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low emmision zone


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hi all im trying to find out if my 2001 fiat 2.8idtd is going to be banned from the lez ,i have typed in the reg no but it says its not valid so began to search around the tfl and the vosa site and spotted this now i am confused....


Which vehicles are eligible to obtain Low Emissions Certificates?

Vehicles that are eligible to obtain a LEC are:


Goods vehicles and passenger vehicles over 8 seats plus driver used in connection with a trade or business, including vehicles used for exceptional loads and haulage vehicles;

Vehicles where no RPC compliant solutions are available - e.g some vehicles between 3500kg and 5000kg revenue weight;

Vehicles in tax classes not eligible for RPC (e.g. private HGVs, PLG including private minibuses and motorhomes);

Vehicles which were not UK registered prior to 1 October, 2006 or first RPC tested prior to 5 January, 2001.

Note the part about motorhomes any comments or have i taken this out of context...pagey


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I also had trouble not getting a hit on my reg no so i phoned the LEZ office and got a letter back next day.


My yr 2000 MB 412 based Hymer is not compliant so I can't drive into "Town" after July next year unless I spend something like £5,000 on a custom built exhaust.


"Town" is quite large and extends to the end of my road in Ashford Middlesex. In fact Rygor my local MB dealer is in "Town" so I'll have to get the van serviced elsewhere after next summer.


Rygor tell me I have a Euro 1 engine although the LEZ office thinks its a Euro 2. Either way it makes little odds as only Euro 3 engines require no mods if I understand the matter correctly.

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hi hughmer, like you im outside but only just, mines registered 03/01 i will phone tfl on monday to ask why its not on the register i thought it might be the p/plate which came from ireland but its been on it for 2 years, i am probably just clutching at straws as its not a common rail engine.. its just a personal thing with livingstone he really winds me up i can understand the reasons why this is being brought in but why include motorhomes, i drive in london all day and have only seen 6 motorhomes this last week in london ...thanks ..pagey
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W3526602 - 2007-08-18 6:50 AM




Am I missing something? I thought anybody will be ALLOWED to drive into to town, they just have to pay the £200 entrance fee every day.






You're right,but is it WORTH £200 to drive into ?? I'm an Ex Londoner and

they would have to pay ME £200 to drive into or through 'Ken's Kingdom' these days. I feel sorry for the poor so and so's who want to move out but can't because of work commitments. It's NOT about clean air either,

It's about Political Control and POWER. 'Town' now refers to anywhere inside the M25 !!! when did Enfield vote for Ken Livingstone ??

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totally agree but who votes the a**ehole, in nobody ive ever spoken has admitted to it . There cant be that many panty wearing save the whale,museli eating,telegraph reading, people(i had to clean that bit up) in london or is there?...pagey
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pagey - 2007-08-18 8:06 PM


basil whatever gives you that impression its just that the last man with these sort of ideas started a bit of a row nr poland...pagey


Perhaps thats how he knew to liken the press to concentration camp guards, first hand knowledge! :-D :-D :-D



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