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Insurance clauses

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Hi All

A new thread on insurances, Having just had a nightmare holiday in the floods in Evesham just a thought for all to check the small print on there insurance policy.

My wife and myself where knocked out of bed at 04.20 a week gone saturday by the chef of the Hotel , and there was knee deep water surronding our Motorhome, we where taken in to the hotel and with in an hour had to all go upstairs in the hotel as water was rushing in the ground floor, and after 4 hours had to be rescued by helicopter from a flat roof of the hotel, and it looks is if our year old Lunar is going to be a write off.

My main point for you all to be aware of is, because the motorhome was broke down throught water/snow/ice/mud or sand it is not recoverable under get you home terms we where not entitled to BB or a hire car, they will only recover it ( when they can get in the field ) to there nearest salvage yard, we got absoloutly no assistance from our insurance company to get us home.

The engine if the motorhome was totaly submerage in polluted water and there was two foot of water inside the motorhome at its highest level, we are now in the mercy of our insuranc company to see what they are going to pay as out.



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What a nightmare.At least you are safe and well.Hopefully you will get market value for the van/contents and be able to replace it.After all thats what we buy motor home insurance for, and not just motor insurance to comply with the law.


how many of us read the small print (?)

I think I will now (!)


All the best, I hope it works out ok.



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A very nasty experience indeed, and valuable information.  I just hope the helicopter ride was free! 

However, it would still be worthwhile making sure you've read all the bits of your insurance that were not excluded because the loss was through flooding.  It might even be worth re-reading the bits they are using to exclude recovery, because it is always possible someone got it wrong at the time.  If they did, you may still be entitled to recover your out of pocket costs.

Many policies have new for old replacement in the first year, so it'll be worth checking for that as well.  It would be some compensation for your loss to know you'll get a nice new one to replace it.  I bet they'll be in short supply for a while though, they're a write off once they've been flooded that badly, and there must have been hundreds of motorhomes affected!

Hope you get it all sorted without too much delay.

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Sorry to read of your experience Terry. Hope it works out in your favour in the end.


I've seen a couple of reports in the last few days about insurance companies not being willing to pay out on car/caravan policies because flooding was regarded as Act of God so not covered.


I checked our Saga policy and it doesn't mention anything about flooding not being covered. Also, I can't see anywhere where it even mentions Act of God. Once everything has settled down, though, and the insurance companies are a bit less busy I might just give them a ring to check.




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This reminds me of the film "The Man Who Sued God". staring Billy Connerly.


Surely insurance companies weigh up the risks when calculating premiums, and an Act of God must be a pretty small risk. On the other hand, catastrophes of biblical proportions must be potentially expensive.


But the way I read things, this incliment weather is "man made".



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Hi Terry,


Obviously different Insurance Companies offer different terms and the only way to establish exactly what is covered is to read your policy, as you have, but also speak to the underwriter to establish exactly what is covered. My Motorhome policy is brokered by Safeguard and the policy is underwritten by Allianz Cornhill and breakdown cover by AA.


The questions should be asked before taking out the policy and also on renewal as policy terms change and it is not wise to assume that a renewed policy has exactly the same terms as originally written.


I asked the question about loss through flood and was informed that this would be covered including any costs to recover the vehicle to the repairers or disposal. The policy mentions Act of God but in this case only to define that ANY claim will or could lead to a loss of no-claim bonus unless this is covered by NCD protection.


Whether your underwriters will write off your vehicle or pay to have it restored will obviously depend on the value of the vehicle the cost of repairs and the terms of the policy. You should ensure that in the negotiation with your insurers that they take due regard to greatly reduced value of your vehicle as the result of having been flood damaged and repaired.


Hope this is of some comfort and assistance after your flood nightmare.

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Hoorendous for Terry, of course. BUT A REAL WARNING TO ALL OF US:




Then re-read it. Check especially on the exclusions. I know it's boring, but you need to ask: it that an exclusion I can live with for a policy a few pounds cheaper? - for each and every exclusion.


Finally, although there are many brokers in Motorhome insurance, stick to the big, specialist ones. Firms like Comfort, Safeguard, Devitts (Caravan Club), and Caravan Guard know the market, specialise, and won't write a policy with their underwriters with silly exclusions.


Mel E


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Latest kick in the teeth I was told that any moveable items ruined could not be claimed for, I was informed that these items could be claimed on household insurance as personal affects.

Informed my insurance company ( home ) today of pending claim took all details and informed to write out list and submit to them, guess what phone call off them one hour later to inform items are not covered because it was caused through FLOODS.

Cannot win



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I be inclined to reply and question their definition of accidental damage, (if your polivcy includes that as an item)


If not satisfied suggest that you could take the matter to the small claims court for a ruling. >:-)


Might frighten some pipsqueak, (or put a black mark against you for any other insurance. :-S

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Hi Terry, sorry to hear of your problem's, an aqantance of mine moved into a static van on the caravan site next to marquis tewksbury, just three years ago, after selling his house in birmingham, and was extreemly happy, seen on the news that only 10 inches of his van was above water.


as a thought, how can this flooding be an act of god, as we are told that it is global warming and that it is human's doing that has caused it?


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Do NOT take it for granted that the insurance companies are right! They often try to riggle out of paying up for stuff by fobbing people off with "it's not covered".


I'd suggest contacting your motorhome insurers and telling them that you intend to take it up with the Insurance Ombudsman, and do the same with your home insurers as well.


Our MH insurance policy covers contents to a certain amount so double check if yours does (I'd be surprised it if didn't!). If it does, fight for what you are entitled to. Their claiming that it is an Act of God is ridiculous, if that was the case then no one who was in the floods would be getting a pay out would they!


As for 'new for old' replacement of the van, it would be very difficult I suspect to put the van back to a usable condition as all the caravan part would be so wet that it would never dry out, or I suspect be financially viable for it to be repaired, so that it was in the condition it was before the floods, so I suspect a replacement is the only option. Again, check your policy, some give a 'new for old' for up to 2 years, it really depends on which company you are with.


Do not just take what they say on face value, get in touch with, eg Citizens Advice, and find out your legal entitlement, they will tell you if the policy covers you for all your losses or not and advise you on what to do.


Make sure that you keep a note of your contact with the insurers and what was said, keeping copies of letters etc. Be civil but firm.


Good luck and let us know how you get on.

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Hi, Terry


Sorry to hear about your problems with the flooding.


Regarding your insurance, we had a similar situation after a road traffic accident in Germany, we had fully comprehensive cover for the car and we had purchase extra full European travel insurance together with breakdown cover all from the same company, thinking that if anything happened we were protected belt and braces ?


That's what we thought until the Germany police officer asked me what I was going to do about my car blocking the road as a result of the road traffic accident, I said no problem I will ring my European breakdown insurance and they will deal with it, that's when the nightmare started I was told on the phone that my breakdown insurance didn't cover Road Traffic Accidents, I was dumstruck I said but the policy covers accidents he said RTA's are not the same as accidents this went on without any resolution the police by then had removed my vehicle to a compound and taken me and my wife back to our hotel,


We rang the European Breakdown insurance again from the hotel and really laid it on the line but still no joy, they put us through to our main insurers and i explained what I had been told and he said he would speak to the Breakdown company he came back and reiterated the same thing by then it was getting late on Sunday night and we sat up reading the policy and were absolutely fuming. we actually booked our own flights back to the UK for the following day.


Now back to the point,


I rang our car insurance company again on the Monday and explained what had happened and told them how disappointed i was with having purchased the extra breakdown cover etc from them only to find it didn't protect us when we really need it ? The chap on the other end asked me to explain it over again as he couldn't believe it either and then he said who ever had told us was ??????? and leave it to him but wait by the phone.


Approximately 10 mins later i received a call from the manager of the European breakdown Insurance apologizing profusely and stating that they will pay for the hotel and all expenses including the taxi fares and flights home if that's what we wanted to do. He then went on to explain what should of happened and where the confusion may have crept in.,


Apparently after a RTA its not your Breakdown insurance company who pays for the recovery of your vehicle its your actual car insurance company. However, once that is sorted then your breakdown/travel insurance comes into play to pay for things like hotels car hire etc as you no longer have a vehicle as its been taken over (so to speak) by someone else e.g. your actual insurance company


Sorry its a bit long but I hope it may help as they could be confusing the line of responsibility ??


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I have recently had to make a claim on my windscreen insurance after some small minded scrote threw a paving brick through the windscreen of our Hymer.

Autoglass were contacted and after 4 days and two windscreens the job was completed, gave them details of my insurance and paid the £100 excess.

I have now been told by the insurance company that I only have cover up to £1000 for glass and that this claim would have an effect on my no claims bonus, i.e. I lose a year.

Cost of windscreen replacement £1900, there is nothing special about this glass, other than the price, not heated and only lightly tinted.

The van is insured with Caravanguard and I have informed them delicately that their glass cover is as much use as a chocolate fireguard.

Had a quick check online today for quotes some give a glass limit of £2000 and others no upper limit and both at about the same price as caravanguard.

Moral of this is check how much you are covered for and how much it will cost to replace.

Why is life so full of these expensive mistakes.


John D.

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