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just to say last night when I was scatching my head in bed trying to work out what the problem was with my motorhome. I thought surely there is a place where like minded idiots collectively scratch their heads together and learn from each others triumphs......


Thankfully I was right, I have been searching for this place for ages.


So thanks for your help, before I get it!





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I can provide answers to any question you might wish to ask.


.........Of course, most of them will not be correct, but hey-ho!


From one head-scratcher to another - Welcome aboard the board.







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There's really no such thing as a difficult question, just those you know the answer to, and those you don't :-D


Welcome. But beware, it can become addictive. I only came here to get the answer to a question but I seem to have stayed...




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Listen up here now!!!

I've spent a few of the last days pulling all the splinters out of my hands, so I'm now ready to scratch my head again with reference to any questions that may be asked.

My main worry is that I know that I've got the answer, but do not know what the question is.!!


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Ralph - 2007-08-02 8:43 PM


J9withdogs - 2007-08-02 6:17 PM


If a tree falls in a forest where there is no-one within ear-shot, does it make a sound?


Please don't ask that one, it might bring the tortoise back :-D


I could PM him if you like and invite him for a discussion :D :D

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J9withdogs - 2007-08-02 10:10 AM How long is a piece of string? What's an occasional table the rest of the time? Why is orange jam called marmalade?

Janine & the rest of you!!!

STOP IT!!!None of the questions you've asked do I have the answer to!!

J9with dogs, 1st shows a pic with a loveable dog, now she shows a pic with a dancing girl. Do you know what effect this has on a Thai lad with a buddhist upbringing has?????

And all these other questions being asked. Right that's it now, I'm off to sit somewhere peaceful and try and fathom it all out!!


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david lloyd - 2007-08-02 10:21 AM


J9withdogs - 2007-08-02 10:10 AM


How long is a piece of string?

What's an occasional table the rest of the time?

Why is orange jam called marmalade?


And why is phonetic spelt with a ph?


The same reason George Ber nard Shaw could make 'GHOTI' spell 'FISH'!!

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