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Hello all,


I apologise if this post goes over old ground I have attempted to find answers off my own bat, but have only managed to confuse myself even further. 8-)


Our set up is an Alden Orbiter automatic system (85cm dish and SSC finder) plus a Pace mini sky box (no additional card as we are happy to have the equivalent to Freeview BBC and ITV stations plus radio - i.e. without channels 4 and 5)


We did have a Zehnder receiver which was able to meet our requirements as far south as Biarritz. The Zehnder has now been replaced with a with the Pace sky box due to a string of faults with 3 successive Zehnder’s.

The Pace has a much reduced set of channels available – which is fine, as all the ones we want are all there. However, I am not sure whether I have the same coverage as I did.


When Roadpro set up the Pace box, they left the Alden SSC set to Astra South, and this was working fine. When we were in the Loire valley I could not get a watchable signal until I changed to Astra North, and then it was perfect. This does not make sense to me.


So, specifically.....


Q1 - I understand (?) that the channels I want are transmitted on Astra 2D - how does this relate to Astra N and Astra S (the only two Astra settings on the Alden SSC)?


Q2 - Does the Pace Sky Box pick up different signals (for BBC and ITV) than a more general receiver (like the Zehnder)?


Q3 – Depending on above answers, how far south and east I can go in Europe and still receive a TV and / or Radio signal?


I will be very grateful if anyone can help clear up my confudsion so that I can understand what to expect on our forthcoming trip to South Germany and Czech Republic, as I suspect we may well be at (or beyond) the limit.


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Not a sky user myself, as I have a FTA box (similar to your previous). I'm sure there'll be someone along in a minute, but....


I would suggest you try www.satelliteforcaravans.co.uk for background and potential answers to your question. Specifically, this will answer questions about what you should be able to get, where, and also gives some insight into some of your other questions.


Sky transmits on a closely coupled set of Astra 2 satellites on a number of beams with different 'footprints'. e.g. North beam, South beam and Astra 2D. Not all channels are transmitted on each beam, and FWIW, I believe ITV and BBC for example, are only on Astra2D, with a 'footprint very much focused on the UK, for copyright reasons.


AFAIK, the subset of channels now available to you are the same transmissions as you were picking up on the old FTA box (though if you have a viewing card you may now be able to view more of them, which were previously scrambled).


As far as your inability to receive certain channels, it leaves me a bit puzzled from your description, but there again, I'm not sure what the Alden SSC setting does. AFAIK, the dish positioning is the same for all beams from Astra 2, but what you can receive will depend which 'footprint(s)' you are in.


There is potential guidance in the summary on the above site that says that Sky boxes will default (and revert) to North beam transponder settings, and potentially need to be manually switched to South beam - was there some mismatch in this area between the digibox and the Alden Kit (North beam is fine in the Loire valley, I wonder if the digibox had defaulted back, and signal was blocked by whatever the Alden was doing on south beam setting?)

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You may have a software problem! My own Oyster system has developed a problem since the launch of a new satellite positioned near Astra 2 and I will have the software updated at Newark by Transleisure when time permits in the meantime I can sort it by going into manual tune after the satellite found banner comes up and giving it 2 clicks to the left when looking at the panel. with my 85 cm dish I can receive all channels down to Valencia and as far east as Venice, farther east and I loose the BBC, ITV can still be received way down in Croatia. Farther south than Valencia I have to select the Southern transponder.


Bill Ord


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8-) Your PACE box is taking the signal from the SKY ASTRA transponder and as such needs to know if you are north or south. The BBC free to air are also on ASTRA but another transponder slightly more to the east. You will not be able to get this transmission with the SKY PACE box. You do not have aproblem. The suggestion to go to the caravanetc website is the best help you can get-brilliant. Out of of interest the FTA satellite tuners will not get you sky FTA but a lot more satellites!! ;-)
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Thanks, all for your help.

www.satellitesforcaravans.co.uk is also helping to lift the cloud (and I have printed it all off for reference on me travels). I am feeling more confident now.

I have also spoken to Roadpro again, there is no known reason why the Astra S beam provided good reception in UK, but was unwatchable in the Loire. As I only tried it once on the S beam, it may well have been a one-off due to the specific locattion or the atmsopherics at the time.

Hey Ho.

It seems that SE Germany and Bohemia where we are going in Sept, will be at the limits of reception for the BBC and ITV transmissions on the Astra 2d beam, so we shall see.

Thanks again




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