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Czech Republic - recent experiences?


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Hello All,


Our September plan includes dropping through the Czech Republic from Dresden to Prague and then south eastwards into Bavaria (Passau).

There is an article in to-day's Guardian ranking the Czech Republic as the 4th most dangerous place for Brits (after Thailand, Australia and India, but ahead of Greece). According to the article, this is undoubtedly due to the massive influx of hen and stag parties attracted by the cheap flights and booze. (the article invites you to visit www.praguepissup.com to get the idea - personally, I can't be bothered).


However, SWBO has now got hold of this and is not so sure about going there. I have pointed out that we will be staying on a secure campsite in Prague (any recommendations?) and will be tucked up well before any 'jollity' would start, so risk of being beaten up by a bunch of Brit louts would seem to be minimal. I don't know if all this has changed the way the Czechs relate to other British tourists, though (still proud to be British>:-) )- so I guess I'm looking for some re-assurances?


BTW - I have seen Don Madge's excellent post in Hints and Tips,



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Don't worry, be happy :)


I spent a few days riding (motorbike) around Czech last year with no problems. I like to get away from the big tourist areas and try and find some "normal" Czechs in smaller towns to have a chat with. Generally very frendly and like most E.Europeans just pleased to show off their country.

I went from Cz to Poland and then Slovakia and Ukraine and would say Slovakia was my favourite. Get off the main road, experience these places before we all turn into one Europe! You won't feel more vunerable than being on a BMW (I was seen as wealthy...yeh, right,) motorbike...but eventually you realise that people just want to talk and share knowledge. To share a story my friend and I emerged from a restaurant in a lovely town called Levoca in Slovakia to see the backs of two guys looking at out motorbikes, as we approached they tuned to smile whilst eating ice creams and then asked us how their roads compared with others in Europe! We said they were much better than Polish ones, and they were pleasantly surprised, and then wanted to see how our sat nav worked.

I'm rambling, but in 4000 miles I learnt that we have an inbuilt distrust of the unknown and I'm sure a lot of it is to do with the way the media plays it, and maybe the island mentality too. Trust your instincts, but don't let them run your life completely.

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Robin, the fact that I am something of a cynic precludes me from believing most of that which is printed in 'the Guardian' as a matterof course!!


Cherry & I are intending to visit the Czech Republic next year after leaving Austria.

Have a good trip!

regards, Mike & Cherry.

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I went to prague for a long weekend on a 40th birthday party a few weeks ago.

where do I start? Well IMO prague is the most beautiful city that I have visited in europe. I have been to quite a few. There are loads of stag and hen parties going to prague hence the tourism problems in terms of danger. It's not as tacky as amsterdam, and certainly less dangerous in terms of muggins as barcelona and milan.

The fact is that it's beautifull and if you take the nessecary cautions that you would in visiting any big city you would be fine. I loved it so much that it is my intention to take my family there in a few weeks in the motorhome. If you check on the ACSI website or campingcheques web site there are a couple of sites near prague with easy access in to the city via public transport.


a couple of words of warning would be that prague is expensive for the unwary tourist. Make sure you haggle should you use a taxi ensuring that the price is negotiated prior to travel. And if you stay off the tourist routes a pint is less than £1 but on thetourist track expect to pay in excess of a £5. The same goes for eating out.

hope this helps and alays your fears.


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We took the motorhome about 4 years ago. Stayed on a nice site (no problems) on an island on the edge of Prague. http://www.volny.cz/convoy/ is the address of the site. (The yacht club) Truly lovely city, only marred by an English (they were wearing St George's flags) stag group. Kept bumping into them!

Felt very happy about the place otherwise. If we had the bikes we would have cycled in, though the route does include rather a lot of cobbles and tram lines.

Look for the Mucha Museum, Kaunický palác, Panská 7. If you are a fan of art nouveau this is a feast.


Driving through the border was far more enlightening than the city!


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Thanks for the useful tips, Paul and Norma (lol)




I was not put off by the newspaper article, just curious to find out how others have found Prague since the explosion of all these 'stag and hen' trips from our island. Hey Ho.


We also hope to visit Cesky Kumlov and some of the Bohemian countryside


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