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Avtex TV


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From time to time there is discussion on which TV to buy.  Recently we bought an Avtex 7 in1 LCD digital & analogue TV model W102D having seen it at Peterborough. (Retail price c.£329 but good reduced offer in July Caravan Club magazine).  It has a 10.2" widescreen.  The features are LCD TV; Freeview TV; DVD player; CD player; FM radio, USB interface, SD card reader and 240v/12v. (also available with 15" screen W152D retail price £399). As this replaces our long used little B&W TV we took Dave Newell's advice and bought a simple digital ariel which when mounted on extending poles (clipped to the side of the van on spring clips secured by existing screws) stands nicely over the van top. We recently used it on a trip to Scottish Highlands and we had a superb picture without exception.  A good all round piece of kit BUT a word of caution, the SD card reader in the W102 has some defect in its software.   I contacted Avtex and they collected the TV by carrier at their expense the following day with the promise of replacing the card reader.  However on speaking to their engineer I gathered that, although the cardreader is fine in the W152 the software is deficient in the W102 - he is now waiting for the correction from the makers and at my request returned the TV by carrier with the promise that he will let me have the correction on disc as soon as he receives it (apparently it will be a simple matter to correct it??).   As I say, this is a nice piece of kit and although I am firmly of the ' it should be right in the first place' brigade I am persuaded that Avtex are doing their best.  

You pays your money etc..


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You're right, this is a good bit of kit. The only niggle I have is, sorting channels. It's easy enough on analogue where you just use the 'swap' feature and you can sort BBC1 to Channel 5 in the right order. On DVB though things are a bit more complicated. I've tried the different types of channel 'sort' but I can't seem to get the channel numbers to match those in the TV guides. On my home Freeview boxes, the channels are automatically sorted. Am I doing something wrong here? I suppose, if all else fails, I'll have to look at the manual.
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When you can now buy a similar sized branded LCD TV for under £130 from most techno outlets that will work off 12 volts or mains and a digi box for £20 where does the rest of the money come from?


Still 100% analogue terestrial TV this end though!


It amuses me watching Formula 1 on French TV when they talk about Michelle shoomaher and cootard!



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its me - 2007-07-18 8:43 PM thanks now i dont no what to buy :-S

If it's any help, I had an Avtex TV in my previous 'van and although the picture quality was very good, the sound quality was awful, obviously very cheap speakers.

I think that there are better options available at similar prices to the Avtex.

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Of course you can get a TV which works off 12v/230v from many high street stores quite cheaply. I don't know about a 12v/230v digibox for £20 though. It's horses for courses here. The Avtex does have built in DVB, CD player, DVD player, radio and built in aerial booster, so you only need to use one socket and don't need to carry the extra electrical appliances. The downside I suppose is, using it on 12v could rip the power out of your leisure battery. Being TFT, positioning is vital too. Too high or too low will affect the picture quality
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