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Some alarming news

Geoff Bell

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Am I the only person getting completely peed off with my SIGMA alarm fitted by Brownhills.

I find it really irritating that every time I want to start my engine I have to turn the ignition on, press the Sigma alarm button on the key fob, then turn the ignition key back to the start and then turn the key which will now go fully round and start the engine.

Now if that wasn't bad enough, now the alarm has taken to false alarming usually in the middle of the night, to the extent now I'm not using it. I have lost confidence, and of course being erratic I doubt if I go back to Brownhills ( a 2 hour drive for me) they will be able to pinpoint the fault.


Anyone got a suggestion what to do or look out for? Anyone got any experience. It cost enough so I would like to sort it.

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Sorry you're having trouble. Too late to suggest you get a Van Bitz - they're specialists in motorhome alarms and their customer service is second to none.


However, you have only two choices:


- pay someone who didn't fit it in the first place to sort it out, which may be expensive


- go back to Brownhills.


Like it or not, your only contract is with Brownhills. So they're the only people under any legal obligation to sort it out.


I have to say - hope this doesn't sound too negative - that I can't understand why you bought it from there and then instantly believe they won't be able to sort out any problems!?! Why? Why not?


Mel E


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Not sure I have much faith in alarms Geoff - how many people rush over to the vehicle (or house) when they go off?


Mainly, we rely on the small flashing LED to ward off the intruder who finds another vehicle to break into OR, the intruder ignores the flashing light and breaks in anyway.


I now take all usual precautions (watch where I park, hide away any stealable stuff etc. etc.) and may just have LED's fitted in the cab door handles and we keep an infallible internal alarm with us when we are in the van - the dogs.


The one time I did invest in an (expensive) alarm it too used to go off in the middle of the night (why is that? can it tell the time?) and I rang the dealer (200 miles away) who got the alarm company to send someone out to the house. It turned out that the sensitivity was set incorrectly and he simply adjusted something that stopped it going off without need.


If Brownhills can't, or won't, help then a call to the alarm people may produce results.


Good luck, David


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If memory serves me correct, there should be a time delay on the alarm system on the Sigma system.

So when you have deactivated the alarm prior to entry to the vehicle you have about 45 secs to turn the key to start the engine. After this time, you will need to do waht your already doing.However, you should also have a small barrel type key with the system. There should be a contact point on the dashboard as well.All you have to do is use the metal contact at the end of the barrel and make contact with this contact on the dash. This deactivates the alarm and you should be able to start the van, without going through the original rigmorall.

Sorry, but like Mel E, we've had the full blown Van Bitz alarm fitted, this will be our 3rd van that's had this treatment.

Unbelievably, when we part exed our last van for our new one from Brownhills, they actually "Ripped" out this system, so they could sell the Sigma system to the new owners. How do we know this, well we'd gone back to their site at Preston for an adjustment on the kitchen draws, and saw our "Old" van being preped, and saw that they were installing a new alarm system!!!!

Hope the info I've given is helpful


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I've got the same alarm system fitted to my Rapido 924F and had a similar problem till I read the instructions!! There are various options for setting the alarm function for instance one option locks the doors automatically when you start the engine as a security measure. have a good read and see if you can set the system back to a default mode i.e. where on entering the vehicle the van will start but if left unstarted will require the code inputting to start. The false alarming is another issue and the most obvious cause would be either the van being rocked or if you have a window or main vent open the movement sensor "seeing" air pressure changes as intrusion. PM me if you're still having problems and I'll give you my phone number and we can talk it through. However I have found Brownhills at Newark very helpful and knowledgeable on this subject, they should be, after all they've fitted hundreds of them and they are or were standard fit on Hymer.


Bill Ord

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Hi Geoff,


False alarms are usually the product of bad earthing or continuity problems on the protecting reed switches, micro switches or sensors.


Switches have a normally open (NO) or normally closed (NC) position. In a quiescent state, with the protected door, cupboard or window open, the switch will be at rest and in its NO position. With the protected door, cupboard or window closed the switches NO position will be closed, passing the current onto the next switch, so the switches can be said to be serially wired. Bad called switches and the wiring in between can be checked with a multimeter on the continuity setting, i.e. the resistance range.


If your system has a voltage sensing circuit which will set off the alarm, I have found three causes for this on my system.


Bad earthing on the control unit caused the input voltage to vary, this in turn is sensed as a load on the 12 volts system and switches the alarm on.


If you have a radio, clock, cell phone or any other device feeding off of the alarm 12 volt input source i.e. vehicle or leisure battery, then this may/will cause the alarm to activate, if it has a voltage sensing protection.


IR device (senses people, animals and big hairy spiders 8-) ) either faulty or not disabled when camper is occupied by any or all of bracketed above.


I don’t know the sigma alarm system, but most alarm systems will permit you to pick and choose which facilities you want activated, otherwise it should be possible for you to defeat the frustrating bit you don’t want by linking or looping.


Regards Terry


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Can I just take this opportunity to say thanks to Terry for his inspired idea of a cheap and very effective MH alarm. My Micromark works a treat and, in addition, have managed to add a very loud' latching' bellbox which will sound if there is any internal tampering - just need to switch out the PIR so we can set it at night and we're there. Thanks again.
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Had a problem some years ago with an alarm system & found that it was the scotch clips which are so often used for this sort of accesory,they tend to not always make a 100% electral connection so I replaced them with proper little screw type blocks, no more problems.This did mean cutting the wires tho.
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I too have a Rapido M/H bought from Brownhills. It has a Sigma alarm as well. I have found that you have 30 seconds from unlocking the van to start the engine. If you miss this deadline, you can turn on the Ignition and then press the alarm setting button. This de-activates the alarm/ immobiliser and the engine will start.

The only gripe I have is when setting the alarm at night while in the van and disabling the internal motion sensors. As you do so, the alarm still gives out a very loud bleep, which can be heard right across a site at 2am. Anyone got a way round this??

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Brownhills fitted a Sigma to my new Hobby. It works fine. I just disable it before entering. Then when i am ready, I turn the ignition and fire up the engine, simple as that. The only other setting I use is to disable the internal sensors when I want to set the alarm with me on the inside.

I had a look at the instruction book which explains how to alter the alarm settings but it seemed complicated so I left the settings alone. I guess your alarm just needs resetting.

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