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Motor Caravanners Club.


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Much has been debated over the last couple of pages re the clubs and their merits, but I would like to raise a different point as people seem to have started rambling...

We bought our 1st m/h 4 years ago and joined the C&CC. However, we found that we hardly used their services, preferring to stay on smaller, quieter sites. We cancelled our membership and joined the MCC instead as we thought weekend rallies occasionally would be a good way to meet like-minded folk and have a bit of fun in the process. 3 years down the line and we haven't attended 1 rally, but the monthly magazine does give me something to read for nearly 3 minutes each month.

So... I'm thinking of knocking the MCC on the head as well - until I come to getting quotes for my insurance and they ask if I belong to a club! It didn't occur to me at the time, but has anyone established whether being a member of a club is worth it in respect to cheaper insurance? Would my insurance go up by more than the £25 or so that it costs to be a member of a club that I don't participate in?

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How much is the membership? to the Motor caravanners club I think it has gone up in C.C. to £34 not quite sure as they take it D.D. The Magazine isnt as good a read as the M.M so what do you want,! if the MCC has decent sites at a reasonable price at sites more suited to Motorhomes ie; near to shops and pubs for instance that would suit us.


Does anyone know what they are like? Clean is all we want with a bit of a view! not in the middle of nowhere so we have to bike it or hike it. :-(

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This post looks like its going to carry on for some time. I'm sure you will be welcomed, as a former member I attended quite a few meets and was always made to feel welcome and made plenty friends. I only left the club because I sold my motorhome and did not replace it for many years.


Many happy weekends.



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By coincidence my insurance was due so it was 1 of the reasons I thought I would rejoin the MCC.

I still got cheaper quotes despite being a member of a club and all from Motor caravan specialist brokers.

Membership is £25 and you can save more than this by ringing round.



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I am a regular attendee at MCC rallies and have made many friends throughout the country as well as weekend rallies they hold holiday rallies here and abroad.The country is split into areas similar to the two big clubs,one particularly good holiday rally is held the weekend after the bank holiday at South Shields by the sea with entertainment walks and a tour arond Newcastle by the clubs photographic group,should be good details are on their website.
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maggyd - 2007-08-01 10:13 PM


How much is the membership? to the Motor caravanners club I think it has gone up in C.C. to £34 not quite sure as they take it D.D. The Magazine isnt as good a read as the M.M so what do you want,! if the MCC has decent sites at a reasonable price at sites more suited to Motorhomes ie; near to shops and pubs for instance that would suit us.


Does anyone know what they are like? Clean is all we want with a bit of a view! not in the middle of nowhere so we have to bike it or hike it. :-(


Hi maggyd


Following a long debate on an earlier posting we joind the MCC last year but found we were not using it as we do not tend to attend 'rallies'. So we also have cancelled our membership this year.


The MCC don't have sites themselves - although they do have a few CL/CS type sites as they also have the ability to grant these in the same way as the other two clubs - so that would be no good for you.



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I dont believe the M C C have any sites they do frequent rallies , and have got C Ls around the country , but the beauty of their rallies is like you say they cater for the motorcaravanner by rallying near to towns and bus/train services.
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