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Why do people go to shows ?

John Keats

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John Keats - 2007-07-23 10:49 PM I really cannot think of one good reason to go to any show.

Perhaps if you didn't know too much about motorhomes and intended purchasing one, then you would consider that going to a show would be an ideal way of looking at a large number of manufacturers which would then allow you to hopefully make a better judgement before you purchase.

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We go to all of the Warners shows and the NEC (well normally we do but we missed Lincoln due to the weather) because we meet up with friends there. Also with me being in the trade so to speak it is a good opportunity to meet potential new customers and existing ones as well as making one to one contact with other traders and some of my suppliers. I like to keep an eye on whats new, if anything coming into the market place and finally I like to keep abreast of the variations of design in new models, both base vehicle and conversions.



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Does there have to be a reason, its a day out! To look, to feel and maybe to buy.

Just 'cause we all like motorhoming and the like - makes it even more enjoyable.

I like going to air shows too, but I can't fly a plane.



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well I go a) for a day/wkend out to speak to like minded people.



b) they are always useful to see what you might want to buy in

the future. You can go and look at several motorhomes and

decide which one is for you before locating a dealer.

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Great answers. Yes I do go to assist and exhibit at Steam rallies.


So far this year I've been towed out of one, had two abandoned half way through due to rain, and I turned away from another as they were towing people in, and York CC site was a potential quick move too.


I did visit one London show before buying but having decided on the best M/home for us, end of story, I hope to 'run it into the ground' never having to buy another.


I've tried many big shows of all types and find I'm no wiser afterwards


These forums provide some excellent pointers to what is available so perhaps that's why I'm not a show person.


I'm of the opinion that the Motorhome industry is also becoming 'fashionable' as we the public become more affluent so I choose not to join in.


My history is that we lived in a horse drawn caravan for three years with the thunder box at one end of the garden (large spiders for company) and the water tap at the other end, where in winter we had to light paper under the tap before the water would run.


We now have a new Rapido 987M. (We've seen it all as they say)


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Guest caraprof

He can't think of one good reason to go to a show but in the next breath tells us that he himself went to a show to choose his motorhome. This has given me a good tip as to why people go to shows.

Are you ready John? Here it is:

Shows are a great place to see different motorhomes in one place. This will help you if you ever need to choose a new motorhome, select a major accessory such as air-con, solar panel, satellite system etc. etc.

I hope that this has helped.

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us is soon off to wayne sleeps show in plymuth - never miss it me andsums. after this show you knows you as been to a show. well wurth it and it costs more than a motorhome show anyway. us says whats wrong with shows. noone is makin you go my biddy.



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Season of mists and Mellow fruitfullness,

Close bossom friends of the maturing sun,

To conspire with him ..... Come on Come on!


I go for the company and its another excuse to get away from home. One can pick up all sorts of ideas for little projects to improve ones own MH or if the time is right dream of bigger and better things.

We can explore the local area with our little motorbikes (if it aint raining) and often have a few days at a local camp site beforehand to get into the mood.


What else did you write other than Ode to Autumn?

I though you died in 1821!


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Clive - 2007-07-24 10:27 PM Season of mists and Mellow fruitfullness, Close bossom friends of the maturing sun, To conspire with him ..... Come on Come on! I go for the company and its another excuse to get away from home. One can pick up all sorts of ideas for little projects to improve ones own MH or if the time is right dream of bigger and better things. We can explore the local area with our little motorbikes (if it aint raining) and often have a few days at a local camp site beforehand to get into the mood. What else did you write other than Ode to Autumn? I though you died in 1821!

This is so close to a 10 out of 10.....

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carolh - 2007-07-24 8:06 AM


I like going to air shows too, but I can't fly a plane.




Then you should learn!


When I did the test for my aerobatics ticket the examiner was a crusty old fellow in his 70s, a former Boscombe Down test pilot who had flown all the hottest stuff the RAF had to offer.


Even so, as we took off he murmured - to himself more than to me - “After all these years I’m still overwhelmed by the magic of flight”.


A tip: if you go ahead do it in the States; it costs about a third of what it would in the UK, and there is no problem using an FAA licence here.


Feel free to PM me if you want more info.



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I think it's because all "vanners" hace at some point had to compromise on their choice of motorhome. It might only have been a small one and they have since altered/retro fitted something that was missing. So as we are forever in search of the "perfect" van we go round the shows like knights of old searching for the "Holy Grail"- the one van that doesn't need anything doing to it. Thus armed with our trusty lottery win we can pay the ransom required by the dealer and then ride off into the sunset, happy and free at last!! (lol)
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