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Van Security


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Has anyone with an Alarm system ever been robbed and slept through the Alarm.


We have just been testing ours on the drive and it didn't matter what we done we could not get into the van without it going off including the undercarriage doors.


People keep saying that they slept through it what did they sleep through the Alarm or the burgalry . Have the people who have been robbed got alarms and if so what alarm .



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Guest caraprof
Bernie rubble - 2007-07-23 6:49 PM ;-) in france it's well known that when you are asleep in the 'van',they put a gas into the van which knocks you out,you wake up with a headache and sore throat and your van has been ransacked.

Oh dear, here we go again. Someone else who's been living in a cave for the last few months.

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Even if you're doing it as a joke, please don't spread these stupid rumours of gassings, for which NO ADMISSIBLE EVIDENCE has ever been forthcoming. See the lead post at the top of this forum site.


Mel E


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Our alarm go's off the intstant a door, locker or the bike loop are interferred with, the fly screen is also alarmed. It sounds like you are standing between 2 police cars, the only thing you want to do is run. I have wondered about this have these people got alarms.. We set our one night last year on an Aire in Kysersberg, got up the next morning early ready to move off, opened the door oh s_ _ t, did we move off fast. I now put a reminder up that the alarm is set.



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David Dwight - 2007-07-23 8:36 PM


Our alarm go's off the intstant a door, locker or the bike loop are interferred with, the fly screen is also alarmed. It sounds like you are standing between 2 police cars, the only thing you want to do is run. I have wondered about this have these people got alarms.. We set our one night last year on an Aire in Kysersberg, got up the next morning early ready to move off, opened the door oh s_ _ t, did we move off fast. I now put a reminder up that the alarm is set.




Have to say - even though we don't have an alarm we have not been able to sleep through anyone else's going off!



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I wish all these robbery threads would dissapear, Im of touring to southen france and northern spain in 3 weeks!!!!!


For me me my security comes from door straps and internal locks on my garage doors. I have rape alarms (sqeeling oise makers on activation) strapped to the doors, should a door be opened the pin gets pulled and the noise starts and it's deafining.


If they want it they will get it regardless of what you try. All you can do is make it a bit more difficult for them.

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michele - 2007-07-23 8:28 PM


Is there no one who has been burgled with an Alarm fitted .


Does that mean these people do not have alarms?


I think there is more possibility of being Burgled when away from the Van then whilst you are in it. So I don't park in an isolated spot.

If my alarm goes off whilst I am inside the Van I can't get it switched off quick enough. More noise that the loudest Disco or as someone else posted being stood between two police cars at full blast.


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Well I think from the answers that its people who do not have alarms that are burgled .

This is why IMO I think that they do not hear anything and are amazed that they could really be that tired no one wants to think that they could or would not wake up but I seriously think that ,that is whats happening.


Excitement tiredness plain worn out they sleep through burgalries and can not believe it so ask if they have had something unto ward happen to them .


Same with the lorry drivers that have been screwed they are worn out driving all day ..That's my conclusion of it all GET YOURSELF A GOOD ALARM


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From speaking to customers it is either people who don't have alarms or those that don't set them who get burgled while they're in the 'van. Another point worth remembering is to NOT leave anything of value within arms reach of any window and most definitely DO NOT leave anything valuable, like a purse, wallet or passports in the glovebox! Don't hang keys near doors with windows unless you need that key to get out.


When parking with a group of other 'vans, on an aire de service for instance, don't put yourself in the middle of the group as this gives cover for the thieves, stay on the outer flanks of the group if possible where you are more in plain view.


Think like a thief and you can drastically reduce the risk of being a victim.



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We were broken into and subjected to a theft in France in 2001 whilst parked up and asleep on the M.S.A. at L'Obrion just north of Nancy. We had an alarm fitted but as it had an internal movement sensor as an integral feature we could not have the alarm 'on' whilst we were in the van as any movement would trip the alarm! Our present van has a better security system fitted which will allow it to be 'on' when we are inside!

Do not worry about anything happening to you because if it does worrying will not prevent it and if it does not happen you will have worried in vain!!

Regards, Mike & Cherry.

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caraprof - 2007-07-23 6:56 PM
Bernie rubble - 2007-07-23 6:49 PM ;-) in france it's well known that when you are asleep in the 'van',they put a gas into the van which knocks you out,you wake up with a headache and sore throat and your van has been ransacked.

Oh dear, here we go again. Someone else who's been living in a cave for the last few months.

I'm in Spain at the moment, and as recently as yesterday I read an article in one of those free English-language newspapers about people being burgled in their bricks-and-mortar homes by means of knockout gas.(I'm not saying I believe it!)
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