed bed and a 2.8 tdi engine.

I will have to carry on working for a while now to replentish the coffers - something always comes along to delay the retirement :-S

Better get ready for work - and guess what? It's raining *-)



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Unfortunately the Traders had a terrible time of it. I spoke to four different ones on Saturday night as the Trade area closed and not one had yet taken enough money to pay for the stand space - and that's without taking the costs of what they sold into account. One was very open - he'd taken £200 when the stand costs him £700 for the show.


I guess thay have a bad show once in a while, but I also wonder, weather apart, whether there are now too many shows.


And I hope you wre all impressed with the resonable accuracy of my weather forecasts - windier than I expected on Saturday, but other wise quite good!


Mel E


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Really sorry for the traders, I know from experience what it is like to be in that position. But you have to be philosophical and tell yourself that you win some, you lose some. It's the same traders at every show though, and many of the same visitors too, and once you have bought your gismo/gadget and had your whotsit fitted, you don't need another one, do you? At least, not til you get your new van!
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