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Convincing my wife


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Hi everyone, I am not a motorhome owner yet but would love to be. I am married with no children but we have 2 dogs. We do not like going abroad and leaving the dogs behind. I'm convinced a motor home would be a great idea, my wife on the other hand is not. She believes we would not get enough use out of it to justify the expenditure. The same lady however thinks nothing of asking me to drive 50-75 miles at the weekends to a nice park somewhere so we can take the dogs for a good long walk. I think that the motorhome would be perfect for this as we wouldn't have to go straight home after, could maybe go further afield and make a short break of it every weekend. Am I dreaming? Is this impracticle use? My only real concern is that our dogs are a long haired breed and in the wet can get very messy on walks. Is it easy to wash down a dog in a motorhome? Thanks for any advice


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Hi Lawrence


I've got two dogs and absolutely love the freedom of my motorhome -indeed the dogs are the reason many of us started motorhoming in the first place.


Even just for days out, it's lovely to come back to the 'van with your own loo, put the kettle on, have lunch, put your feet up and read the papers - bliss!


If the dogs are wet, just put loads of towels down as you would at home.


On site, electric hook-up is a boon, shower the dogs off, put a fan heater on & the dogs are dry in minutes.


Best of luck!





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Thanks for that Janine. Not sure about the dogs still though. At home when they are wet they have to come in through the back door to the utility room, where they have a big sink to wash them, then they have to be dried off befire they are allowed into the rest of the house. I may be fighting an uphill battle here.
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Hi Lawrence, I would also say go for it, we have two dogs and it's more fun to take them on holiday than to put them in kennels,especially for long breaks. Like many other pet owners we have taken them abroad with no problems and find that they are very relaxed in the van when travelling. You need to spend time looking at vans to decide what size would suit your plans, where you can park it etc. Plenty of advice on this forum in previous threads.Good luck with convincing your wife!
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Guest caraprof

You can buy a wind-out sunblind/awning for most motorhomes - many come with them fitted. They're a bit like the old fashioned blinds that shops used to wind out to protect their windows from sun and give customers shelter. Winding one out and dropping the leg on each end takes a couple of minutes.

So, if you arrive back at the M/H with two wet dogs and it's still pouring down you can dry down the dogs and even wash them in relative comfort. It's also possible to have an external socket on the wall of your M/H where you can plug in a shower head so that washing them is even easier.

Now the next bit I'm not sure about but dog owners will soon put me straight. Some motorhomes have a garage, which is a storage place that runs the width of the M/H and is usually under a fixed double bed at the rear. Check out a few makes on the web and you'll see what I mean.

Now to me, M/H garages seem ideal places for two largish dogs to sleep, assuming of course that it's not freezing! This way you don't have the problem of having them sleep in the 'van, where they may well keep you awake.

Finally, there are many members of this forum who motorhome with dogs and seem to enjoy the experience.

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Thanks again. That external shower sounds like a great idea and negates one the problems I face convincing her. Anyway I've got holidays booked for this year. (Parents are going to look after dogs) So I think I am looking at next spring before I will seriously consider motorhome, just doing a bit of research at the moment. Thanks again for all the input.
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Just a couple of points you can have a shower head fitted outside, which may help the washing issue, also I have seen on several occasions in France a small tent errected along side the motorhome and the owners dogs sleep in there, however Charlie the greyhound does'nt think he is a dog, so he as his own bed, and would'nt dream of sleeping under canvas.
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Yes unfortunately our 2 TTs don't realise they are dogs either. If I was to put them in a garage, not only would we get no sleep but neither would anyone parked within 100' of us. They would definately end up residing inside the van, but as long as they can be washed outside we would be happy :-D
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Hmmmm - may I be a bit of a dissenting voice here? I would not fancy sharing my motorhome with two large long haired wet and muddy dogs! We have a small wire haired Jack Russell who gets muddy enough (and straight for a wash down in the utility room at home) and is just about manageable on wet days in the m/h.


O.K if you are on a campsite with electric hook up, dog washing facilities and hair dryers, but if you’re out and about on your country walks you won’t have all this. An external shower would help (but you still need to dry them). The dog kennel in the garage is an idea. – (garages are usually heated, but not normally whilst on the move)


If you do go for it, look for a ‘van without carpets (or at least removable ones).


Also, if you’ve got large dogs you may want a large m/home and that is not always so easy to manage and park up around out of the way places.


Just a few thoughts as it is all too easy for us to put a positive spin on the m/home ownership.


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Thanks for that Robin. Thankfully our dogs are small to medium in size, but due to the length of their coats drying them can take quite a while. I do find though that as long as they are cleaned and towel dried they do not leave a mess behind them. They are pretty well behaved as long as they have company, I think they would be quite happy drying off in front of a blow heater. I do take your point on the carpets though.
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Hi Lawrence


The most dogs I have seen in one motorhome were six large huskies! They tend to be a bit boisterous and, as they were used for sledding, can get a bit messy - but their owners didn't seem to mind.


We have two dogs, have taken them to france several times and will be going off to germany shortly for four weeks. They come everywhere with us and, of course, can get a bit wet during the winter months. We have used ferries before now but do prefer eurotunnel as they get to stay with us in the van for the short (35 mins) crossing.


If anyone is at all unsure about getting a bit messy then motorhoming with dogs maybe isn't for them - and some people wouldn't tolerate them in the house. On the other hand, if you enjoy freedom from the restraint of hotel life, the run to the airport (and the long, long wait therein), love the outdoor life and like to have your pets with you then you could wish for nothing better than to have a motorhome to meander wherever and whenever you want. People cope in many different ways with the bit of mess they can bring with them but we have never worried about a bit of extra cleaning and the van still looks as good as new.


Regards, David

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Hi Lawrence


Don't tell me you have 2 Tibetan Terriers? We have 2 also and have no problems with them in the motorhome but they're quite good at waiting to be wiped as soon as they get back from a walk (we were away last Friday in that atrocious weather). We also keep a throw on the couch just in case of a mishap.


We use our van for short breaks and longer holidays and have taken the 2 dogs to France, going again in Sept. We only bought it last Oct having previously towed a caravan which we bought for the very reason of taking the dogs on holiday with us. Prefer the van though and it would suit your purposes I think.

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Guest caraprof
John Keats - 2007-07-24 5:11 PM Suggest to your wife that she and the dogs sleep in the M/home and you have the awning all to yourself.

I'm sorry John, but haven't you got that the wrong way round?

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I second what David said earlier, it only takes a little bit more cleaning to keep everything good. We sold our 4 year old caravan to an older couple who were impressed at how immaculate it was compared to even newer caravans they'd seen. They were also the first to view it so that shows how good it was. Sorry if I sound like I'm bragging now!


Also, as you know, you don't have to worry about doggy smells or lots of moulting with TT's so I think they're ideally suited to mobile living and they're not too big either.


I don't know what more can be said to persuade your wife but I hope you succeed - please keep us updated. By the way, ours are Millie, white and black age 6 and Kiki, black and cream age 4.

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woof woof


our dogs is well behaved but they is used to the farm so wood hate the confinees of the motrhome. us leaves then to guard the farm - they is much happier - but occasionally tekes one of the little fellas in the van for a treat.



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dogmad - 2007-07-24 7:11 PM


I second what David said earlier, it only takes a little bit more cleaning to keep everything good. We sold our 4 year old caravan to an older couple who were impressed at how immaculate it was compared to even newer caravans they'd seen. They were also the first to view it so that shows how good it was. Sorry if I sound like I'm bragging now!


Also, as you know, you don't have to worry about doggy smells or lots of moulting with TT's so I think they're ideally suited to mobile living and they're not too big either.


I don't know what more can be said to persuade your wife but I hope you succeed - please keep us updated. By the way, ours are Millie, white and black age 6 and Kiki, black and cream age 4.


Our 2 are very similar. Leah is a 3 year old black and white bitch, and Patch is an 8 month old cream and white dog. Have tried loading photos of them onto my profile with no success. We also often have Duke my father in laws dog in tow he is Leahs litter brother also black and white.

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Lawrence22 - 2007-07-24 10:31 AM


Hi everyone, I am not a motorhome owner yet but would love to be. I am married with no children but we have 2 dogs. We do not like going abroad and leaving the dogs behind. I'm convinced a motor home would be a great idea, my wife on the other hand is not. She believes we would not get enough use out of it to justify the expenditure. The same lady however thinks nothing of asking me to drive 50-75 miles at the weekends to a nice park somewhere so we can take the dogs for a good long walk. I think that the motorhome would be perfect for this as we wouldn't have to go straight home after, could maybe go further afield and make a short break of it every weekend. Am I dreaming? Is this impracticle use? My only real concern is that our dogs are a long haired breed and in the wet can get very messy on walks. Is it easy to wash down a dog in a motorhome? Thanks for any advice



My wife took four years to convince,but she came round in the end,and now she cant wait to get it.Pick it up next monday. :-D

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Buy your dogs coats buy your dogs socks and boots they do sell em .

When you get back you will only have to deal with stripping them off and rubbing down the small legs..Buy a M/H with a garage and one of them holes that opens into the garage from the habitation side .

You and your lady wife go in the camper greet the dogs from the other side with a cage to stop em getting through . Oh make sure you get blown air into the garage :D Nice warm dry dogs and happy campers ;-)

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I cant justify having our motorhome. I use it as much as is possible. All I know is that when I and the family are in it (we do have kids) that we love it. We love the long weeks away as many weekends as we can get in it. All I know is that if we did not have it we would spend the money it costs us on otherthings. Therefore give it a go. If you are worried about the dogs buy a used one that has already had some. Think caerfully about your layout so you don't want to change it after a couple of months and aim to keep it a while, therefore you wont lose on it.


My outlaws have a bassett hound and a brand new MH, theres is 6 weeks old and wlready smells of dog. Not a lover of the fourlegged best friend myself and would not buy theres if it was dirt cheap. But others whom own dogs dont seem to mind.

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For our dog (a Kerry Blue- which don't shed hair) we have a fold down fabric dog carrier in the van for him to sleep in. Argos sell them for about £40. That way he gets a cosy bed and a sleep and so do we !


When he's wet, we have a "dog bag" which is a towelling bag with a hole for his neck and a zip all the way up. Again, if wet he's into that and into his crate and he emerges later warm and dry.


Oh, and don't worry about security issues if there's a dog in the van . Even little ones will bark. In our case, since Kerries were bred to kill badgers in the past, the local pond- life burglar would have a bit of a shock !!

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