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I'm referring to the sheer volume and diverse nature of equipment carried by 2 tuggers who pitched across from us in France last week. We've been at this camping caper quite a while now & thought we'd seen it all, but boy how wrong can you be? At one point there was a crowd gathering to observer it all. I swear someone took a picture... :D
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Guest JudgeMental

amusing, until you see them flat packed on a motorway...


one on site in Italy had two fridges in his awning plus contents of his entire back garden :-D


a chap at work is a tugger, and it is unbelievable what they take. this includes all bottled water and soft drinks, His Mrs does not trust the french stuff:-D

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Sorry Richard, didn't want to fill up the 1st message too much. Well it started with the basics, awnings, bbq's, cycles and the like - but then it started, OK we are 500m away from the Dordogne but out came dinghies, more air pumps than Halfords would stock, canoes, paddles & blow up sharks. Nothing too diverse there I hear you say, but the amounts were staggering bearing in mind this was only for Ma & Pa & 2.4 kids X 2 vans. Extra fridges (x3), wine decanting tackle, (bottles, funnels etc), industrial size floodlighting for the evening, (what's up with a candle?), shoe racks (!) which must have had over 30 pairs of footwear on them. Need I go on? Oh and of course, a satellite dish the size of Bolton hooked up to an LCD Tv, which my Dutch neighbours were positvely intrigued by (!)
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Guest caraprof

What's the problem? These are usually families staying on the same site for a long holiday so why shouldn't they take all the things that make life comfortable?

I just wish that I could fit an inflatable boat, a decent barbeque and a few other useful bits and bats in my motorhome.

I think that there's a bit of jealousy creeping in here!

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Guest caraprof
LordThornber - 2007-08-16 12:11 PM Who mentioned a problem? What's your view is the thread title. Still if having 3 extra fridges, (making 5 altogether) makes someones life more comfortable... Martyn (1 fridge) :D

It obviously does or presumably they wouldn't do it?

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Charles and I stayed on a campsite in Luxembourg earlier this year, and we saw this caravan with all the comforts of home! Wooden floor in the awning and a little garden with fence.

I just had to take a pic - but I was too embarrassed to do it outright as madame was sat in the awning so this one was shot from the hip so to speak. :$



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It's not just tuggers, in Germany we saw a motorhome with a washing machine installed in the rear garage - I kid you not!


Oh, and of course the caravan with several hanging baskets in the UK.


Mel B

(1 AES fridge/freezer - large fridge and good sized separate freezer compartment!) :D

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carolh - 2007-08-16 7:33 PM


Charles and I stayed on a campsite in Luxembourg earlier this year, and we saw this caravan with all the comforts of home! Wooden floor in the awning and a little garden with fence.

I just had to take a pic - but I was too embarrassed to do it outright as madame was sat in the awning so this one was shot from the hip so to speak. :$


bet she pays ground rent :D :D
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davenewell@home - 2007-08-16 8:32 PM


The only thing I find amazing about how much stuff people take in caravans and motorhomes is the total disregard for maximum weight limits 8-)





I also think big vans make you lazy, we used to have an A class - and had everything in there - winter / summer gear - like wellies - heaters and shorts flip flops n fans - so well covered for a break in the UK. [and so easy to go over the weight cos the space is there]

now have downsized to camper van - and wouldn't go back - take just what you really need and go anywhere - great - grooving in style




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Made me smile pulled up at Bourton-on-the-water last week to meet up with brother in law (tugger), parked at alloted speck next to them, steps down said hi, he looked at us in amazment and said is that it. yes we were all set up. My view it can be as easy or complicated as you wish to make it. Carol.
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As part of a little tour of Lincolnshire and Derbyshire last week we pulled up for the weekend at a THS run by the CCC. As the tuggers arrived we sat and watched whilst they set up. One couple spent half of Friday evening setting up and then recommenced on Sat morning to put up the awning which took easily a couple of hours before they were satisfied with the erection (no comments please). We thought ok if they are staying a while but no by Sunday lunch they were dismantling everything!


Not for me I like to pull on the handbrake - turn the seat round and put the kettle on - now thats what I call setting up!

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You need to coordinate your efforts more Bernie. The Memsahib puts the kettle on while I am turning the seat round - it takes us all of three seconds to set up that way.


Seriously though, this is one of the major plus points of motorhomes versus caravans for anyone choosing between the two. It makes touring holidays, especially on the continent, very much easier and therefore more pleasant and relaxing. Having moved (sideways!!) from caravans to motorhomes we would not want to go back. The facilities of a M/H suit the kind of holiday that old gits tend to enjoy - either by inclination or because they are no longer physically able to manage a caravan and its contents.


There - I finally mentioned "contents" so I'm not entirely off-post. Hope the little diversion might be interesting to anyone thinking of making the choice.

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We thought we had seen most things until the other weekend when the people in a motorhome parked not too far from us took a petrol strimmer out of their locker and trimmed the grass around their area and then raked it up , it was only a two night rally.

Then the other day on the same site as us a couple in their motorhome next to us did their washing up in a bowl resting on their step the chap doing the washing and then handing the plates inside to his partner to dry the funny thing was it was raining at the time and he was stood outside.

True what they say theres nowt as queer as folk.

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My view is that tuggers deliberately extend the arrival/leaving process in order to galvanise a load of nosey old farts into writing to motorhome forums about it.


Yes, by and large tuggers do take more gear than us, but its their own individual choice and long my it remain so. Have you ever thought what back-packers with a tent think of us?


Have fun and let others do the same in their own way.

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