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Heki/Break In`s


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On a recent trip to the South of France/Spain,we decided to overnight on the Narbonne-Vinassan service area towards Spain on the A9 motorway.

This area has a large camping area away from the main service complex .We decided to go for a meal and on our return,finding the Van parked in front of us (Germans) had been broken into and striped of most movable contents. The worring part of this break in was the point of entry. A large circular hole had been cut out of the Heiki which was then opened from the outside.The vehicle had a small dog inside which had been shut into the toilet,the vehicle alarm was on but the inside was disarmed for the dog. All contents had been removed through the roof opening.

When the Police arrived they confirmed this was a regular way of entry

and that a number of vans had been entered this way,always aiming for vehicles with no alarm or where the inside had been disarmed for animals .

Just a warning,keep safe.



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