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what is the best way to use tickets for dusseldorf show


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hi all


are the tickets only valid for a particular day or can they be used any day?


would it be better to wait until after the weekend or is it hectic all the time?


an old post said you can't re-enter on the same ticket if you come out..

is this still the case?


what are the catering arrangements in the show?




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I like to get a two day ticket, - about £10. The show is HUGE and unless you want to see just one particular thing, one day is not enough, - and it's a jolly long way to go to turn round and come back again.


I don't recall a problem getting back in. The entry tickets are magnetic swipe. The machines know if you're in or out to avoid double usage of one card.


The weekends are not much more or less busy than weekdays. But you may find a few bargains at Pfeiffer's accessories on the second weekend (that's when we're going)


Evening catering in the caravan centre is a 2000 seater marquee. Lots of trestle benches, just squeeze in and join your (usually English sprechen) German neighbours. You order beer from a passing waitress who will deliver a glass or a flagon, - best deal if you're thirsty as it might be a while before you see her again.


Hog roast and bratkartoffeln (roast spuds) from the large servery have been delicious in the past. Other things are available outside the marquee.


Eat early so you don't get indigestion when you start dancing. Polish up your ballroom. Waltzes and quicksteps are just as popular as jive and disco.


In the morning there is a grocer van to buy bread, rolls, fresh eggs etc.


In the halls you'll find concession food and drink outlets, cafes and although these are reasonably priced we take a roll with our own fillings and sit in the courtyard between the halls and watch the displays.


See you there. Well be in a LHD Hymer S660



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Tickets can be purchased on a daily basis or you can purchase tickets for a number of days. I don't know about re-entry half way through a day.


Tickets, if my memory serves me correctly are available from a kiosk by the camping catering/entertainment area where there is also a drive through station for empying waste water etc.. Entertainment in the beer tent is free every evening to campers. Unfortunately the beer is not free!


The camping arrangements are on a perforated concrete parking area with grass growing in the perforations so it is solid and looks like grass all over with rows of small trees.


You park fairly close, one behind the other but the rows are well spread out.


Bendy buses take you to the show from the parking area. If you are visiting the show over a number of days it is easier to get off at a different entrance each day to save walking through the halls you have already seen.

Catering arrangements are good and varied at a reasonable price. Portions tend to be generous and we shared!


Wear some comfy shoes.

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As above - the tickets have mag stripes and we have been in to the show in the morning and gone back to the 'van at lunch to return in the pm and no problem.


The best deal is to get a 2 day ticket as there is so much to see.


A tip is to arive at Dusseldorf after 5pm as you pay for parking by the day not by the night so you only pay for the day as long as you leave by 8am on the day of departure.


The week end can be extremely busy and last year there was queing onto the motorway despite the fact they had signs up saying that the grounds were full and could not take any further vehicles. We have found it best to go mid week (Wed/Thurs) when it is a little (very little) less busy.


Again as above it is a great show and well worth the effort to go and see.

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Hi berti


I saw the same posting about not being able to return to the show if it was a one day ticket too.


We are planning on being there for the last week - well, thurs/fri 30/31 to be exact - and will buy a two day ticket so there should be no difficulty getting in/out over the two days. I am hoping that some of the earlyu birds will have departed by then and it may be a little less hectic.


After that it is a steady run down to the Mosel valley for a couple of weeks to recuperate!!


Regards, David

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Hi David


If you are going straight from the show to the Mosel may I suggest going to Bernkastle Kues. They have their wine festival on the week end of the 1st full week in Sept. In our opinion the best of the wine festivals with great music and atmosphere. On the Sunday they also have a parade with the floats being provided by all the different wine producers - In between are marching bands and people in trad dress many of them carrying bottles or flagons of wine and they will happily top up your glass.


In the town square they have a stage set up and as one band gets down another takes its place - highly recommended.


Unfortunately due to NHS waiting lists we will not be going this year but hope all you folks who are making the journey have a great time.

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When we went last year and only had a one day tickets, once out, we couldn't get back in ... but we managed to persuade somebody to let us but don't bank on this working! If you have the 2 day tickets obviously they expect you to go in again on the second day but be careful in case it only allows you back in the once on this second day, best to check before you exit and see if there's something you can do to make sure you can get back in if you want to.


If you do intend to get the buses to different entrances, make sure the bus you get on goes to the one you want, we found that they started to restrict them after the first initial rush of the day and we ended up having to get off at the opposite end to where we wanted to be and it's was a long walk.


You can get bargains later in the show but you'll also find that some of the stalls get a bit thin on their stocks so you might not see the bargains after all.

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Hi tommiK

This is Germany. It's efficient. If you have to wait at a turnstile it won't be for very long.


If you're going by plane, try a hotel in the old town. Lot's of fun and you can get the free bus to Messe for the evening entertainment... that is if you can't find enough where you are.



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Thank you for the great tips! It will be my first Caravan Salon experience, so I'm excited about the trip. I have 2 and a half days to take most out of it. I have reserved a hotel near the city centre so I guess the subway might be an easy way to get to the area.
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we're going over for the first time but we're driving over in the car on Friday 24th, staying in a hotel (yet to be organised) then going to the show on Saturday 25th, hotel again Saturday evening and drive back Sunday. Before anyone bothers to say we should go in the motorhome there is no chance. The car is a Focus diesel that will do 50+MPG at 70MPH, the motorhome is a 17 year old petrol that does 23MPG at 56MPH. No contest when we only have a limited time to do the trip in. Besides it cost £22 to extend my AA breakdown cover to Europe for the three days on the Focus it was nearly double that for the motorhome. anybody recomend a decent, not too expensive hotel?



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davenewell@home - 2007-08-15 4:38 PM

anybody recomend a decent, not too expensive hotel?



Best to google on cheap hotel deals Dusseldorf. The agencies have some remarkably low prices for weekends


4 years ago we booked the Kempe Comfort through an agency. It was first rate and only about £30 for 2 people for the weekend !! We tried booking directly the next year but couldn't get anywhere near the deal price so went to another agency. It worked well because the 2nd hotel was much nearer the old town, and it's fun to wander around the bars & restaurants without a hike back to your digs.

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