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We're back - briefly!

Tony Jones

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We got back Friday from a great trip round eastern France - just short of 3 weeks. Some rain, but not enough to spoil anything.


We tried a couple of recipes from the old "Recipes that work in a motorhome" thread, and enjoyed them both thoroughly. In both cases we made slight modifications due to availability, but thanks to Michele for her "Prawns (Big 'uns) in garlic, and to Clive for his paella.


Off again in Hannibal tomorrow, but not strictly "holiday" this time, as we'll be spending a week at Warwick. with a gang from church (and 1300 other Baptists!).


I'll log on again when we come back.



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Not with tongues, Mel, at least, not with people I've only ...... Oh, sorry, just realised you said TONGS! Well, it's not really been the weather for cooking outside this time. We had some hot sunny days, but a fair bit of rain even in France.

And as for Warwick last week - well, it's just as well Baptists aren't afraid of water.


And now we're home again, for the foreseeable future - which doesn't mean much, as Baptists aren't into foreseeing the future either!


Let's see what's been happening on here while I've been away ...



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