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grocer jack

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1 Gas attacks - when my girlfriend was a student in Germany in the 70s this story was then doing the rounds - so Happy birthday ( or what ever)

2 Water attacks - I think enough has been said already (no response from original poster I see. Nuff said!)

3 I'll add one before someone else thinks of it. Concurrent with myth 1, all students in Germany knew someone who had heard from someone else of cars approaching the border having drugs thrown into their vehicle with little time to lose them. For a payment the perpatrators would not tell the border guards.


I'm sure others could add to the list, then it could be referred to every time one of these scares raises its head.

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Guest JudgeMental

square sausages.


Elvis spotted in Sainsburys...


45 mins to doomsday( the Blair legacy - and I hope it haunts him)


illegal immigrants get free everything, while white Anglo Saxons get nothing...


on and on and .....

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Well it is a myth really because white anglo saxons get lots..... unless of course they work for a living or have saved their money throughout their lives for retirement only to find that the layabouts who smoked and drank and p1$$ed their money up the wall now get loads of help in benefits. 8-)



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JudgeMental - 2007-07-19 2:07 PM square sausages. Elvis spotted in Sainsburys... 45 mins to doomsday( the Blair legacy - and I hope it haunts him) illegal immigrants get free everything, while white Anglo Saxons get nothing... on and on and .....

Urban Myths

Elvis cannot be spotted in Sainsbury as a guy who works in our local chippy swears he's Elvis.

Man landing on the moon!!


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the tortoise - 2007-07-19 5:47 PM


grocer jack - 2007-07-19 1:48 PM



Water attacks - I think enough has been said already (no response from original poster I see. Nuff said!)


That one would appear to have been a spoof, Jack


I don't really think that Mel E is the kind of guy that does spoofs .



Nice one Melb


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the tortoise - 2007-07-19 5:45 PM
Thai Bry - 2007-07-19 4:49 PM Man landing on the moon!!


Urban myth or conspiracy theory, Thai?

Conspiracy theory, just to prove that the US got to the moon before the USSR.!!!What about the film Appllo 13 then.There has never been as long a news black out before the the space craft landed back in the ocean.!!

"Houston we have a problem", look at all the shadows in every moon shot. I'm sure an expert in the camera field can explain to us all, as to how you can have a perfectly focused image, when the actual cameras were strapped to the astronauts waist. With no chance of the astronaut being able to focus in on the subject!! I don't think auto focus was around at that time was it???


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Dave Newell - 2007-07-19 4:47 PM


Well it is a myth really because white anglo saxons get lots..... unless of course they work for a living or have saved their money throughout their lives for retirement only to find that the layabouts who smoked and drank and p1$$ed their money up the wall now get loads of help in benefits. 8-)



When the main Southern North Sea offshore boom ended we had to endure a painful lull with little work as major American companies pulled out and moved north to Aberdeen to create another boom in the the oil fields.

Some wit eventually made money by marketing a rear window sticker reading 'Please, GOD, can we have another offshore boom? We promise not to p1$$ it all against the wall this time.' A common site on the now much more mundane vehicles around here then.

After a couple of years of claiming and scrounging, most of my ex colleagues and friends eventually drifted abroad and are still making very good livings in the same line of business. I do not expect them back. I could not follow due to health and mobility problems and now eke out my capital until my pensions kick in, about four years time. I have never been eligible for any benefits. Mike ( sorry, way off thread but I hope the forum find it interesting)

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Thai Bry - 2007-07-19 10:11 PM
the tortoise - 2007-07-19 5:45 PM
Thai Bry - 2007-07-19 4:49 PM Man landing on the moon!!


Urban myth or conspiracy theory, Thai?

Conspiracy theory, just to prove that the US got to the moon before the USSR.!!!What about the film Appllo 13 then.There has never been as long a news black out before the the space craft landed back in the ocean.!!

"Houston we have a problem", look at all the shadows in every moon shot. I'm sure an expert in the camera field can explain to us all, as to how you can have a perfectly focused image, when the actual cameras were strapped to the astronauts waist. With no chance of the astronaut being able to focus in on the subject!! I don't think auto focus was around at that time was it???


I liked the fact that the flag was fluttering in the errrm BREEZE??
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Guest caraprof

The flag was not fluttering in the breeze. This is a classic myth. The top of the flag was supported by a horizontal pole so that the flag wouldn't simply droop down.

The astronauts screwed the main flagpole into the ground, which caused it to wobble considerably and as there is no atmosphere on the moon it continued to wobble for much longer than it would have done on Earth.

There are equally good explanations for all of the other myths, such as shadows etc. and yes, cameras may not have had auto-focus but with a wide angle lense and a small aperture the depth of field is enormous.

There is one main reason why the moon landing is not a myth and it's this:

If it was faked in a lab somewhere, how many people must have been in on the conspiracy? From top scientists, to technicians and humble labourers, there must have been hundreds. Why has not one single person talked? When you consider the rewards for a story like this it is inconceivable that not one of them has come forward.

Imagine one of the people involved who is close to death (there would have been a lot by now) and who has nothing to lose. Don't you think that he or she would have sold the story for the benefit of their children?

There was no fake moon landing folks, it really did happen and if you want an explanation for some of the other myths just ask me but at this stage I don't want to lengthen this response.

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How about great variations in temperature that the film would have had to endure whilst on the lunar surface. The temperature during the Apollo missions were recorded as being between -180F in the shade to an incredible +200F in full Sunshine. How could the film emulsion have withstood such temperature differences? The astronauts can be seen to move between the shadows of the rocks and then into full sunlight in some shots. Surely the film would have perished under such conditions? If the film used during the Apollo missions had such qualities as to withstand such differences in temperature, why are Kodak not publicly selling them in today's market?


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Guest caraprof
the tortoise - 2007-07-19 11:33 PM How about great variations in temperature that the film would have had to endure whilst on the lunar surface. The temperature during the Apollo missions were recorded as being between -180F in the shade to an incredible +200F in full Sunshine. How could the film emulsion have withstood such temperature differences? The astronauts can be seen to move between the shadows of the rocks and then into full sunlight in some shots. Surely the film would have perished under such conditions? If the film used during the Apollo missions had such qualities as to withstand such differences in temperature, why are Kodak not publicly selling them in today's market?

This is one of the easiest ones to answer! First of all there was nothing like that temperature variation during the moon walk. There may be such variations between the dark side and in the full glare of the sun, but that's different.

Why it's easy however is this. If there were such massive variations, how did the astronauts survive? They survived because they were protected by insulated covering. If it is possible to protect something as complex as a human being, just imagine how easy it was to protect the cameras!

The cameras were not strapped to their waists as claimed above. They were strapped to their chests and protected. The astronauts were trained in the art of framing the images accurately and even took the cameras home to practice their use.

In the bright conditions on the moon, the exposures would have been at high shutter speeds with small apertures. The depth of field of a 35mm camera would be from about three feet to infinity, hence sharp images at all distances.

The chest cameras were Minolta Himatics, auto 35mms and they also took some images with specially adapted Hasselblads (adapted for use with gloved hands). The Hasselblads were left on the moon and people like me cannot wait for another moon landing when they can be discovered.

And that's another point. Do you really think that NASA would have publicised the fact that they left the Hasselblads on the moon if they hadn't been there?

It is obvious that Mankind will one day return and if the cameras aren't there it will prove that the landing was a hoax!

But what about my point that you cannot suppress a secret like this, does this hold no credence with you?


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Guest caraprof

Accidentally pushed the 'Submit' button twice!

Oh, and by the way, why would Kodak want to sell a film that withstands temperatures of plus or minus 200 degrees? Not a huge market I think!

I'm sure that film can be manufactured with a wide temperature capability. It would have much thicker and more pliable emulsion for instance, but it's unnecessary. If you take a camera underwater, you protect it in a sealed housing. If you take it into extreme cold or heat you do the same!

I'm off to bed now but if you're still not convinced ask about any of the other equally specious fallacies and I'll answer them in the morning!

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Soooo, they left cameras lying around on the moon Eh ? i bet they aren't there now, all that scrap titanium too,AND an old 60's lunar-rover. I bet a white transit tipper towing a large Weippert caravan has been there already....... no good ! they will have to put height barriers on the 'sea of tranquility'. :D :D
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caraprof - 2007-07-19 11:49 PM

Accidentally pushed the 'Submit' button twice!

Oh, and by the way, why would Kodak want to sell a film that withstands temperatures of plus or minus 200 degrees? Not a huge market I think!

I'm sure that film can be manufactured with a wide temperature capability. It would have much thicker and more pliable emulsion for instance, but it's unnecessary. If you take a camera underwater, you protect it in a sealed housing. If you take it into extreme cold or heat you do the same!

I'm off to bed now but if you're still not convinced ask about any of the other equally specious fallacies and I'll answer them in the morning!

Caraprof - I knew a camera expert like you would be along soon to explain all re the films, shadows and cameras.

Would you mind if I hold onto my doubts until the cameras left behind are found? It will help with the overall illusion.


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Our personal belief system is very complex.....


They way I see it is that, everyday we are presented with hundreds of 'facts' by the media. Some we choose to take on-board, others we dismiss as not being within our personal realms of credibility.


For instance: I choose to believe the theory that Princess Di is blissfully living on a desert island with Dodi. Why? Because comprehending the alternative is just too horrible to bear. I loved that lady; I don't want her to be dead.






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