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A-Frames are illegal

Tony Norton

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W3526602 - 2007-07-28 8:33 AM



Now consider the Citroen BX. Has anyone here ever driven one with the pump belt broken, or a burst pipe? Or even been towed with the engine switched of.



I have driven 250,000 blissful miles in my E-reg diesel BX – still going strong and by far the best car I ever owned – but wouldn’t dream of moving it one inch without the hydraulics in full working order.


Nothing to do with safety – but you could b****r up the suspension big-time.


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davenewell@home - 2007-07-27 7:28 PM


Chill Bill, my response to Omar was referring to his comment "life's too short to worry about legal" which, to me at least, demonstrates a total lack of regard for anyone other than himself.




Dave, You said



Because it suggests you have a total disregard for the laws of the land you live in and THEREFORE any and every body else's rights, safety and feelings.



Your words, my emphasis: it is a non sequitur.


I for one have enomous respect for other peoples' rights, safety and feelings, but none whatsoever for our laws, the idiot politicians who make them, nor the civil servants who enforce them.


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omar - 2007-07-25 4:13 PM Lives to short to worry about legal or not get a A frame for conveniance and simplicity of towing.Please not another large amount of threads from the so called barrack room lawyers. >:-( >:-( >:-( >:-(

Since you have such a relaxed attitude to the law, Omar, I assume it'll be OK if I just nip round and nick your A frame, will it?  ;-)

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enodreven - 2007-07-25 7:15 PM Hi I really do find these discussions strange, most people if they are honest break the law at sometime during there lives, so that isn't new ?? and as for "A" frames if you don't want to take a chance using one then DON'T but please don't keep telling other people that they shouldn't just because you don't want to??. we are all Adults who can make up our own minds.


I don't agree, but not for your supposed reason.  When someone proposes something illegal we all have a moral (and in some cases a legal) obligation to point out to them the flaw in what they propose.  This is not because we have scruples ourselves about breaking the law (though many of us have), it is to ensure others know where they stand vis a vis the law. 

Having advised that some action is illegal, or of dubious legality, two things almost invariably happen.  First, someone bobs up and argues that for some reason the practice is legal, usually because it is something they themselves do and they don't want to accept it is illegal, or dubious.  Second, the person who posted the question draws their own conclusion and either ignores, or accepts, the advice given as to legality and acts accordingly. 

That surely is adult behaviour, and is far preferable to allowing people who may not appreciate the legal snag, to just continue in ignorance.  Remember that when it comes to breaking the law, ignorance is no defence.  You'll cop the same penalty whether you knew it was wrong, or not!

Where Omar above is wrong, is that what he says is tantamount to actually encouraging others to break the law.  That is a crime in itself for which, I think, Warners could be held liable as publisher of his comments.  We must be careful what we say in public fora!

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Am I the only one who thinks that if I have to tow a car behind my motor home, I might as well have kept the 4 X 4 and the caravan.I bought the motor home in part to get away from towing/reversing etc. we carry bikes to get around and if we need another car on hol . my wife drives it. the cost of the trailer / a-frame conversion and tow bar = an awful lot of fuel.

I can see the point however, for single driver outfits.




martin r c

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You forget that not every body can ride a bike whether powered or not. Some people may also have too large a motorhome to do everything they would like. Towing a car gives you the best of both worlds, caravanning and motorhoming.


To get back to the legality of them. Before I bought mine I consulted the police and the legal teams of both clubs and checked out the insurance

position. No one could POSITIVELY tell me they were illegal. It is perfectly legal to tow a car on a rope in this country let alone an A-Frame!


I have now been using an A-Frame for 6years without even be stopped by anyone other than some inquistive Germans who wanted one. So unless the authorities can tell me it is POSITIVELY illegal or unsafe then I will continue to use it. That is my choice and so it will continue until it is PROVEN otherwise and no one on here or any other forum will alter that view. It is for the law to say not someone on a soapbox.



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Traders are allowed to sell you stuff that it is illegal to use. For instance, very powerful CB radios (or has that changed) and fancy number plates.


On the other hand, the RTA (or something) prohibits the sale of motor cycle crash helmets which do not have the relevent marking.



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martin r c - 2007-07-28 3:16 PM


Am I the only one who thinks that if I have to tow a car behind my motor home, I might as well have kept the 4 X 4 and the caravan.I bought the motor home in part to get away from towing/reversing etc. we carry bikes to get around and if we need another car on hol . my wife drives it. the cost of the trailer / a-frame conversion and tow bar = an awful lot of fuel.

I can see the point however, for single driver outfits.




martin r c


No Martin,


You are not alone in your thoughts. Anyone who wants a vehicle at their destination can hire a car very easily, Caravan Club sites have a scheme where the car is delivered to you or you are picked up from the site you are at. Last time we did that for the day we ordered the day before by mobile before we reached the site and it was ready and waiting for us at 0800hrs next morning. Very cheap day rates (from£23/ day), altogether cheaper than pulling your own all things considered and without the downsides.



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Hi you own a motorhome and then talk about saving money by not towing a car. (lol) If you really want to save money, sell the motorhome and stay in hotels.


I tow a car to be independent, one of the reasons I own a motorhome, and for me, an RV towing a car is the best combination, for others its a car/caravan, not wrong just different.



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olley - 2007-07-29 1:34 PM


Hi you own a motorhome and then talk about saving money by not towing a car. (lol) If you really want to save money, sell the motorhome and stay in hotels.




Sorry who was this aimed at please?



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Basil - 2007-07-29 1:38 PM


olley - 2007-07-29 1:34 PM


Hi you own a motorhome and then talk about saving money by not towing a car. (lol) If you really want to save money, sell the motorhome and stay in hotels.




Sorry who was this aimed at please?




Hi didn't you say: altogether cheaper than pulling your own


But if I misunderstood then I apologize.



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Hi Olley,


No need to apologise.

Yes I did, but that was not meant against the context of motorhomes but relative to a hire car against buying insuring taxing and buying towing gear, whether trailer or 'A' frame, and additional towing costs.

However I can justify the cost of both my last caravan and my current motorhome if you wish but perhaps that should be on another thread!



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Basil - 2007-07-29 12:15 PM



No Martin,


You are not alone in your thoughts. Anyone who wants a vehicle at their destination can hire a car very easily, Caravan Club sites have a scheme where the car is delivered to you or you are picked up from the site you are at. Last time we did that for the day we ordered the day before by mobile before we reached the site and it was ready and waiting for us at 0800hrs next morning. Very cheap day rates (from£23/ day), altogether cheaper than pulling your own all things considered and without the downsides.




Hiring may not suit everyone, especially if you need a run around whilst at home. However it is a phillosophy I adopt when touring on the continent where I have never used my A-Frame. Hire rates are usually cheaper and of course you can off set the ferry charges for a trailer against this. There is also much less need for a car on the continent where parking for a motorhome is so much easier and public transport cost much lower.




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