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Motorhome stuck in France


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A family member had their holiday cut short with serious engine problems in France. The van is in a compound on the outskirts of Nantes and they are now back home in Humberside in the UK. The RAC have been in touch with them today and won't transport the van back to the UK, they are obviously devastated.

I'm after some advice on their behalf, it's not about the engine problem, he is more than capable of replacing the engine and is already on the case with that.

Does anyone have personal knowledge of a decent, reasonable priced transport company, he enquired locally and was quoted £2700, which is beyond what the can afford, it's a stab in the dark, so to speak, but thought I'd ask on here for advice, thanks

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Seems very expensive. Couple of things I could add is it might be worth posting on Shipley for someone to bring it back as a return load on a low loader or try hiring one himself from someone like Paragon at Ferrybridge on the A1 if he feels capable of doing that . Actually another idea on the same theme, in the back of the club mags I'm fairly sure there's transport companies advertising

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11 hours ago, malc d said:

Nasty position to be in.

Just a thought :  What would it cost to get it fixed in France - and drive it home ?

( Presumably, if he can do the work himself , that would be an unnecessary expense. )

I wish him luck !

Hi malc d

Yes, your right on both points, it's been quite stressful for them and it appears, fixing it in France, is going to be the cheapest option, transport costs are so expensive.

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6 hours ago, TRIGGER said:

Why wont the RAC transport it back if they have appropriate cover ?

They calculate the overall cost against the value of the van and they must be factoring in the cost of an engine replacement as well as the transport costs.

Engine replacement in France is over €12,000 and I think he's already found an engine match here (UK) at £800, which he can fit.

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