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First motorhome - very nervous!! HELP!!


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Afraid I don't follow your logic here, Bill. 

The objects of hiring are surely twofold: first, to try out motorhoming to see if it turns out to be what one imagines it to be: and second, to try out a van of similar type and size to that which one is considering buying, (ideally identical) so that one can assess the practicality of its layout and equipment. 

I really don't see how the value of this experience can be diminished by discovering later that repairs are difficult in summer.  If you're going to be put off by that, you'll take package tours instead!

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Brian Kirby - 2007-07-28 1:22 PM

Afraid I don't follow your logic here, Bill. 

The objects of hiring are surely twofold: first, to try out motorhoming to see if it turns out to be what one imagines it to be: and second, to try out a van of similar type and size to that which one is considering buying, (ideally identical) so that one can assess the practicality of its layout and equipment. 

I really don't see how the value of this experience can be diminished by discovering later that repairs are difficult in summer.  If you're going to be put off by that, you'll take package tours instead!

I do see your point - and I have been on a lot of package holidays!!I suppose what I was getting at is that a prospective new motorhomer needs to experience the downsides of motorhoming as well as the good sides.There are some other factors too, eg a hire long enough to teach you anything much is going to be prohibitively expensive.
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J9withdogs - 2007-07-25 7:45 PM


bob b - 2007-07-25 6:47 PM


J9withdogs - 2007-07-25 6:30 PM


Clive - 2007-07-23 11:24 PM



When you turn or right left use your wing mirrors to make sure that the back wheels are nearly up to the junction before you wind the steering wheel. If not you will run over the kerb with the back end and pedestrians can get stroppy when turning left in the UK or right in France.


That is probably the best advice I've ever read that no-one has ever told me before, and I've been driving for nearly 35 years - thankyou Clive! (lol)


Ye God's J9 .......have you been mounting kerb's for 35 years !!


Errm, no, only one, that is, at the end of my road, and it is rather acute *-)


Sooooooo, we have established that you like mounting the same local kerb which just happens to be a cute one!!!! My goodness, does anyone know of a good pet behavioural therapist ... where's Pat, the forum's resident one, she's really needed here. 8-)


Crikey Crinkly ... never heard of the phrase "pride comes before a fall" ..... watch out for big holes ..... (lol)

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Mel B - 2007-07-28 7:59 PM




Sooooooo, we have established that you like mounting the same local kerb which just happens to be a cute one!!!! My goodness, does anyone know of a good pet behavioural therapist ... where's Pat, the forum's resident one, she's really needed here. 8-)



Oops, think I must have caught it from the pooches, Mel *-)


Honestly though, I love these little wrinkles, and am not too proud to acknowledge a good one. Someone once taught me a police driver's tip for whether a bend is opening up or tightening by reading the offside edge. If it is appears to be travelling slower than the nearside edge, the bend is getting tighter & vice verce. Works every time!

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THANKS so much for everyones support.


Pick up van on Saturday - excited and nervous.


Father-in-law, an ex-busdriver is going to take me on a few lessons and the van is blessed with a reversing camera.


Any one know of any websites that show diagrams of how to drive larger vehicles?


Tell you all more next week.


Thanks again :-)



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