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Accident Scam

Guest Mark R

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Guest Mark R
In the last three 3 weeks I have recoverd two vehicles that have been the subject of a staged accident. this is in the Herts and Bucks area on deserted roads in the mid evening.In both cases a vehicle waiting in a sideroad to join a mainroad was flashed by an approaching car and allowed to pull out. As it did the approaching car then accelerated and crashed into the vehicle pulling out. In one of these cases the vehicle hit was a VW Campervan and extensive damage was caused. By coincidence the car was driven by the same person who had two other youths in the car with him and bullied and blamed the driver of the other vehicle to admit liability and give insurance details. I cannot give any further details as both cases are under investigation. Apparently this is the latest insurance scam so please be aware and careful in this situation.
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Guest Roy Hamilton
This proves my unswerving action in pretending to not see people who flash me to pull out when they have the right of way. I just sit there 'til they move. My wife sometimes gets annoyed and so do the other drivers but who cares if such occurances can be avoided.
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Guest PeteC
Hi Mark Only laast week we were waiting to cross a main road into a supermarket There were no other vehicles on my side of the road, so I was not holding anyone up! A line of vehicles was coming towards us; the last vehicle ( a pick up truck with three people sitting in the front) flashed me to cross, As he was the last vehicle I could not understand his actions. So stayed where I was your post makes sense now
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Guest Mel E
Two points: 1. According to the Highway Code, flashing your lights simply means 'I AM HERE'. It does NOT mean 'I give way' or anything else. 2. After an accident, you are legally required to exchange details, including your insurer.
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Guest Mel B
Where we work sometimes having some kind sole flash and slow down to let us out is the only way to get out of the entrance on to the main road otherwise you can be staying there for 10 minutes or more. We too have had the situation where many a time it is the last car in a line that slows and lets us out, even when there's nothing behind, they just seem to take pity that we're still stuck there! If they want to do that, who am I to argue! As for just sitting there, we've been behind people who just sit at junctions for an inordinant length of time which sometimes actually causes more problems as the people behind them get very impatient and then try to go round them to get out and nearly cause an accident in the process. Sometimes you have no choice but to 'creep' out and push your way into the flow of traffic when someone will eventually take pity on you. It's as if they don't even notice you're there in the side road until you stick your 'nose' out a bit ... but I must stress you must be VERY careful if you do this. If you are going to pull out into the main flow of traffic make damned sure they know you're going to do it and that they have slowed down or stopped BEFORE you move, being very careful and watchful. On a country lane in the middle of nowhere, or at least where there's no-one else about, then I agree being careful is a must. I would sit tight until the vehicle passed by also in this case. The problem with light flashing is that it has two common meanings, either "okay mate, I'm letting you go" or "watch out, I'm here, get out of my way". The problem is that people don't always know which you mean if you do this as I keep telling my husband when he flashes the p*ll*cks who pull out in front of us sometimes, they probably think he's being friendly and letting them go!!! Why do people think that pulling out in front of a 3+ tonne motorhome is a good idea??? We had a Smart car do this to us in France and he was totally unphased by it (it was our right of way) ... I wonder how small they are when they're squashed ....??????
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