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Crash Helmets in Spain

Mike B.

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Sorry, don't know no doubt someone will know though, probably Clive as he likes nipping around on his monkey bike. But why the question please?


If you are contemplating riding a moped/motorbike or anything like without one you need your bumps read, in my view!



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Mike B. - 2007-08-04 8:16 PM



Does anyone know the law on crash helmets in Spain? I'm told they are only compulsory on bikes above 125cc but not sure I believe this.

Can anyone confirm?






Hi Mike -


We actually live here in Spain, have been here for almost 5 years now, and I can tell you that whoever gave you that information is WRONG.

We are bikers, and these are the facts over here:-



The law on helmet use is national here in Spain (ie it does not vary from regional government area to regional government area). It is perfectly clear, and is the same as in the UK/France/Germany etc, as it is derived from the EU Directive on motorcycle helmet use which all EU member states are supposed to implement (and then enforce).

It says: you must by law wear an approved style of crash-helmet on any motorcycle when riding on any public road.

Failure to do so would render you liable to an on-the-spot fine from the Policia Local (perhaps 80 euros/ less the usual 30% discount if you literally pay on the spot rather than by posting your fine in). You would not however get any penalty points on your UK licence.



In built up coastal areas the Police Local and the Guardia Civil do enforce the helmet law pretty rigorously.

But anywhere in "el campo" (the countryside inland, and also in smaller towns and villages) it basically isn't enforced - and certainly is virtually never ever enforced for small bikes (ie mopeds and 50cc scooters). In our spanish village, we see maybe 50% of the locals (young and old) using helmets.

Then there's the type of helmet: Spanish police simply want to see you wearing SOMETHING on your head. They never, ever, ever check whether it's an EU compliant helmet. There are literally MILLIONS of people riding with what in the UK we used to call "novelty" helmets - little pisspot type things with just one chin strap and a bit of foam between the shell and your skull. They are much cooler/lighter/cheaper than wearing a "proper" helmet. They are of course totally useless at protecting your skull if you should have an accident.


Reasons for all this -

1. Spanish people's approach to any form of authority is about one million percent less obedient than in the UK. (Part of the reason we moved here).

2. Police just ain't interested at all in minor details/minor infringements, unless you try really hard to piss them off.

3. Spanish believe, as a race, that driving/riding like demented nutters is the only way to travel, and that they are totally immortal.

I'm not joking - hardly anyone ever uses seatbelts over here, or looks in their mirror, or obeys unboken white lines, or even traffic lights, if they THINK they know better. There is a MASSIVE tradition of drink-driving too.

4. There is no other type of bike/scooter insurance other than 3rd Party Only here in Spain. Insurers stopped offering Theft, and Fully Comp, about 10 years ago, as they were getting such a caning on claims - scooter theft is big business in major cities (though is totally unheard-of in small towns and villages) - and there are so many scooter/bike accidents that the insurers all withdrew from offering cover above 3rd party Only.


So basically - so long as you are riding a little scooter/monkey bike, in a country area or in the smallert towns and villages, off a major highway, you'll not be stopped for wearing no helmet.

If you carry a little pisspot one you can always put it on if the Police tell you to (for the 100 metres until you round the next corner).


BUT the ONE thing you MUST have over here, and MUST carry with you at all times, is proof of insurance.

It can be UK cover (it can be a totally fraudulent certificate/policy/letters in English, to confuse the local Police, as many Ex-pats policies are), but if you can't show proof of insurance anytime you're stopped, you WILL get your bike impounded there and then.

The Spanish Police are REALLY hot on this with scooters over the past couple of years, because the cost even of 3rd party insurance has rocketted, and a huge percentage of scooter riders have simply given up renewing/taking out insurance as a result. Then, when they hit someone else's car/child etc, there is no insurance to pay out, and this has caused so many complaints that the Police have reluctantly had to crack down.


Hope this helps.






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Hi Everybody

Thanks for the replies, especially Bruce for the detailed report.

Whilst we have no intention of riding without helmets I just wanted to know if the law in Spain was different to everywhere else in Europe.

Having ridden motorcycles for over 40 years I know as Tony says it hurts just as much when you come off a moped as it does on a big bike if you land on your head.

I wasn't aware however that you had to have instant proof of insurance and I usually leave it in the van-I'll make sure I comply in future!

Once again thanks to all


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