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Aires and what do you have to do to open one?


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Is there anyone out there who has any idea what regulations you have to comply with to open an "aire". I have an idea for a charity I am involved with to open a couple to raise some income. They have the land near tourist routes and is ideally placed to utilise the space, but I wanted to do some background stuff first.



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Guest caraprof
Tomo3090 - 2007-08-11 8:25 AM Is there anyone out there who has any idea what regulations you have to comply with to open an "aire". I have an idea for a charity I am involved with to open a couple to raise some income. They have the land near tourist routes and is ideally placed to utilise the space, but I wanted to do some background stuff first. Thanks

I would have thought that the first port of call is your local planning officer.

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Hi tomo3090


You will first have to determine whether it is an 'aire' you wish to open or a 'CL/CS' type site.


The latter are the small five van sites operated by the Caravan Club and the Camping and Caravanning Club respectively. These two organisations are allowed to licence such sites under local authority regulations and both clubs will give you all the advice needed to do so. The Motorcaravanners Club also have this ability.


IF you wish to open an 'aire' on private land you will need to approach the local authority direct and this may require planning consent.


Dawn Rogers has been trying to open an aire on land in Pembrokeshirfe for the last couple of years (you can do a search of 'Seren Y Mor' on this forum and get the details) but the last I heard was that it was still being appealed after being refused initially.


In the same time frame I have been trying to get my local authority to open an aire here in Guisborough and, finally, we are now at the stage of a possible pilot scheme being introduced for one year. Doing this has been no easier than Dawn's application to do it on her own land!!


It would seem to me that your best route is to approach either of the clubs to see if your 'site' would be suitable for a CL/CS - and the advantage is that it would then appear on their website and in their sites book.


Best regards, David

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By way of complementing what has already been said.....


I may be out of date but when I looked at this some years ago, planning law in England permitted the temporary use of any land for any purpose for not more than 28 days in any calendar year (although some purposes are restricted to no more than 14 days in total). It is this, I think that allows farm fields etc to be used for rallies and similar events and what enabled the organisation I was with to run fete's etc.


If it still applies perhaps it would allow you to have volunteers run sites during peak holiday periods say. Not the permanent solution you want but I suppose it could give you experience and evidence which might come in useful if you later wanted to apply for a seasonal or permanent arrangement.


As said in previous posts the local authority planners and the CC and CCC should have more info.


Do let us know how get on.



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Sorry to be the bearer of bad news but Dawn Roger's appeal was turned down. this may be the end of the road for this project,I've e-mailed Dawn but so far had no reply asking if there would be further attempts. It's a shame but a sad fact that the not in my back yard crowd are alive and thriving in England. It seems to me that the way forward is possibly to do a project similar to the Caravan Club's CL site, limited to 5 'vans and bar caravans or do as many of us do and head for France.


Bill Ord

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Bill Ord - 2007-08-13 1:20 PM


Sorry to be the bearer of bad news but Dawn Roger's appeal was turned down. this may be the end of the road for this project,I've e-mailed Dawn but so far had no reply asking if there would be further attempts. It's a shame but a sad fact that the not in my back yard crowd are alive and thriving in England. It seems to me that the way forward is possibly to do a project similar to the Caravan Club's CL site, limited to 5 'vans and bar caravans or do as many of us do and head for France.


Bill Ord


Hi Bill


I'm really sorry to hear of this - although Pembrokeshire Council did contact me when I wrote in support of the application I have not heard from them since but would have expected a formal response to notify me (and all the others who had made contact with the council) of the outcome.


I can imagine how disappointed Dawn must feel and perhaps they could go down the route of a CL to have something rather than nothing.


All is not lost with my own endeavours to establish a municipal aire here in Guisborough - and if you have not been on the forum for a while you can view the progress to date here:-




It's amazing how the priorities of council's ebb and flow........


Best regards, David

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