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Spain/France in August


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I was speaking to some English people last night who told me that the frenetic high season in Spain ends after about the middle of August.


Is this true? I thought it went on to the end of August.


And what about France?


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France goes on throughout August - it is the main holiday month, then everywhere is dead.


Spain is more variable, and it depends whether you are tabnking about an area visited predominantly the Spanish themselves - who do start to slope back to work before the end of August - or visitors. All but the French (who tend to stay in France anyway) spread their holidays for longer, the Dutch and Germans, for example, starting in mid-July, and the Scandinavians all back to school by the end of the first week in August.


So I suppose it may get a bit quieter!


Mel E


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As a rider to Mel's post, many of the French do now return after the middle weekend in August - but you won't see much difference in the coastal areas, because others generally just take their places. 

However, if you go inland, and keep away from the "honeypot" areas, you should find things beginning to thin out a bit from mid, to end of, August.

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We're heading down to Spain last week in August-Pensioners prices start 26th August from age 55yrs onwards. Not really a cheapskate but 172 Euros for a fortnight on a 5 star site doesn't sound bad does it? I can find lots of uses for the spare cash at that price and the weather's got to be better than home surely!!??




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