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Peugeot Boxer 2.2ltr HDi

beth collins

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I wonder if there is anyone out there who could advise the MD's proper name and title of Peugeot and the address to where I should send a very strong letter of complaint,


Many thanks.


Our 5 weeks old m/h with only 1000 miles on clock is on its 4th visit and in pieces on the workshop floor. We were told 10 working days lead time for the kaput BSI unit to appear but it hasn't and no one can tell us when it is likely to appear.


We ain't happy bunnies so having no joy from Peugeot Couldn't Care Less Customer Service I would like to direct my letter of complaint to the right quarter. >:-(

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PO Box 227, Aldermoor House, Aldermoor Lane, Coventry, West Midlands, CV3 1LT

Telephone: +44 24 7688 4000

Fax: +44 24 7688 4001

E-mail: customer.relations@peugeot.com

Web site: www.peugeot.co.uk

Managing Director C. Geraud

Director Sales D. Brookman

Director Marketing R. Philpot

Director Finance Mr. Savre


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Guest caraprof
beth collins - 2007-07-17 5:26 PM Thanks ever so W1ntersun. Will be winging a letter on its way with a copy to each of those mentioned on your list. :-)

As a businessman I would advise against writing to four different people. If that happened to my company I would first see a nuisance with a bee in his bonnet as opposed to a customer with a genuine complaint.

You should write only to the MD. I have no doubt that he will not deal with it himself but it will go directly to the responsible person.

If I found that three other members of my board had spent ages dealing with the same complaint I would lose a little sympathy towards you.

Your letter should be courteous and simply spell out  the facts and your disappointment. Believe me, if someone comes in to my firm thumping the counter and ranting and raving, they are politely shown the door.

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I seems you may not be alone in this.  You may therefore find the attached links interesting, in an ominous sort of way!  http://www.motorhomefacts.com/forum-userprofile-17056.html  and http://www.bba-reman.com/content.aspx?content=peugeot_bsi_body_control_failure

I assume the dealership will have known of the reset sequence given on the reman site, but just in case they didn't!

The problem is presumably, with the units failing more frequently that expected, there is a shortage of supply while they try to get the defective units out of circulation.  Oddly, this doesn't seem to be affecting the Fiat versions.

Good luck!

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Thanks ever so Brian for your suggestions. I had already been to Motorhomefacts.com and posted on there, a few days ago. I have also been and printed BBA-reman.com site and printed that off. Who knows where it will get me but at least I can be a thorn in someone's side!
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Hi Beth, sorry to hear you are having problems. BSI probably stands for Body Systems Interface. That means it will be the part of the system that integrates body systems into the main CPU (Central Processing Unit). What are Body Systems? Quite simply things like interior lights, door closed switches, rear lights, etc. Why is it so important? Well modern vehicles are becoming ever more computerised and integrated and certain factors might mean its wise to restrict performance. Strictly as an example and most definitely NOT a true case point: if a door was not fully closed you might wish to restrict the speed the vehicle can achieve to minimize the risk of someone falling out, if the rear lights failed it might be sensible to limit the speed available to reduce the risk of accident. these are strictly off the top of my head examples as to why body systems might render the vehicle unusable.



If there are an abnormally high number of failures it can lead to severe problems with replacing the defective units, think back a couple of years to when VW/Audi had problems with coil packs breaking down and thousands of vehicles were rendered useless until replacement parts could be made.



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Thanks Dave for your explanation of the BSI Unit. We took the vehicle back just because we didn't have high beam on the headlights! We drove it in but less than 24 hours later we were told the unit was kaput!!! Its been with the dealers in pieces ever since! No one can even tell us when a unit might become available. We have now gone past the suggested 10 working days lead time plus but we wait in hope.
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Pugs with electrical problems, what ever next *-)

You need to get an estimated date for repairs, 5? years ago my cousin took his 206 in as the speed was changing with no throtle pedal movement, he took it in on a sunday and was told to ring back on monday, when he did, he was told around 6months wait for part, he went back to pick up car and had great difficulty persauding them to give him car as they where concerned as to liability issues, but would not lend him replacement.

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  • 2 weeks later...
Just come back to this. Now on 29th we are at the beginning of week 5 and although I have rung bells, pulled chains from the MD's of Peugeot/Fiat and everyone between I still have no idea when this might become available. No one can tell me!!! Its at the stage of the ending of 7 days to get repaired and then I am going to go down the road of 'unfit for purpose' - want a new van!!
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Hi Beth, sorry that you're still having problems. If the only fault was no high beam why will they not refit your existing BSI unit so you can at least still use the 'van? I know that it will technically be not roadworthy but no high beam is a minor issue really, how often do you use it anyway? I'm not sure you'll have a case under the "fit for purpose" clause as they are at least trying to sort it out. As I said before, remember a few years back when VW Audi had the problem with ignition coils failing and it led to literally thousands of their cars being rendered useless till they could get replacements, this took several months to rectify but I don't recall hearing of anyone returning the cars for a refund. Ask them to refit the BSI until they have the replacement part in stock.



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I'm afraid I agree with Dave, I think your best bet will be to get the original BSI re-installed and get the use out of your van.  There is a serious unresolved technical problem with the BSI units, that I'm absolutely sure PSA will be trying very hard to resolve - and no doubt will.  That is highly unfortunate, but the problem is a shortage of reliable replacement units, due to the number failing.

In the meantime, if the only problem is loss of main beams, unless you drive a lot at night, what's the problem?  It is an inconvenience, admittedly, but it needn't stop you using your van. 

I think also there may be a little complication in seeking to reject the van.  You presumably bought from a motorhome dealer, and not from the Peugeot dealer.  The motorhome dealer is thus blameless for the defect, but is also powerless to resolve it.  However, it would be the motorhome dealer who'd have to supply a replacement (possibly, until the technical solution if found, with a similar defect), and suffer the financial loss.  Under the circumstances, on the assumption the present BSI problem will be rectified, I somehow don't think you've actually got adequate grounds to reject.

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Rejection as not fit for purpose is a final resort and not one to be lightly entered into, if you require a van to use why not contact dealer and try to wrangle a loan van, if you where to succesfully reject the van you will proboly have a wait for new one or if they have a van in stock at moment it may well develope same fault.

One of the reasons I didn't order new van last year was my concerns over teething trouble with new model, I believe there where record sales of new vans with arival of new models, with people being 'egged on' by magazines praising the new models but with no long term tests availible, this will have done sevel van's reputation no good at all

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