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Park at mine

Geoff Bell

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I seem to remember reading something on this forum approx 1 year ago about a web site started by someone with the sole intention of creating a list of people with space for an over night stop at their place. I can't find anything about it having done a search and I was wondering if it ever got off the ground. I'm lucky enough to have a field attached to my Sussex cottage and would be more than happy to overnight anyone foc.

Anyone got any info and if not is it a good idea or not. I can even offer a hook up.

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Lucky you having a field . I have a drive FOC anyone on their way to the shuttle or just for the one night I'm sure we could accomodate . hookup

hardstanding god how much more anyone would think I was trying to sell the place have not finished building it yet


good Idea jack ;-) always nice to help. Actually you never know Jack people might think that we are after their knowledge ??don't know if its allowed to go more than just a wave :D

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What shuttle are you talking about, the space shuttle? I think its a good idea, maybe we could restrict it initially to forum users, at least then we would have a reasonable idea of who we were letting ourselves in for. Any offers to set up a website, I'm a ludite so don't ask me. Maybe we could just enrol onto a dedicated thread on this forum. I havn't really thought this through. Any implications anyone??????????it would be a good way of meeting fellow users.
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I think you have a good idea but beware of being taken advantage of. Wish I had a field next to me I would set up a certified or listed site with help from one of the clubs!!


I think maybe the MCC have got or tried something like this..a good idea in principle but how do you vet whop is goinfg to pitch up.


I would offer a place as well but I have a small sloping drive and nobody want to sleep on a 45 degree incline 8-)


Would be interested to hear what other think.


Only let people who wave stay though (lol) ..sorry :$

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Yes I agree it should be only for the ones on here at least that way you have some Idea if its the raving monster looney party or not .


Anyway sometime we may be away and it might not always be possible !

but it is nice for someone say from up north to break their drive and have a rest as being on the M11 is easy access to the M25 and around to Folkstone & Dover . Lets see how it go's and what replies and see also if others want to offer .

Also we have North Weald Airfield at the top which does the yearly Airshow with the Arrows and every week also does apparently the biggest Market in England .

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Geoff Bell - 2007-07-11 10:17 PM


I seem to remember reading something on this forum approx 1 year ago about a web site started by someone with the sole intention of creating a list of people with space for an over night stop at their place. I can't find anything about it having done a search and I was wondering if it ever got off the ground. I'm lucky enough to have a field attached to my Sussex cottage and would be more than happy to overnight anyone foc.

Anyone got any info and if not is it a good idea or not. I can even offer a hook up.




There are a few of the smaller clubs that have a system that works very well. The ones that I know of are rally clubs where the members all know one another so you know who is turning up.


Our drive is like a 90 metre ski jump, great for the floods but not very good for the overnight parking. 8-) 8-) 8-)


A friend of mine spent a night on Michele's drive 8-) 8-) he seems to have survived OK :-D :-D :-D


I think it's a good idea, like everything else it would need a co-ordinater to get it off the ground. :-D



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Could we not just have a thread on here entitled something like parking for the night ?. And people who are willing to help just put where abouts they are . Then if someone needs it just PM the person and go from there?..

We could just call it............. AND YOUR HOST IS ...........




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I think its a great idea we have just had our friends stay for 10 days, the only thing I would say is that while my neighbours didn't complain directly while they were there, we have had a number of derogatory comments since so I'm not sure if i would do it again as I would hate to upset my neighbours as we have to live with them, and i do park my own motorhome on part of the drive

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The Motorcaravanners Club run a system like this, called "Safe Knights." The info is only in their "members only" publications, and is limited to name, phone no and rough geographical area. You phone up and introduce yourself, chat a bit, and if it's convenient (and they like the sound of you!) they'll give you the address and directions.

Haven't tried it out yet, but we're planning to put our names down as "hosts," since we've got a bit of driveway (that's all that's required - any further "hospitality" is up to you!)



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Geoff Bell - 2007-07-11 10:17 PM


I seem to remember reading something on this forum approx 1 year ago about a web site started by someone with the sole intention of creating a list of people with space for an over night stop at their place. I can't find anything about it having done a search and I was wondering if it ever got off the ground. I'm lucky enough to have a field attached to my Sussex cottage and would be more than happy to overnight anyone foc.

Anyone got any info and if not is it a good idea or not. I can even offer a hook up.


If I and other members of the hood were to consider using your facilities as offered, what proof can you give that you are not the leader of an outlawed religious cult luring the unsuspecting to one of your induction ceremonies.

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The other potential problem is that if you're "hosting " regularly the Council might be starting to think there could be a breach of planning regulations.


In technospeak "a material change of use" might have taken place. Not, of course if its only occasional but worth bearing in mind especially if your neighbours are the complainng sort !!





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I would expect only those who have a suitable parking spot to offer the service. In my case I have plenty of room and no immediate neighbours to worry about. As long as people were sensible and where appropriate only did the occasional overnight stop,they shouldn't get into trouble with planning or neighbours. Like everything you have to judge what is appropriate.

The general idea would be for members to park overnight on route or on tour ,to top up and charge up and enjoy fellow motorhomers hospitality at no cost.

All those that think its a good idea should for now just register their interest on this thread and we can judge the popualarity of the idea. If it looks like their is sufficient interest then we can start discussing the mechanics of how it would be done. Even if you can't offer 'a space at yours' but would be interested in using the scheme still register your interest on this thread.

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I doubt if anybody thinks it's a bad idea, just a case of raging apathy really.

I could take a van on my driveway but I don't suppose it would be that attractive as I'm not on the way to anywhere. Similarly I can cover most of the southern half of the UK in one day so I'm not likely to need a simple overnight stay anywhere. Now if anyone in France wants to offer then maybe it'll be useful :-D

Of course a stop in Kent would be very useful to those travelling down from the north if we have any members willing.


I think that rather than having a register of available places it would make more sense to put a note on the forum when you need somewhere such as "I'm travelling to place on date. Can anyone offer somewhere to stop?"




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Geoff I thing It's a brilliant idea, it works with Safe Knights MCC, its probabbly the thing in a month or so's time when someone is heading in your direction they will think what was that thread and be in touch, and a nice way to see how the forum can work. Carol.
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Having read the comments I still think that with some organisation it could work. As for the council issue I dont think that would be a problem if no charging was being made. after all a motorhome is a taxed vechile just like a car.


I live in Cheshire 10 mins from the M6 and my in laws and other friends usually pop in for a night when traveling up to Escosse from the south.


The ones I feel sorry for is the people close do Dover or the ports because I can't wait for a stop over. (lol).

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Dont feel sorry for us we can always say no if it don't suit..


Jack I think ralphs idea is good wait until someone wants to travel and then if we all know about it and just put a thread saying travelling anyone near ???? can we come stay maybe it will work.


As Don said I had one of his friends to stay and he just posted a thread saying Overnight stop close to M11 I answered it and it worked out fine ;-)

If I get that booked I,m charging :D

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We all live on, or nearby to a route to somewhere, as mentioned before I live in deepest West Sussex and you would pass near me if touring to the south coast from the north or if travelling in the south across to the west country or from the west to the east. You don't have to be living at a major port, although I do appreciate those that were may get a higher number of requests. Most of us are uncomfortable about wild camping en route but would appreciate the security a fellow motorhomer could give. The trouble with not having a register of willing members to contact is the time factor of putting the post on the forum weeks in advance and then hoping that someone in the right place happens to be active on the forum at the time. I myself have gone off the forum for months and come back when time allows. A register would also allow a member to add some details, e.g. Driveway only max 7metres, or open field april to october only, water and hook up if required, get my drift.
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Yes I would be interested but we dont have space on our driveway. However I could point to a couple of one night stops in the area .


we are also in an area a bit like the foot of Italy.


Regarding 10 days. That is rather a long time from a neigbours point of view but we do use OH;s siters drive when we are in the area. However it is only used at night as she has no spare room




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