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Thetford fridge.


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"dad speaking on behalf of daughter"posted earlier-on this year she was having problems with her fridge, lost power on hook-up, but then she thought thigs sorted themselves out!! Prior to this trip it had been to the dealers to have warranty work carried out to a window directly above and was aware the fridge would have to be removed.Gone away today,24hrs before she put it on 240v to prepaire the fridge for food only to find out that after 12hrs it had not cooled, controls ok, heat from exhaust vent. Panic call to dealer "will not work if not level" did that but after a relatively short time did not feel improvement. "Abandon trip" grandkids bringing bikes in readyness, don't panic. Put it on gas, it worked, get your bikes in.

She phoned whilst typing this ok, seems like 12v worked also(8hrs travel) On 240v on site, keeping eye on things tho' POINT, what have I read regarding fridges & levels. Why did it appear to be working, but no cold

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Who knows - mechanical things sometimes seem to have a will of their own! Whatever the problem was initially, perhaps the inevitable shaking about that the fridge received during the 8 hour road trip rectified it. I'm always wary of things that don't work then inexplicably fix themselves as there's a strong likelihood the fault will recur.


Your dealer's "will not work if not level" explanation might have been true 10 years ago, but modern fridges are designed to cope with a fair degree of tilt. It's certainly better to have the leisure vehicle relatively level, but a modern fridge should still function OK at an angle that would be intolerably uncomfortable for the people living in the motorhome/caravan. So cock-eyedness is unlikely to have been the cause of the lack of cooling.


Assuming the fridge is still working OK at the end of the holiday, there are two choices - either do nothing and hope the problem has truly gone away, or seek advice from a Thetford service centre (details from Thetford website) who will most probably suggest you have the thing inspected.


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Alas she phoned late last night , not working on all systems at all, not even on the drive down to Woolacombe (cccsite) Fairly sloping site & not quite level yet and will get more blocking, but as she says the level is acceptable, no worse than on other times & it as allways worked before, until the warranty work that is. I think that another 100mls round trip(pop) to the dealers will be a trip to far for my son-in-law,the van will go, he's fed up with too many problems (one year old, water ingress, know the fridge) The forums full of it. My new motorhome list of compaints could be a best seller (watch this space).
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